Fotografía antigua Teatro Campoamor y Plaza de la Catedral Oviedo.Fotógrafo Arman
En un rastrillo de Navidad aparecen, raras veces, fotos antiguas de interés. En este caso encontré, bueno mejor decir me avisó un amigo que iban a estar en ese rastrillo, dos fotos antiguas de Oviedo de gran tamaño.
Efectivamente me presenté en la apertura del rastrillo y allí estaban dos gelatino bromuros de Arman un fotógrafo de Oviedo.
Las fotos se pueden fechar entre 1920-1930 y corresponden a dos lugares muy conocidos de Oviedo tal y como eran hacia 1920.
En el primero de ello vemos la imagen del Teatro Campoamor antes de su destrucción en 1934. La amplitud de la plaza, los paseantes nos sitúan en esos tiempos.
En la segunda de las fotos vemos una puerta lateral de la Catedral de Oviedo tapada la visión por una casa con soportales que no existe hoy día. Aqui la escena esta potenciada, en su soledad, por la imagen del perro paseando cortado por el borde de la foto.
Las fotos llevan la firma típica de Arman en blanco y como "sobrepuesta" a la propia foto.
Como muchas fotos de este fotógrafo de tamaño grande dan la sensación de haberse sobrepasado el tamaño máximo aconsejable por el negativo pero, en estos casos, la imagen no pierde por ello fuerza alguna.
Complemento el post con otras fotos de Arman a fin de conservarlas todas en un solo post.
Corresponden a otras actividades de este fotógrafo como fueron las fotos dedicadas a Covadonga y a documentar la construcción de Ensidesa en Avilés
Fotografía Teatro Campoamor Oviedo 1920
Detalles de la foto
Fotografía Plaza de la Catedral de Oviedo 1920
Firma de Arman
Siro Borrajo Montenegro y José López Salaberry proyectan en 1882 un teatro moderno, bello, y seguro.
Moderno, con planta de herradura alabada por su buena acústica, se inspira
en el Teatro de la Comedia de Madrid, incorporando columnas y antepechos de
hierro colado en los palcos y amplios salones que sustituyen a los estrechos
pasillos en curva de los viejos teatros. Como gran novedad, introduce la iluminación
El arquitecto municipal J.M.
de la Guardia como director de las obras y Conservador del Teatro Campoamor,
aporta sus propias modificaciones al proyecto original:
.......El nombre del teatro fue propuesto en la
sesión municipal del 10 de mayo de 1890 por Leopoldo Alas “Clarín”, autor de
la novela La Regenta y concejal del Ayuntamiento de Oviedo en ese período.
Propuso que el “Nuevo Teatro”, como se conocía, debía llevar el apellido del
célebre poeta naviego Don Ramón
de Campoamor,
Inauguracion del Teatro Filarmonica en 1944, el 17 de mayo, con la Orquesta Filarmónica de Berlín dirigiendo la orquesta Hans Knappertsbusch, el mejor director del mundo en aquel momento.
Para la inauguración del Teatro de la Filarmónica se pretende organizar
una velada de primera categoría, que realce la ocasión. Las pretensiones
de la Junta Directiva de la Sociedad Filarmónica se orientan hacia la
Orquesta Sinfónica de Berlín, considerada entonces como la primera
formación mundial. Iniciadas las gestiones en 1940, una vez que la obras
del nuevo teatro se inician, todavía persisten dudas y obstáculos
que salvar dos meses antes del concierto inaugural. Finalmente, la Orquesta Sinfónica
de Berlin, con Hans Knappertsbusch en la dirección y Gerardo Taschner
como violín concertino, recala en Oviedo para ofrecer dos conciertos,
los días 17 y 18 de Mayo de 1944. Debido al elevado caché que la
filarmónica debe afrontar, la Junta Directiva acuerda que éstas actuaciones
no se consideren dentro de abono, exigiéndose la adquisición de
un vale especial, para poder presenciar las dos sesiones.
- Arman fue un fotógrafo de Oviedo . En Enero de 2012 se celebró una exposición con una muestra de sus obras como motivo de la donación de su archivo por el Ayuntamiento de Oviedo
La colección, que abarca desde finales del siglo XIX
hasta los años setenta del XX, está formada por más de 10.000 obras que
pasarán a formar parte del Archivo Municipal.
Armán nació en Zamora, pero al poco tiempo su familia se
trasladó a Oviedo. Siendo joven, el artista empezó con la pintura con
paisajes y retratos, llegando a trabajar en el Museo del Prado como
copista. Pero fue con la fotografía con lo que destacó, abriendo un
estudio privado en el que trabajaba por encargo o para su propio
disfrute. A lo largo de su vida retrató Asturias y especialmente Oviedo.
«En su colección hay fotografías de la ciudad muy útiles para estudiar y
conocer cómo era la región y su sociedad en aquellos tiempos»
- Las fotos de Arman son tecnicamente correctas, pero frías, es espectador de los temas, sean paisaje o gentes que tiene delante de la cámara pero se limita a recogerlos sin más, son, sin embargo fotos bastante reproducidas en libros y prensa diaria, sobre todo las que hizo de la Basilica de Covadonga y de su entorno.
- Arman Vivir Asturias Web
...............A lo largo de su vida, aunque dedicó más atención a la capital ovetense, también retrató el resto de Asturias. Llama la atención como, entre 1954 y 1960, fotografió todo el proceso de construcción del complejo siderúrgico de Ensidesa, conocido como la «Fabricona», en Avilés, reflejando el antes y después de esta villa asturiana, el cambio que experimentó con la presencia de las instalaciones de la industria y de un nuevo poblado para sus trabajadores, Llaranes, con sus viviendas y equipamientos varios (iglesia, escuelas...). En total, 3.000 imágenes, actualmente depositadas en el Archivo Histórico de la Industria del Ayuntamiento de Avilés .................
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Vista de las instalaciones de Ensidesa en el Puerto de Aviles
Adolfo López Armán VivirAsturias
entre 1954 y 1960, fotografió todo el proceso de construcción del
complejo siderúrgico de Ensidesa, conocido como la «Fabricona», en
Avilés, reflejando el antes y después de esta villa asturiana, el
cambio que experimentó con la presencia de las instalaciones de la
industria y de un nuevo poblado para sus trabajadores, Llaranes, con
sus viviendas y equipamientos varios (iglesia, escuelas...). En
total, 3.000 imágenes, actualmente depositadas en el Archivo
Histórico de la Industria del Ayuntamiento de Avilés. .
Escuelas de Llaranes. Ensidesa
Hornos de Ensidesa Aviles
Este post actualiza y amplia post anteriores
En (google translator)
Christmas In a rake appear rarely, old photos of interest. In this case I found, well better say a friend told me they were going to be in that rake, two old photos of Oviedo large.
In fact I showed up at the opening of the rake and there were two bromides Gelatin a photographer Arman Oviedo.
The photos can be dated between 1920-1930 and correspond to two well-known places of Oviedo as they were in 1920.
In the first of this we see the image of the Campoamor Theatre before its destruction in 1934, The amplitude of the square, walkers put us at the time.
In the second photo we see a side door of the Cathedral of Oviedo vision obscured by a house with porches that does not exist today. Here the scene is enhanced, their loneliness, for walking the dog image cut by the edge of the picture.
The photos carry the typical signature of Arman and white as "overlay" to the photo itself.
As many photos of this photographer oversized give the feeling of having exceeded the maximum recommended size for the negative, but in these cases, the image does not lose any strength.
Complement the post with photos of Arman to preserve them all in one post.
Correspond to other activities of the photographer and the photos were dedicated to Covadonga and document building in Avilés Ensidesa
Campoamor theater history
Borrajo Siro and José López Salaberry Montenegro in 1882 projecting a modern, beautiful, and safe theater. Modern, with a horseshoe praised for its good acoustics, it is inspired by the Theatre of Comedy of Madrid, adding columns and cast iron railings on the balconies and spacious living rooms, replacing the narrow corridors of the old theaters curve. As a new feature, introduced electric lighting.
The city architect J. M. Guard as director of works and Conservative Campoamor Theatre, brings its own modifications to the original project:
Theater ....... The name was proposed at the council meeting of May 10, 1890 by Leopoldo Alas "Clarín", author of the novel The regent and municipal councilor in Oviedo in that period. He proposed that the "New Theatre" as it was known, was to take the name of the famous poet naviego Don Ramón de Campoamor,
Inauguration of the Philharmonic Theatre in 1944, on 17 May, with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Hans Knappertsbusch conducting the orchestra, the best director in the world at that time.
See City of Oviedo
For the opening of the Philharmonic Theatre is to organize an evening of top-notch, which enhances the chance. The claims of the Board of Directors of the Philharmonic Society are geared towards Berlin Symphony Orchestra, then regarded as the world's first training. Efforts started in 1940, once the construction of the new theater begin, there are still obstacles to overcome doubts and two months before the opening concert. Finally, the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, Hans Knappertsbusch at the address and Gerardo Taschner as concertmaster violin stops in Oviedo to offer two concerts on 17 and 18 May 1944 Due to the high cache Philharmonic facing the Board agrees that these actions are not considered in fertilizer, requiring the acquisition of a special voucher to attend both sessions.
Arman was a photographer of Oviedo. In January 2012 an exhibition was held with a sample of his work as the reason for the donation of your file by the City of Oviedo
The collection, which ranges from the late nineteenth century until the seventies of the twentieth century, consists of more than 10,000 works that will become part of the Municipal Archives. Arman was born in Zamora, but soon his family moved to Oviedo. Being young, the artist began to paint landscapes and portraits, coming to work at the Museo del Prado as a copyist. But with photography was thus emphasized, opening a private studio where he worked on request or for your own enjoyment. Throughout his life and especially portrayed Asturias Oviedo. "In his collection are photographs of the city very useful to study and understand how the region and its society was at that time '
Photos of Arman are technically correct, but cold, it's viewer issues, whether landscape or people you have in front of the camera but is limited to pick no more, they are nevertheless pretty pictures reproduced in books and newspapers, especially which made the Basilica de Covadonga and its environment.
Arman Asturias Living Web
..... The October Revolution of 1934 and then the outbreak of the Civil War in 1936, both bloody and especially virulent conflicts Oviedo became a city in ruins, were more than enough reasons to be overturned fully in their vocation photographer
............... Throughout his life, although he devoted more attention to the Spaniard capital, also portrayed the rest of Asturias. Striking as between 1954 and 1960, photographed the entire process of building Ensidesa steel complex, known as the "Fabricona" in Avilés, reflecting the before and after this Asturian town, the change experienced in the presence of industry facilities and a new village for their workers, Llaranes with their homes and various facilities (church, schools ...). In total, 3,000 images, currently deposited in the Archives of the City of Avilés Industry .................
The Center for Documentation and Archives State Historical Society (SEPI) has among its missions provide access to historical collections and publications managed. To this end, in this webpage is will incorporate information which we consider of great interest for the development of Spanish industry during much of the twentieth century, as SEPI includes in its Historical Archive funds disappeared Instituto Nacional de Industria, INI .
Library and Periodicals
Our bibliographic specialize in the following areas:
public Company
Economy and industry in general
INI Group Information
economic History
In fact I showed up at the opening of the rake and there were two bromides Gelatin a photographer Arman Oviedo.
The photos can be dated between 1920-1930 and correspond to two well-known places of Oviedo as they were in 1920.
In the first of this we see the image of the Campoamor Theatre before its destruction in 1934, The amplitude of the square, walkers put us at the time.
In the second photo we see a side door of the Cathedral of Oviedo vision obscured by a house with porches that does not exist today. Here the scene is enhanced, their loneliness, for walking the dog image cut by the edge of the picture.
The photos carry the typical signature of Arman and white as "overlay" to the photo itself.
As many photos of this photographer oversized give the feeling of having exceeded the maximum recommended size for the negative, but in these cases, the image does not lose any strength.
Complement the post with photos of Arman to preserve them all in one post.
Correspond to other activities of the photographer and the photos were dedicated to Covadonga and document building in Avilés Ensidesa
Campoamor theater history
Borrajo Siro and José López Salaberry Montenegro in 1882 projecting a modern, beautiful, and safe theater. Modern, with a horseshoe praised for its good acoustics, it is inspired by the Theatre of Comedy of Madrid, adding columns and cast iron railings on the balconies and spacious living rooms, replacing the narrow corridors of the old theaters curve. As a new feature, introduced electric lighting.
The city architect J. M. Guard as director of works and Conservative Campoamor Theatre, brings its own modifications to the original project:
Theater ....... The name was proposed at the council meeting of May 10, 1890 by Leopoldo Alas "Clarín", author of the novel The regent and municipal councilor in Oviedo in that period. He proposed that the "New Theatre" as it was known, was to take the name of the famous poet naviego Don Ramón de Campoamor,
Inauguration of the Philharmonic Theatre in 1944, on 17 May, with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Hans Knappertsbusch conducting the orchestra, the best director in the world at that time.
See City of Oviedo
For the opening of the Philharmonic Theatre is to organize an evening of top-notch, which enhances the chance. The claims of the Board of Directors of the Philharmonic Society are geared towards Berlin Symphony Orchestra, then regarded as the world's first training. Efforts started in 1940, once the construction of the new theater begin, there are still obstacles to overcome doubts and two months before the opening concert. Finally, the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, Hans Knappertsbusch at the address and Gerardo Taschner as concertmaster violin stops in Oviedo to offer two concerts on 17 and 18 May 1944 Due to the high cache Philharmonic facing the Board agrees that these actions are not considered in fertilizer, requiring the acquisition of a special voucher to attend both sessions.
Arman was a photographer of Oviedo. In January 2012 an exhibition was held with a sample of his work as the reason for the donation of your file by the City of Oviedo
The collection, which ranges from the late nineteenth century until the seventies of the twentieth century, consists of more than 10,000 works that will become part of the Municipal Archives. Arman was born in Zamora, but soon his family moved to Oviedo. Being young, the artist began to paint landscapes and portraits, coming to work at the Museo del Prado as a copyist. But with photography was thus emphasized, opening a private studio where he worked on request or for your own enjoyment. Throughout his life and especially portrayed Asturias Oviedo. "In his collection are photographs of the city very useful to study and understand how the region and its society was at that time '
Photos of Arman are technically correct, but cold, it's viewer issues, whether landscape or people you have in front of the camera but is limited to pick no more, they are nevertheless pretty pictures reproduced in books and newspapers, especially which made the Basilica de Covadonga and its environment.
Arman Asturias Living Web
..... The October Revolution of 1934 and then the outbreak of the Civil War in 1936, both bloody and especially virulent conflicts Oviedo became a city in ruins, were more than enough reasons to be overturned fully in their vocation photographer
............... Throughout his life, although he devoted more attention to the Spaniard capital, also portrayed the rest of Asturias. Striking as between 1954 and 1960, photographed the entire process of building Ensidesa steel complex, known as the "Fabricona" in Avilés, reflecting the before and after this Asturian town, the change experienced in the presence of industry facilities and a new village for their workers, Llaranes with their homes and various facilities (church, schools ...). In total, 3,000 images, currently deposited in the Archives of the City of Avilés Industry .................
The Center for Documentation and Archives State Historical Society (SEPI) has among its missions provide access to historical collections and publications managed. To this end, in this webpage is will incorporate information which we consider of great interest for the development of Spanish industry during much of the twentieth century, as SEPI includes in its Historical Archive funds disappeared Instituto Nacional de Industria, INI .
Library and Periodicals
Our bibliographic specialize in the following areas:
public Company
Economy and industry in general
INI Group Information
economic History