Día Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios 2020 – Patrimonio compartido . 18 de abril.
Día Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios 2020 – Patrimonio compartido
18 de abril de 2020
Comparte con nosotros tu #PatrimonioCompartido
La riqueza y variedad de tipologías que
caracterizan hoy en día al patrimonio cultural es inmensa como
consecuencia directa de la realidad cada vez más plural de los bienes
culturales. Las necesidades para su adecuada conservación y gestión
requieren atender y desarrollar la investigación, la conservación
preventiva, la restauración y el establecimiento de criterios y
metodologías para su adecuada intervención.
Para celebrar este Día Internacional de los
Monumentos y Sitios os proponemos una actividad de difusión basada en la
idea de “patrimonio compartido”. Hoy más que nunca, apostamos por
actividades virtuales para concienciar sobre la importancia de la
conservación del patrimonio.
Hoy me permitirán ustedes que, ante esta próxima celebración, hable un poco de nosotros mismos, los aficionados coleccionistas o los coleccionistas, de aquellos que, en mayor o en menor grado, en la medida de nuestras posibilidades ejercemos esta labor libre de difusión del conocer y saber.
- Este blog se publica desde 2008 y está a punto de llegar a las 3.000 entradas. Simplemente intento conseguir una primera línea de datos que animen al curioso, o incluso al estudioso, a proseguir la labor de investigación.
- Otros realizan ellos mismos una gran labor de investigación sobre fotagrafía antigua, acompañada de numerosas exposiciones de sus fondos, como es el caso de
La Colección Fernández Rivero (CFR) se compone de alrededor de 35.000
piezas fotográficas originales, que en su conjunto ofrecen una completa
visión sobre la historia de la fotografía, su faceta artística y sus
aspectos técnicos.
La CFR es una colección totalmente privada, sin ayudas públicas. La
finalidad de esta página web es la difusión de sus fondos, para
contribuir al estudio de la historia de la fotografía.
- Otros se centran, preferentemente, en una región o Comunidad Autónoma, con exposiciones frecuentes de sus fondos, como es el caso de
Fotografía antigua de Cantabria
Blog sobre fotografía antigua de Cantabria, sus fotógrafos y su coleccionismo.
- Otros dan un gran salto cualitativo de difusión artística como es el caso de foto Colectania.
Foto Colectania
es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro, creada en Barcelona en 2002, con el
objetivo de difundir la fotografía y darla a conocer en el ámbito
social, artístico y educativo de nuestro país.
- En fin, si hacen una búsqueda en la web dfoto encontrarán muchos otros ejemplos de esta labor
es un proyecto en curso para crear un directorio de archivos y
colecciones de fotografía, tanto públicas como privadas, que sirva de
instrumento de difusión del patrimonio fotográfico español, tanto
histórico como contemporáneo.
incorpora y actualiza periódicamente la información contenida en nuestra
base de datos. En estos momentos se está trabajando para incorporar
información de los centros dependientes del Ministerio de Educación,
Cultura y Deporte, y los Archivos Municipales, habiendo ya completado
los Archivos de las Diputaciones Provinciales, los Archivos Históricos
Provinciales y una muestra representativa de centros y coleccionistas
- Y, como modelo de fundación, entre las muchas que existen en este país me permito señalar la fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson .
Tiene una gran colección de arte ; COLECCIÓN MASAVEU.
Además ejerce un labor de mecenazgo directo sobre la fotografía
Con un respeto absoluto por la libertad creativa de los artistas que participan en el proyecto, la Fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson pone en marcha una iniciativa propia de largo recorrido: MIRADAS DE ASTURIAS.
Un proyecto que promueve, desde el mecenazgo, la creación de un Fondo
de obra inédita sobre Asturias y sus gentes, integrada por la visión más
personal y única de fotógrafos de prestigio.
La Fundación fue constituida por María Cristina Masaveu Peterson
en Escritura Pública de 5 de Mayo de 2006, autorizada por el notario de
Oviedo, Luis Alfonso Tejuca Pendás, bajo el nº de protocolo 1814.
María Cristina Masaveu Peterson, con notable generosidad, aportó a la
Fundación bienes dotacionales que le permiten, con una gestión sometida
a los principios de responsabilidad, optimización y prudencia, mantener
su equilibrio patrimonial y financiar todas sus actividades y proyectos
de forma autónoma e independiente, sin necesidad de recibir fondos o
subvenciones de ninguna clase, públicos o privados.
- Tampoco quiero olvidar mencionar otra fundación donde la fotografía ocupa una parte muy importante
En ( google translate)
International Day of Monuments and Sites 2020 - Shared heritage
April 18, 2020
Share with us your #SharedPatrimony
The wealth and variety of typologies that characterize cultural heritage today is immense as a direct consequence of the increasingly plural reality of cultural assets. The needs for its adequate conservation and management require attending to and developing research, preventive conservation, restoration and the establishment of criteria and methodologies for its adequate intervention.
To celebrate this International Day of Monuments and Sites we propose a dissemination activity based on the idea of "shared heritage". Today more than ever, we are committed to virtual activities to raise awareness of the importance of heritage conservation.
Today you will allow me, before this next celebration, to speak a little about ourselves, the amateur collectors or the collectors, of those who, to a greater or lesser degree, to the extent of our possibilities, exercise this free work of diffusion of knowing and know.
This blog has been published since 2008 and is about to reach 3,000 entries. I am simply trying to get a first line of data that encourages the curious, or even the studious, to continue the research.
Others carry out a great deal of research on ancient photography themselves, accompanied by numerous exhibitions of their collections, such as
The Fernández Rivero Collection (CFR) is made up of around 35,000 original photographic pieces, which together offer a complete overview of the history of photography, its artistic side and its technical aspects.
The CFR is a totally private collection, without public aid. The purpose of this website is the dissemination of its funds, to contribute to the study of the history of photography.
Others focus, preferably, on a region or Autonomous Community such as the case of
Old photograph of Cantabria
Blog about old photography of Cantabria, its photographers and its collecting.
Others make a great qualitative leap in artistic dissemination, such as the photo of Colectania.
About Foto Colectania
Foto Colectania is a non-profit entity, created in Barcelona in 2002, with the aim of spreading photography and making it known in the social, artistic and educational fields of our country.
In short, if you search the dfoto website you will find many other examples of this work
"dFoto" is an ongoing project to create a directory of photography archives and collections, both public and private, that serves as an instrument for the dissemination of Spanish photographic heritage, both historical and contemporary.
dFoto periodically incorporates and updates the information contained in our database. At the moment, work is being done to incorporate information from the centers dependent on the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, and the Municipal Archives, having already completed the Archives of the Provincial Delegations, the Provincial Historical Archives and a representative sample of centers and private collectors. .
And, as a foundation model, among the many that exist in this country, I would like to point out the María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation.
It has a great art collection; MASAVEU COLLECTION.
It also exercises direct patronage on photography
With absolute respect for the creative freedom of the artists participating in the project, the María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation launches a long-standing initiative of its own: MIRADAS DE ASTURIAS. A project that promotes, from the patronage, the creation of a Fund of unpublished work on Asturias and its people, made up of the most personal and unique vision of prestigious photographers.
The Foundation was established by María Cristina Masaveu Peterson in Public Deed of May 5, 2006, authorized by the notary of Oviedo, Luis Alfonso Tejuca Pendás, under protocol number 1814.
María Cristina Masaveu Peterson, with notable generosity, provided the Foundation with endowment assets that allow it, with a management subject to the principles of responsibility, optimization and prudence, to maintain its equity balance and finance all its activities and projects autonomously and independently, without receiving funds or subsidies of any kind, public or private.
I also don't want to forget to mention another foundation where photography occupies a very important part
Helga de Alvear Foundation.
April 18, 2020
Share with us your #SharedPatrimony
The wealth and variety of typologies that characterize cultural heritage today is immense as a direct consequence of the increasingly plural reality of cultural assets. The needs for its adequate conservation and management require attending to and developing research, preventive conservation, restoration and the establishment of criteria and methodologies for its adequate intervention.
To celebrate this International Day of Monuments and Sites we propose a dissemination activity based on the idea of "shared heritage". Today more than ever, we are committed to virtual activities to raise awareness of the importance of heritage conservation.
Today you will allow me, before this next celebration, to speak a little about ourselves, the amateur collectors or the collectors, of those who, to a greater or lesser degree, to the extent of our possibilities, exercise this free work of diffusion of knowing and know.
This blog has been published since 2008 and is about to reach 3,000 entries. I am simply trying to get a first line of data that encourages the curious, or even the studious, to continue the research.
Others carry out a great deal of research on ancient photography themselves, accompanied by numerous exhibitions of their collections, such as
The Fernández Rivero Collection (CFR) is made up of around 35,000 original photographic pieces, which together offer a complete overview of the history of photography, its artistic side and its technical aspects.
The CFR is a totally private collection, without public aid. The purpose of this website is the dissemination of its funds, to contribute to the study of the history of photography.
Others focus, preferably, on a region or Autonomous Community such as the case of
Old photograph of Cantabria
Blog about old photography of Cantabria, its photographers and its collecting.
Others make a great qualitative leap in artistic dissemination, such as the photo of Colectania.
About Foto Colectania
Foto Colectania is a non-profit entity, created in Barcelona in 2002, with the aim of spreading photography and making it known in the social, artistic and educational fields of our country.
In short, if you search the dfoto website you will find many other examples of this work
"dFoto" is an ongoing project to create a directory of photography archives and collections, both public and private, that serves as an instrument for the dissemination of Spanish photographic heritage, both historical and contemporary.
dFoto periodically incorporates and updates the information contained in our database. At the moment, work is being done to incorporate information from the centers dependent on the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, and the Municipal Archives, having already completed the Archives of the Provincial Delegations, the Provincial Historical Archives and a representative sample of centers and private collectors. .
And, as a foundation model, among the many that exist in this country, I would like to point out the María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation.
It has a great art collection; MASAVEU COLLECTION.
It also exercises direct patronage on photography
With absolute respect for the creative freedom of the artists participating in the project, the María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation launches a long-standing initiative of its own: MIRADAS DE ASTURIAS. A project that promotes, from the patronage, the creation of a Fund of unpublished work on Asturias and its people, made up of the most personal and unique vision of prestigious photographers.
The Foundation was established by María Cristina Masaveu Peterson in Public Deed of May 5, 2006, authorized by the notary of Oviedo, Luis Alfonso Tejuca Pendás, under protocol number 1814.
María Cristina Masaveu Peterson, with notable generosity, provided the Foundation with endowment assets that allow it, with a management subject to the principles of responsibility, optimization and prudence, to maintain its equity balance and finance all its activities and projects autonomously and independently, without receiving funds or subsidies of any kind, public or private.
I also don't want to forget to mention another foundation where photography occupies a very important part
Helga de Alvear Foundation.