(en) Vintage photography fish factory cannery. Spain, Vigo 1935
We can see women at work in a cannery in Vigo, north of Spain
- Cefvigo photographs Galicia
- Full images of the album
- Canning Wikipedia
- This album shows the different parts of the Albo factory built in the city of Vigo in 1929 by architect Genaro de la Fuente and Dominguez Street corner Jacinto Benavente Peace Street. . This building, the outside looks like a civil works while hidden inside the cannery.Genaro de la Fuente was also the author of Mondariz Spa opened in 1898. Feliciano Pardo would be an outstanding photographer said Balneario.El building is preserved today.The photos run through the different rooms of the factory workers in them we see that, on occasion, seem to pose for the photographer.Also if we look closely we see in many of the pictures the figure of a man wearing a cap I guess is the manager of the factory.As we see easily in these canneries staff worker was essentially feminine.Children of Carlos Albo is one such company characteristics, the most traditional perhaps, in the field of Canned Fish.It was founded in 1869 under the name of Albo, Arredondo y Cia in Santona, one of the most traditional fishing ports of the Cantabrian coast, and its founder was Carlos Albo Kay.The company was very small scale and artisan, producing salted anchovies and pickles, to progressively increase their activity and start at the beginning of the century, which meant real apertizada retains a remarkable development of its production, reaching up to nine factories implemented along along the coast of Biscay, necessity imposed by the absence of cold technology and therefore closer to the ports of greater input of fresh fish.Currently, Children of Carlos Albo has 5 factories in full operation in Vigo (central), Cillero in Galicia, Cantabria Santoña, Candas and Tapia de Casariego in Asturias.On the history of the house Albo can read the work of D. Luis J. Escudero entitled "The first manufacturers of the canning industry in Santoña which informs us that the origin of the signing of Carlos Albo Sons is in 1887 when Carlos Albo said town is associated with d. Manuel Arredondo. Carlos Albo Kay, born in 1848, was a native of Bordeaux son of Cantabrian and English. Established in Santona in the 1870.
www.albo.esCivil architecture in Pontevedra.