(en) Photographer Neuerdein. Vintage photography Tlemcen. Algeria

The first of this photos is "La Mosquée de Abd-ul-Hassem".

The second photo is "Entrée du Méchouar".

Both photos are of the 1860's. The photographers Neuerdien (brothers) held a very well known studio in France. Both brothers work in different issues. One was focused in the portrait and administration (Etienne Neuerdien) and the other one (Louis Antonin Neuerdien) travel a lot and took pictures from different places to be sold in Europe.

This means that both of these pictures probably belong to Louis-Antonin Neuerdien because these are pictures of Algeria.

Their photos were sold under the name of X photo. The pictures were signed with N. D. One of their important works was to took pictures of monuments, castles and churches of France. His labour was recognized by the Goverment of France. They worked until 1915.

The archives of the Neuerdein brothers (Frères Neuerdein) are included in the Michael project (Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe).

L'Institut national d'histoire de l'art INHA

L'Institut national d'histoire de l'art est un établissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel (EPSCP), destiné à promouvoir la recherche scientifique en histoire de l'art. Il est placé sous la double tutelle des ministères de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche et de la Culture et de la Communication.

Collection Photographies Neuerdein