Coleccionismo fotográfico. Búsqueda de autor . Álbum Certosa di Pavia

Cuando se hace una colección de fotografia antigua es, relativamente, frecuente encontrarnos con fotos que nos gustan y/o vemos de calidad e incorporamos a nuestra coleccion. 
Esta es una situacion normal que es lógica dado el elevado número de fotógrafos que no se preocuparon , en toda o parte de su vida en firmar sus obras.
Otras veces, sin embargo, el interés para localizar el autor es mas fuerte, en mi caso sucede con los albumes de fotos y mas concretamente con el album de fotos de Certosa di Pavia.
Album cuyas fotos me gustan y me parecen de calidad, obra de un pionero de la fotografía.

El álbum esta formado por 18 fotografías en muy buen estado de conservación y, salvo el nombre del lugar en la portada,no figura dato alguno del fotógrafo.
En algunas de las fotos se pueden ver los monjes cartujos del monasterio, en otras diferentes partes del edificio

Pues bien comprado el álbum en Francia empecé la busqueda del autor.
Como es habitual lo primero es fechar lo mas aproximadamente las fotos. Consultado con un  coleccionista  de USA me indica la fecha 1860 como la más posible.
A continuación hice la gestión con el Museo Alinari consiguiendo contestación, cosa que no sucede todas las veces, fechándolo también  en 1860.
Estamos pues ante fotos de lo que pudiéramos llamar primera época de la fotografía. ( varía este concepto unos lo situan en 1860 otros lo bajan a 1850)
Ni uno ni otro supieron indicarme el fotografo.
Pregunté a continuación a 
  • Monasterio de Certosa di Pavia
  • Biblioteca de Milan
  • Biblioteca Ambrosiana
  • Biblioteca de Pavia
  • Centro Canadiense de Arquitectura
  • Museo Albertina. Que fue el unico que me dio algun dato
.............Two photographers of Milan worked at the Certosa of Pavia in the late 1850:
Luigi Sacchi and Pompeo Pozzi. A photo album with photographs of both is now in the Albertina Photo Collection in Vienna, from the archiduke Maximilian's collection. About it you can see Monika Faber's book The eye and the camera : the Albertina collection of photographs, Paris, Seuil, 2003. Nevertheless, other photographers, not lombard, worked in these years in Pavia, like Giorgio Sommer. The proceedings of a Colloquium held at the Certosa two years ago are now in press (with a contribution of Dario Trento, professor of Art History in Brera Academy, on the Albertina album)...........
En el Museo Getty tampoco conseguí dato alguno, me dirigieron a dos Profesores de Universidades Americanas como expertos en fotos de Italia de esos años de los que no consegui contestación alguna 
En fin, para no cansar,  al final contacté con otros museos y bibliotecas, sobre todo de Italia, y finalmente dí con un coleccionista italiano de fotos antiguas de la Certosa di Pavia que no tenía ni idea del fotógrafo pero tenía-curioso- mucho interés en comprarme el álbum.
Dicho esto estoy pensando que me toca seguir la investigación pues ya han pasado algunos años y quizás encuentre nuevos datos vía internet.
Si tiene alguna idea del fotógrafo o algún contacto a quien pueda preguntar sobre el fotógrafo autor de este álbum por favor contacte conmigo.

Collecting photography. In search of the author of the photo album Certosa di Pavia

When a collection of old photographs is done is relatively common to find pictures that we like or have good quality and we have incorporated into our collection.
This is a normal situation that is logical given the large number of photographers who did not care, in whole or part of his life to sign his works.
Other times, however, the interest in locating the author is stronger, in my case it happens to photo albums and more specifically to the photo album of Certosa di Pavia.
Album whose photos I do like and I see the quality work of a pioneering photographer.
The album consists of 18 photographs in very good condition and, except from the place name on the cover, does not include any information of the photographer.
In some pictures you can see the Carthusian monks of the monastery, in other different parts of the building. 

Once bought the album in France I began the search for the author.
As usual the first thing is dating the most about the photos. In contact with a American collector, he answered me  the 1860 date as the most likely.
Then I did manage to ask the same question, and I got an answer ,  with the Alinari Museum, which does not happen every time, and also te museum dated the albim in  1860.
We are therefore in front of pictures of what we might call early days of photography. (Varies this concept about what others put down in 1860 to 1850)
I still had no indication about the photographer.
Then I asked to

  •   Certosa di Pavia Monastery
  •   Milan Library
  •   Biblioteca Ambrosiana
  •   Library of Pavia
  •   Canadian Centre for Architecture
  •   Albertina Museum. That was the only one who gave me some data

.........Two photographers of Milan ............. work at the Certosa of Pavia in the late 1850:
Sacchi and Pompeo Luigi Pozzi. A photo album with photographs of both is now in the Albertina Collection in Vienna Photo, from the archiduke Maximilian's collection. About it you can see Monika Faber's book "The eye and the camera: the Albertina collection of photographs, Paris, Seuil, 2003". Nevertheless, Other photographers, NOT lombard, Work in These Years in Pavia, like Giorgio Sommer.
The proceedings of a Colloquium held at the Certosa Are two years ago now in press (with a contribution of Dario Trento, professor of Art History in Brera Academy, on the album Albertine )...........

From The Getty Museum  I got no data at all, except the name of two professors of American Universities as experts in Photos of Italy of those years .  I do not got any reply from my mails.
I contacted other museums and libraries, especially in Italy, and finally I reached an Italian collector of  old and vintage photographs  of the Certosa di Pavia who had no idea of ​​the photographer but he was "curiously", keen to buy the album.
That makes me think that I have to continue the investigation since some years have passed and perhaps I may find new data via the Internet.
If you have any idea of ​​the photographer or any contact to whom I could  ask about the photographer's name as the author of this album please contact me.