Micromecenazgo - Retrato de niña con paloma. Museo del Prado. Hazte donante.
"Retrato de niña con paloma"
Un nuevo Simon Vouet para el Museo del Prado.
Con su primera campaña de micromecenazgo, el Prado propone a sus
visitantes adquirir este retrato inédito del pintor francés Simon Vouet
(1590-1649), de quien el Museo posee ya dos obras, la Sagrada Familia
con santa Catalina (P539) y El Tiempo vencido por la Esperanza y la
Belleza (P2987). Precisamente, la mujer desnuda que representa la
Belleza (a la derecha, con una lanza en la mano), se asemeja mucho a la
modelo del Retrato de niña, si bien con unos años de diferencia.
Muchas veces la gente piensa que el arte es una cuestión que no cuesta nada y que siempre tiene que estar a nuestra disposición.
Sin embargo se olvidan de algo obvio como es que todo cuesta.
El mantenimiento del museo supone temas tan variados como la luz, los vigilantes, los restauradores de las obras etc.
A esto se suma, y no es poco, los costes de la digitalización de sus fondos, labor que, en mayor o menor grado, todos los museos grandes están realizando.
Pero también hay otra labor como es la de mejora de sus fondos.
En este caso el museo debe acceder a la obra en venta compitiendo con todos los agentes del mercado del arte.
Esta es la situación en la que se encuentra actualmente el Museo del Prado. Nos solicita una colaboración para la compra de un cuadro.
La colaboración se puede hacer de manera fácil, rápida en su página web desde 5€
¿se animan?
Pues yo sí.
No es cuestión de dinero, es, simplemente, donar, lo que , por poco que sea , es mucho.
En ( google translate)
Prado Museum
"Portrait of girl with dove" A new Simon Vouet for the Prado Museum. With its first crowdfunding campaign, the Prado proposes its visitors to acquire this unpublished portrait of the French painter Simon Vouet (1590-1649), of whom the Museum already owns two works, the Sagrada Familia with Saint Catherine (P539) and The Time Vanquished for Hope and Beauty (P2987). Precisely, the nude woman representing Beauty (on the right, with a spear in her hand), closely resembles the model of the Portrait of a girl, albeit a few years apart.
Many times people think that art is a matter that costs nothing and that always has to be at our disposal.
However, they forget something obvious as it is that everything costs.
The maintenance of the museum involves topics as varied as the light, the guards, the restorers of the works, etc.
To this is added, and it is not little, the costs of digitizing their funds, work that, to a greater or lesser degree, all large museums are doing.
But there is also another task such as improving their funds.
In this case, the museum must access the work for sale, competing with all the agents of the art market.
This is the situation in which the Prado Museum is currently located. We request a collaboration for the purchase of a painting.
The collaboration can be done easily, quickly on your website from € 5
they cheer up?
Well I do.
It is not a matter of money, it is simply to donate, which, however small, is a lot.
"Portrait of girl with dove" A new Simon Vouet for the Prado Museum. With its first crowdfunding campaign, the Prado proposes its visitors to acquire this unpublished portrait of the French painter Simon Vouet (1590-1649), of whom the Museum already owns two works, the Sagrada Familia with Saint Catherine (P539) and The Time Vanquished for Hope and Beauty (P2987). Precisely, the nude woman representing Beauty (on the right, with a spear in her hand), closely resembles the model of the Portrait of a girl, albeit a few years apart.
Many times people think that art is a matter that costs nothing and that always has to be at our disposal.
However, they forget something obvious as it is that everything costs.
The maintenance of the museum involves topics as varied as the light, the guards, the restorers of the works, etc.
To this is added, and it is not little, the costs of digitizing their funds, work that, to a greater or lesser degree, all large museums are doing.
But there is also another task such as improving their funds.
In this case, the museum must access the work for sale, competing with all the agents of the art market.
This is the situation in which the Prado Museum is currently located. We request a collaboration for the purchase of a painting.
The collaboration can be done easily, quickly on your website from € 5
they cheer up?
Well I do.
It is not a matter of money, it is simply to donate, which, however small, is a lot.