Fotografía antigua Mercado en Morelia México. Fotografo Charles Phelps Cushing. Vintage photography Morelia c. 1930 Mexico

Fotos antiguas, realizadas aproximadamente en 1930, por el foto-periodista americano Charles Phelps Cushing
La primera foto representa un vendedor de zarapas de Puebla
La segunda foto representa un mercado en Morelia capital del estado de Michoacan de Ocampo.
México por su proximidad geográfica a Estados Unidos fue un sitio visitado asiduamente por sus fotógrafos, sobre todo a mediados del siglo XX.
En la foto destacar, junto el carro situado a la derecha, la pobreza del lugar que se manifiesta incluso en el edificio que domina la imagen que parece abandonado, casi cayéndose.
En los fondos de la UC de Santa Barbara Library podemos ver parte de su obra:
Sawders [James] Photograph Collection, ca. 1930s-1950s. Approx. 890 b/w prints, most 8x10, many countries. Most taken by Charles Phelps Cushing, 51 E. 42nd St., NY (1884-1973; was a Kansas City reporter for a time, died in Bronx) and distributed by James Caleb Sawders. Sawders was an American photojournalist who travelled to China in the early 1930s, according to one website. A few photos with Sawders credit alone. A few others were taken by Jack Lewis and distributed by Sawders. (Bernath Mss 172).
- Corbis tiene fotos de Charles Phelps Cushing.
- En la subasta The National Geographic Collection: The Art of Exploration 6 December 2012 New York, Rockefeller Plaza figuro una obra de Charles Phelps Cushing:
- Brooklyn Bridge, New York City, c. 1930
gelatin silver print
date stamps, publication labels, typed credit and caption on collection label affixed (on the reverse of the mount)
image: 9½ x 7½in. (24.6 x 19.3cm.)
mount: 14 x 9in. (36 x 23.2cm.) - Charles Phelps Cushing fue editor de Stars and Stripes
- ..........In the early days of the paper 1st Lieut. Charles Phelps Cushing was our first managing editor, Capt. Franklin 1I. Adams ran a column and wrote eds and verse for us, and Lieut. Grantland Rice, hired to be sporting editor, promptly canned the sport page for the duration of the war and went off to report the front.................