Fotografía antigua. Residencias y casas campestres Americanas siglo XIX Fotógrafo Albert Levy American country residences vintage photography Albert Levy Halic Collection

Se esta celebrando en Madrid, en la Fundación Mapfre en su sala de Azca, la exposición de fotógrafo americano William Christenberry

Este fotógrafo señala la importancia que tuvo en su fotografía la obra de Walker Evans en su visión de America, especialmente del paisaje rural
  • Obra de Walker Evans en el Met

Ca' d'Zan, Residence of John and Mable Ringling, Near Sarasota, Florida]

Pues bien existe otro antecedente, otro fotógrafo, Albert Levy que recogió las construcciones rurales americanas, muchas de ellas obra de grandes arquitectos,como podemos ver en la excelente web de la Halic en el Art Institute of Chicago.

Recordemos que hubo una gran labor documental en los primeros años de la fotografía centrada en los monumentos más importantes del mundo, sobre todo de Francia, Italia y Oriente Medio.

Pero tambíen otra parte de los fotógrafos fueron fuente documental para los arquitectos de todo el mundo, es de destacar en este punto la labor efectuada desde París por la

.........L'École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts forme un vaste ensemble architectural, situé face au Musée du Louvre, au cœur de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, compris entre le quai Malaquais et la rue Bonaparte. Etablissement public à caractère administratif, sous tutelle du Ministère de la culture et de la communication, l'ENSBA a pour mission première la formation des étudiants se destinant à la création artistique de haut niveau.
Héritière de l’Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture fondée au XVIIe siècle par Louis XIV, elle demeure un haut lieu de rencontre entre la création, le patrimoine et l’histoire, et occupe une place essentielle sur la scène artistique et culturelle

La importancia documental de Albert Levy radica, ademas de la calidad de sus fotos, en la sistematización de los datos de las fotos pues las organiza en series con identificación del lugar, propietario y arquitecto de las residencias. 

Sus álbumes de fotografías estan dedicados principalmente a un público profesional, a los arquitectos de su tiempo,que, merced a su labor fueron capaces de conocer las obras de otros continentes


Consisting of approximately 11,000 images that document the architecture, landscape and urban planning of sites across the United States—with a particular emphasis on Chicago and its suburbs—and, to a lesser extent, internationally, The Historic Architecture and Landscape Image collection, or HALIC, contains mounted photographic prints, lantern slides (both black and white and hand-colored), and postcards dating from the 1860s to the 1970

Title/Project Name Appleton, Thomas G., Residence
Street Address/Neighborhood Catherine St.
City Newport
State/Province Rhode Island
Country United States
Date Designed or Built 1871-1876
Architect/Designer/Creator Hunt, Richard Morris
Date of View 1883-1895
View or Detail Type Exterior
Image Notes rear view from the lawn; demolished; from Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series, Series 2, No. 209
Caption/Inscription Text BLC: 209
Photographer Levy, Albert [New York City]
Archival Collection Name Historic Architecture and Landscape Image Collection

Website URL

Alternate Title/Project Name Baldwin, C.C., Residence
Street Address/Neighborhood Bellevue Ave.
City Newport
State/Province Rhode Island
Country United States
Date Designed or Built 1880-1881
Architect/Designer/Creator Post, George Browne
Date of View 1883-1895
View or Detail Type Exterior
Image Notes perspective view from the street; from Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series, Series 2, No. 156
Caption/Inscription Text BLC: 156
Photographer Levy, Albert [New York City]
Archival Collection Name Historic Architecture and Landscape Image Collection
Archival Subcollection Name Architecture Photograph Collection
Provenance Gift of Pond and Pond
Original Format Type Photograph
Color Type Toned
Physical Notes good
Location of Original MPDrawer 14
Reference Sources "Architectural Heritage of Newport", pl. 195
Website URL
Title/Project Name Residence
Alternate Title/Project Name Country House No. 3
Street Address/Neighborhood 101 Forest Hill St.
City Boston [Jamaica Plain]
State/Province Massachusetts
Country United States
Date Designed or Built c.1880
Architect/Designer/Creator Emerson, William Ralph
Date of View 1883-1895
View or Detail Type Exterior
Image Notes view from across the street with man at left of image leaning on fence and child at right; from Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series, Series 2, No. 184
Caption/Inscription Text BLC: 184
Photographer Levy, Albert [New York City]
Archival Collection Name Historic Architecture and Landscape Image Collection
Archival Subcollection Name Architecture Photograph Collection
Provenance Gift of Pond and Pond
Original Format Type Photograph
Color Type B&W
Physical Notes good
Location of Original MPDrawer 2
Reference Sources "Built in Boston" 68
Website URL
Title/Project Name Residence
Alternate Title/Project Name Residence No. 7
Street Address/Neighborhood 1 Melville Ave.
City Boston [Dorchester]
State/Province Massachusetts
Country United States
Date Designed or Built 1880
Architect/Designer/Creator Cabot and Chandler
Date of View 1883-1895
View or Detail Type Exterior
Image Notes front; from Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series, Series 2, No. 204; demolished
Caption/Inscription Text BLC: 204;written verso TLC: II - 204
Photographer Levy, Albert [New York City]
Archival Collection Name Historic Architecture and Landscape Image Collection
Archival Subcollection Name Architecture Photograph Collection
Provenance Gift of Pond and Pond
Original Format Type Photograph
Color Type Toned
Physical Notes good
Location of Original MPDrawer 2
Reference Sources "Built in Boston" 62-63
Website URL
Title/Project Name Residence
Alternate Title/Project Name Country House No.1
Street Address/Neighborhood Pride's Crossing
City Beverly
State/Province Massachusetts
Country United States
Date Designed or Built c.1870-1880
Date of View 1883-1895
View or Detail Type Exterior
Image Notes from Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series, Series 2, No. 200
Caption/Inscription Text BLC: 200
Photographer Levy, Albert [New York City]
Archival Collection Name Historic Architecture and Landscape Image Collection
Archival Subcollection Name Architecture Photograph Collection
Provenance Gift of Pond and Pond
Original Format Type Photograph
Color Type Toned
Physical Notes good
Location of Original MPDrawer 1
Website URL
Title/Project Name Residence with store on ground floor
City Boston [Dorchester]
State/Province Massachusetts
Country United States
Date Designed or Built c.1870s
Architect/Designer/Creator Lewis, W. Whitney
Date of View c.1880s-1890s
View or Detail Type Exterior
Image Notes view from across the corner with children at BLC and person in first floor window
Caption/Inscription Text written BRC: 23769
Photographer Levy, Albert [New York City] [?]
Archival Collection Name Historic Architecture and Landscape Image Collection
Archival Subcollection Name Architecture Photograph Collection
Provenance Gift
Original Format Type Photograph
Color Type Toned
Physical Notes good, board crumbling
Location of Original MPDrawer 2
Reference Sources not in AIA, "Built in Boston", "Lost Boston", or Burnham Index
Website URL

Recordemos también, ya comentado anterioremente, la labor de la famosa editorial dedicada a la arquitectura Andre, Daly fils&Cie que, además de libros con grabados , publicó diferentes tratados, álbumes, con fotografías de arquitectura entre ellos alguno del mencionado Albert Levy
  • Cesar Daly realizó, entre otras obras editoriales,la Revue Genérale de L,Architecture et des Travaux Publics.

  • Fondée dès 1840 par César Daly (1811-1894), l’un des plus importants architectes français du XIXe siècle, la Revue générale de l’architecture et des travaux publics est la revue la plus ancienne de la collection la bibliothèque de la Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine. Considérée comme un modèle pour toutes les grandes revues d’architecture qui vont suivre, elle s’adressait à un vaste public, architectes, ingénieurs et archéologues, et a considérablement marqué la scène architecturale à l’aube du XXe siècle en publiant un grand nombre d’édifices de son époque. Aujourd’hui elle est très appréciée chercheurs et des étudiants en architecture pour ses articles de fonds et la richesse de son iconographie.

  • Véase la informacion sobre su contenido en la biblioteca del  COAM.La revista está ilustrada con numerosos grabados y muy buenas cromolitografías.  Se encuentra con facilidad en el mercado ( abebooks por ejemplo) a un precio excelente dado el número de unos-grabados- y otras-cromolitografias-que contiene cada ejemplar. 