Link. Archivos. Explore over 18,000 Photographs from the Bureau of Indian Affairs . U. S. National Archives



Explore over 18,000 Photographs from the Bureau of Indian Affairs



This is a living project that will continue to grow and evolve as NARA digitizes more photographs from the BIA records

Therefore, some Tribal Nations, topics, and geographic areas may not be fully represented. As NARA digitizes and makes more photographs publicly accessible, they will be made available through this project.

Captions for, and the terms used to describe, the photographs in these records were created at about the time each image was captured.

Some of the terms used at the time may now be considered to be outdated, inaccurate, derogatory, disrespectful, or culturally insensitive. NARA does not alter, edit, or modify original captions, as they are part of the historical record and reflect and document the standard language, attitudes, and biases at the time.


Los subtítulos y los términos utilizados para describir las fotografías de estos registros se crearon aproximadamente en el momento en que se capturó cada imagen. 

 Algunos de los términos utilizados en ese momento pueden considerarse ahora obsoletos, inexactos, despectivos, irrespetuosos o culturalmente insensibles. NARA no altera, edita ni modifica los subtítulos originales, ya que son parte del registro histórico y reflejan y documentan el lenguaje estándar, las actitudes y los prejuicios en ese momento.