(en) Vintage photography Spain Galicia.

This photo belongs to a group that I bought in Madrid, all of them representing monuments of the Ribeira Sacra in Orense.
All photos,albumens, identify the monuments in the back handwritten but in this case only is the mention of a monastery whithout place or name.
The Ribeira Sacra has numerous Romanesque monuments, as shown, and were collected by the cameras in the nineteenth century.  
The architectural photography by the ease of making it , the subject does not moves, has been a preferred subject for photographers.
The photo can be dated around 1880, maybe a little before possible.
More images from the Ribeira Sacra
About the photographer:
  • The photos are the work of photographer Martino which there is little data. It is known that Martino was brother of photographer Tome Ourense.
  •     The photographs were commissioned by the Provincial Commission of Monuments of Ourense and belong to an album consisting of 59 photographs.
  •     One of the people shown in the photos is Manuel Hermida, assistant Martino, made available for technical matters by the Provincial Monuments Commission
  •     The photos were in 1984. There were ten copies of the negatives of which are located 6 copies in poor condition.
  •     In 1899 Jose Pacheco is responsible for the reproduction of the photographs which make a new negative. It is not known if any copies of this negative.

That is not know at the moment, if for the first pictures drawn by the negative Martino or come by Jose Pacheco.These vintage albumen  photographs of Ourense Galicia, albumen, we have the following monuments in Galicia:

  •     Monastery of San Esteban de Ribas de Sil. Today is the Parador of Santo Estevo
  •     Osera Monastery. Home of the Convent.
  •     Church Entrimo
  •     Junquera de Ambia. Monastery Cloister
  •     Celanova Monastery
  •     Church of San Juan Rivadavia
  •     San Pedro de la Mezquita

Provincial Commissions of Monuments of Orense. 1895.PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OURENSE ARQUEOLÓXICOPIECE OF THE MONTHFebruary 2011Maria del Pilar Núñez Sánchez.......... The sensitivity shown by the Commission in its efforts to investigate and disseminate our rich artistic, is embodied in the task to Mr. Love and Hermida on the selection of a series of photographs to make an album with the monuments of our city and province (Cathedral, San Francisco, Ponte Maior, Celanova Monastery, Ribadavia, Santo Estevo de Ribas de Sil, Oseira, Monterrei, Santa Comba, San Pedro de Rochas, Ramiro, Augas Santas, Serantes, Allariz , Xunqueira, etc..) and distribute among students of our historical past .......