Exposiciones para ir a ver: La España de Laurent (1856-1886). Un paseo fotográfico por la Historia.20 de diciembre de 2018 - 3 de marzo de 2019
El Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, a través del Instituto del
Patrimonio Cultural de España, organiza, en colaboración con la
Academia, con motivo del Año Europeo del Patrimonio Cultural, la
exposición “La España de Laurent (1856-1886). Un paseo fotográfico por
la historia”.
La historia de la Casa Laurent se desarrolló en una España agitada en lo
político, en lo social, en lo militar y no menos aún en lo cultural. En
1849 se había dado por concluida la llamada segunda guerra carlista, y
tras diversos alzamientos, entre 1872 y 1876 tendría lugar la tercera.
En 1868 se produjo la revolución Gloriosa, que destronó a
Isabel II y dio paso al efímero y difícil reinado de Amadeo de Saboya,
seguido de la Primera República; mientras en Cartagena y otros
municipios murcianos estallaba la sublevación cantonal. El colapso
político dio paso a la dictadura de Serrano y seguidamente al ascenso al
trono de Alfonso XII.
En este contexto, la fotografía de Jean Laurent y sus colaboradores no será tanto el reflejo de los acontecimientos como el verdadero retrato de un país, una cultura, unos paisajes y un espectacular conjunto monumental que aquel fotógrafo supo captar con sensibilidad de artista y explotar comercialmente con inteligencia de empresario
En este contexto, la fotografía de Jean Laurent y sus colaboradores no será tanto el reflejo de los acontecimientos como el verdadero retrato de un país, una cultura, unos paisajes y un espectacular conjunto monumental que aquel fotógrafo supo captar con sensibilidad de artista y explotar comercialmente con inteligencia de empresario
Jean Laurent. Un fotógrafo y su empresa, 1816-1886. Helena Pérez Gallardo
En (google translate)
Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
The Ministry of Culture and Sports, through the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain, organizes, in collaboration with the Academy, on the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the exhibition "La España de Laurent (1856-1886). A photographic journey through history ".
The history of the Laurent House was developed in a Spain that is agitated politically, socially, militarily and culturally. In 1849 the so-called second Carlist war was over, and after several uprisings, between 1872 and 1876 the third one would take place. In 1868 there was the Glorious Revolution, which dethroned Elizabeth II and gave way to the ephemeral and difficult reign of Amadeo de Saboya, followed by the First Republic; while in Cartagena and other municipalities Murcia burst the cantonal uprising. The political collapse gave way to the dictatorship of Serrano and then to the accession to the throne of Alfonso XII.
In this context, the photography of Jean Laurent and his collaborators will not be as much the reflection of the events as the true portrait of a country, a culture, landscapes and a spectacular monumental set that that photographer knew how to capture with the sensitivity of an artist and exploit commercially with business intelligence
The Ministry of Culture and Sports, through the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain, organizes, in collaboration with the Academy, on the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the exhibition "La España de Laurent (1856-1886). A photographic journey through history ".
The history of the Laurent House was developed in a Spain that is agitated politically, socially, militarily and culturally. In 1849 the so-called second Carlist war was over, and after several uprisings, between 1872 and 1876 the third one would take place. In 1868 there was the Glorious Revolution, which dethroned Elizabeth II and gave way to the ephemeral and difficult reign of Amadeo de Saboya, followed by the First Republic; while in Cartagena and other municipalities Murcia burst the cantonal uprising. The political collapse gave way to the dictatorship of Serrano and then to the accession to the throne of Alfonso XII.
In this context, the photography of Jean Laurent and his collaborators will not be as much the reflection of the events as the true portrait of a country, a culture, landscapes and a spectacular monumental set that that photographer knew how to capture with the sensitivity of an artist and exploit commercially with business intelligence