Fotografía antigua Cerdedo Pontevedra. Fotografía antigua Trujillo. Fotografía antigua Guadalupe Plaza de los tres chorros.Dirección General de Turismo.

Fotografía que representa una pequeña plaza del pueblo de Cerdedo en Pontevedra.
En la web del Concello nos informan, en gallego:
Cerdedo é un concello situado na zona centro de Galicia
e perfectamente comunicado coas Rías Baixas (28 km) , con Santiago de
Compostela( 45 km) e Ourense (50 km). Cunha extensión duns 80
quilómetros cadrados e unha poboación de 4000 habitantes é un refuxio
ideal para os amantes da natureza, os deportes ó aire libre e a boa
mesa. Limita ó norte cos concellos da Estrada e Forcarei, ó sur con
Cotobade e Forcarei, ó este con Forcarei, e ó oeste con Campo Lameiro e
Fotografía de la Plaza Mayor de Trujillo
En la foto destaca la Iglesia de San Martín de Tours.
- Sobre la historia de esta iglesia se puede leer el documento del Cronista Oficial de Trujillo
Trujillo ha desempeñado un papel importante en la historia de Extremadura. Juan II de Castilla le concedió el título de ciudad en 1430, y de 1528 a 1804 fue la única capital provincial de Extremadura, al ser la Provincia de Trujillo la única provincia de la actual región. Trujillo fue la ciudad de nacimiento de Francisco Pizarro, conquistador del Perú, cuya escultura ecuestre, mayor símbolo de esta localidad, se levanta en la Plaza Mayor. También nació en Trujillo, en 1511, Francisco de Orellana, descubridor del río Amazonas, cuya Casa Natal, un edificio histórico del siglo XV, se encuentra situado en la Villa Medieval.
Fotografía Plaza de los tres chorros Guadalupe Cáceres
.La Plaza de los tres chorros es uno de los rincones más típicos y conocidos de Guadalupe, con una famosa fuente que data del S.XV y perteneciente al antiguo sistema de abastecimiento de agua de Guadalupe, que constituye una de las obras hidráulicas más importantes y desconocidas de la Edad Media en la Península Ibérica, conocida desde antiguo como Arca del Agua.
- Muchas de las fotos de la Dirección General de Turismo se pueden ver mediante la aplicación Google Earth
.........Serie Patronato Nacional de Turismo engloba un importante volumen de
fotografías y otra documentación gráfica: carteles de información de
actividades, folletos informativos, etc. En total, 344 cajas, que
incluyen 80.975 fotografías, 49 sobres de índices fotográficos y 7
La fracción más antigua de la serie, denominada Catálogo Monumental de España,
se realizó entre los años 1928, fecha de creación del Patronato, y
1936, momento en que las actividades de promoción del turismo quedan
interrumpidas por la Guerra Civil. Este catálogo se compone de 3.861
fotografías de diferentes lugares y tema vario, pero siempre relacionado
con la actividad turística..........
documentales del Archivo General de la Administración
Patronato Nacional
del Turismo (1928-1939).
Un capítulo aparte lo constituye el IDD (03)120.000 que
corresponde al fondo fotográfico del (mal llamado) PNT. Son 334 cajas que
incluyen 80.975 fotografías, 49 sobres de índices fotográficos y 7 álbumes. Es
el mal llamado fondo del PNT porque, no lo es tal (el PNT se liquidó al
finalizar la guerra) lo que es realmente es el gran archivo fotográfico de la
administración turística español durante décadas, ya que hay fotografías hasta
los años sesenta durante los años del MIT.
Dentro de él, se encuentra la fracción más antigua (que sí
debería llamarse PNT) y que se conoce como “Catálogo monumental de España”
compuesto por 3.861 fotografías de todo el territorio nacional tomadas por los
fotógrafos del PNT entre 1928 y1936. Está última está digitalizada.
Servicio Nacional
de Turismo (1938-1939)
Servicio Nacional de Turismo (1938-39) En la España
nacional, la ley de 30 de
enero de 1938, creaba el Servicio Nacional de Turismo (equivalente
al PNT de la España republicana) dependiente del Ministerio del Interior.
Dirección General
de Turismo (1939-1951) Por Ley de 8 de agosto de 1939 los antiguos servicios de la guerra se
convirtieron en direcciones generales, de manera que el primer organismo de administración
turística de la posguerra fue una Dirección General dentro del Ministerio de
Ministerio de Información y Turismo (1951-1977)
I ETAPA: Dirección General de Turismo (1951-1962)
II ETAPA: Subsecretaría de Turismo (1962-1967)
III ETAPA: Subsecretaría de Información y Turismo
Desaparición del Ministerio 1977
- BNE Folletos Turisticos. Tesoros al descubierto de la Biblioteca Nacional de España
En (google translator)
Three photographs taken approximately in 1950, belonging to the photographic archives of the Directorate General of Tourism representing three typical places in Spain and am bringing in one post, the three agree that the photographer missing data
While the back carries, as usual, the data location and photographed refencia photo file is not named photographer.
On the web we report the City Council, in Galician:
Cerdedo é na located one concello center and perfectly connected winged Galicia Rias Baixas (28 km), with Santiago de Compostela (45 km) and Ourense (50 km) area. Cunha extension duns cadrados 80 kilometers and 4,000 inhabitants unha poboación é ideal for lovers Refuxio you da natureza, I ea sports or outdoor table boa. Northern limits or concellos cos da Estrada and Forcarei, or e Forcarei Cotobade south, or east Forcarei, and west or e Cotobade Lameiro Countryside.
Photograph of the Plaza Mayor in Trujillo
In the photo highlights the Church of San Martin de Tours.
On the history of this church you can read the document of the Official Chronicler of Trujillo
Trujillo Wikipedia
Trujillo has played an important role in the history of Extremadura. Juan II of Castile granted the title of city in 1430, and from 1528-1804 was the only provincial capital of Extremadura, as the Province of Trujillo the only province in the current region. Trujillo was the birthplace of Francisco Pizarro, conqueror of Peru, whose equestrian sculpture greatest symbol of this town, stands in the Plaza Mayor. Also born in Trujillo, in 1511, Francisco de Orellana, discoverer of the Amazon River, whose birthplace, a historic building of the fifteenth century, is situated in the medieval town.
Photography Square three jets Guadalupe Caceres
Square .The the three jets is one of the most typical and well-known corners of Guadalupe, a famous fountain dating from the fifteenth century and belonged to the old water supply system of Guadalupe, which is one of the most important water and unknown in the Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula, known since antiquity as Ark Water.
Photos Directorate General of Tourism
Many of the photos of the Directorate General of Tourism can be viewed using the Google Earth application
......... National Tourist Board Series encompasses a large volume of photographs and other graphic documentation: information activity posters, brochures, etc. In total, 344 cases, including 80,975 photographs, photographic rates on 49 and 7 albums.
The oldest portion of the series, called Monumental catalog Spain, was conducted between 1928, the date of creation of the Board, and 1936, when the tourism promotion activities are interrupted by the Civil War. This catalog is composed of 3,861 photographs from different places and various theme, but always related to tourism ..........
Sources for a history of Spanish tourism. funds
documentaries General Administration Archive
National Tourism Board (1928-1939).
A separate chapter constitutes the IDD (03) corresponding to 120,000 photographic background (misnamed) PNT. Are 334 80.975 boxes include photographs on photographic indices 49 and 7 albums. It is the so-called bottom of the PNT because it is not so (the NTP was settled after the war) what really is the great photographic archive of Spanish tourism administration for decades, since no pictures until the sixties during the years at MIT.
Within it is the oldest fraction (which itself should be called PNT) and is known as "monumental catalog Spain" composed of 3,861 photographs of all the national territory taken by photographers between 1928 y1936 NTP. This last is digitized.
National Service of Tourism (1938-1939)
National Service of Tourism (1938-1939) Domestic Spain, the law of January 30, 1938, created the National Tourism Service (equivalent to the PNT Republican Spain) under the Ministry of Interior.
Department of Tourism (1939-1951) By Act of August 8, 1939 the old services war became general directions, so that the first tourist agency postwar administration of a directorate within the Ministry of the Interior .
Ministry of Information and Tourism (1951-1977)
PHASE I: Department of Tourism (1951-1962)
STAGE II: Department of Tourism (1962-1967)
PHASE III: Department of Information and Tourism
Disappearance of Ministry 1977
BNE Tour Brochure. Treasures uncovered from the National Library of Spain
While the back carries, as usual, the data location and photographed refencia photo file is not named photographer.
On the web we report the City Council, in Galician:
Cerdedo é na located one concello center and perfectly connected winged Galicia Rias Baixas (28 km), with Santiago de Compostela (45 km) and Ourense (50 km) area. Cunha extension duns cadrados 80 kilometers and 4,000 inhabitants unha poboación é ideal for lovers Refuxio you da natureza, I ea sports or outdoor table boa. Northern limits or concellos cos da Estrada and Forcarei, or e Forcarei Cotobade south, or east Forcarei, and west or e Cotobade Lameiro Countryside.
Photograph of the Plaza Mayor in Trujillo
In the photo highlights the Church of San Martin de Tours.
On the history of this church you can read the document of the Official Chronicler of Trujillo
Trujillo Wikipedia
Trujillo has played an important role in the history of Extremadura. Juan II of Castile granted the title of city in 1430, and from 1528-1804 was the only provincial capital of Extremadura, as the Province of Trujillo the only province in the current region. Trujillo was the birthplace of Francisco Pizarro, conqueror of Peru, whose equestrian sculpture greatest symbol of this town, stands in the Plaza Mayor. Also born in Trujillo, in 1511, Francisco de Orellana, discoverer of the Amazon River, whose birthplace, a historic building of the fifteenth century, is situated in the medieval town.
Photography Square three jets Guadalupe Caceres
Square .The the three jets is one of the most typical and well-known corners of Guadalupe, a famous fountain dating from the fifteenth century and belonged to the old water supply system of Guadalupe, which is one of the most important water and unknown in the Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula, known since antiquity as Ark Water.
Photos Directorate General of Tourism
Many of the photos of the Directorate General of Tourism can be viewed using the Google Earth application
......... National Tourist Board Series encompasses a large volume of photographs and other graphic documentation: information activity posters, brochures, etc. In total, 344 cases, including 80,975 photographs, photographic rates on 49 and 7 albums.
The oldest portion of the series, called Monumental catalog Spain, was conducted between 1928, the date of creation of the Board, and 1936, when the tourism promotion activities are interrupted by the Civil War. This catalog is composed of 3,861 photographs from different places and various theme, but always related to tourism ..........
Sources for a history of Spanish tourism. funds
documentaries General Administration Archive
National Tourism Board (1928-1939).
A separate chapter constitutes the IDD (03) corresponding to 120,000 photographic background (misnamed) PNT. Are 334 80.975 boxes include photographs on photographic indices 49 and 7 albums. It is the so-called bottom of the PNT because it is not so (the NTP was settled after the war) what really is the great photographic archive of Spanish tourism administration for decades, since no pictures until the sixties during the years at MIT.
Within it is the oldest fraction (which itself should be called PNT) and is known as "monumental catalog Spain" composed of 3,861 photographs of all the national territory taken by photographers between 1928 y1936 NTP. This last is digitized.
National Service of Tourism (1938-1939)
National Service of Tourism (1938-1939) Domestic Spain, the law of January 30, 1938, created the National Tourism Service (equivalent to the PNT Republican Spain) under the Ministry of Interior.
Department of Tourism (1939-1951) By Act of August 8, 1939 the old services war became general directions, so that the first tourist agency postwar administration of a directorate within the Ministry of the Interior .
Ministry of Information and Tourism (1951-1977)
PHASE I: Department of Tourism (1951-1962)
STAGE II: Department of Tourism (1962-1967)
PHASE III: Department of Information and Tourism
Disappearance of Ministry 1977
BNE Tour Brochure. Treasures uncovered from the National Library of Spain