Foto antigua San Sebastián .Fotógrafo Lladó

Foto antigua que representa una vista parcial de la bahia de la Concha en San Sebastian, con la Isla de Santa Clara en primer término y, al fondo, el monte Igueldo.
Al dorso lleva el sello del Archivo Lladó.
De este fotógrafo he conseguido pocos datos si bien su nombre aparece en diferentes libros de historia de la fotografía pero como mera cita entre archivos históricos de principios del siglo XX.
Sin embargo con cierta frecuencia aparecen fotos suyas en el mercado.
Parte de las fotos de este archivo estan incluidas en los fondos que tiene el Archivo General del Estado.
Catalogo Monumental de España
Fotos San Sebastián
En (google translator)
Fotos San Sebastián
En (google translator)
Old photo showing a partial view of the bay of La Concha in San Sebastian, with the island of Santa Clara in the foreground and the background, Mount Igueldo.
The back bears the stamp of Lladó Archive.
This photographer I've gotten little data although his name appears in several books on the history of photography but as a mere historical meeting between the early twentieth century.
However quite often his photos appear in the market.
Some of the photos included in this file are the funds that have the General State Archives.
Monumental Catalogue of Spain
Photos San Sebastián
The back bears the stamp of Lladó Archive.
This photographer I've gotten little data although his name appears in several books on the history of photography but as a mere historical meeting between the early twentieth century.
However quite often his photos appear in the market.
Some of the photos included in this file are the funds that have the General State Archives.
Monumental Catalogue of Spain
Photos San Sebastián