Fotógrafo Sánchez. Fotografía Antigua Alicante. Castell de Guadalete. Vintage photography Alicante Spain. c. 1950

Francisco Sánchez fue el fotógrafo de Alicante más famoso en la primera mitad del siglo XX, se especializó en retratos pero también recogió con sus cámara los mas importantes sitios de Alicante.
El archivo de la Administración General del Estado en Alcalá de Henares guarda los fondos fotográficos del Archivo de la Dirección General de Turismo
El archivo de la Administración General del Estado en Alcalá de Henares guarda los fondos fotográficos del Archivo de la Dirección General de Turismo
Los archivos fotográficos de Francisco Sánchez se encuentran en las colecciones fotográficas del Archivo Municipal de Alicante.
- Catálogo Monumental de España
- ...La Serie Patronato Nacional de Turismo engloba un importante volumen de fotografías y otra documentación gráfica: carteles de información de actividades, folletos informativos, etc. En total, 344 cajas, que incluyen 80.975 fotografías, 49 sobres de índices fotográficos y 7 álbumes.La fracción más antigua de la serie, denominada Catálogo Monumental de España, se realizó entre los años 1928, fecha de creación del Patronato, y 1936, momento en que las actividades de promoción del turismo quedan interrumpidas por la Guerra Civil. Este catálogo se compone de 3.861 fotografías de diferentes lugares y tema vario, pero siempre relacionado con la actividad turística.El carácter geográfico del Catálogo Monumental de España, convierte a esta serie en un conjunto idóneo para mostrar a través de google earth, permitiendo una búsqueda rápida, intuitiva y visualmente muy atractiva para el usuario.........
Francisco Sánchez nació en Alicante el 3 de marzo de 1905
y aprendió el oficio de fotógrafo de su padre. La familia regentó el
laboratorio y tienda, Casa Sánchez, muy popular en la Calle Mayor. Este
maestro de la fotografía se formó, además, con la realización de
innumerables reportajes.
Sánchez formó parte de una generación irrepetible de
fotógrafos alicantinos, entre los que se puede citar a Eugenio Bañón,
Gregorio Hernández Goyo, José Luis Jiménez Tanito, Rafael Llorca y Pedro
Sus fotos nos muestran como era el litoral alicantino antes de la llegada masiva del turismo.
• En 1990, el Ayuntamiento compró el archivo del prestigioso fotógrafo a
sus herededos. Francisco Sánchez nació en Alicante, en marzo de 1905.
El magnífico fondo de Sánchez comprende alrededor de 30.000 instantáneas
que reflejan su trayectoria profesional entre 1930 y 1974
Sus fotos forman parte del Archivo de la Dirección General de Turismo, de libros de turismo, de carteles.
- Exposición Alicante y la vela: fotografías de Francisco Sánchez. Archivo Municipal Alicante
- "Cultura y tradición alicantina. Fotografías de Francisco Sánchez Ors (Alicante 1905-1974)" es el título de la exposición que se inauguró ayer en la sala de la Lonja de Alicante, donde permanecerá hasta el 24 de enero. La muestra nace de la intención de Alicante Cultura de conservar y difundir el material fotográfico que alberga el Archivo Municipal. La hija de Francisco Sánchez Ors, María Dolores Sánchez, asistió ayer al acto de inauguración de esta muestra, integrada por 60 fotografías de gran formato en blanco y negro que dan forma a una brillante crónica de la ciudad a lo largo de las décadas de los años cuarenta y cincuenta. Las imágenes sobre fiestas y tradiciones populares alicantinas descubren una parte del reconocido legado del fotógrafo alicantino Francisco Sánchez Ors.
Esta foto tiene un tamaño superior al habitual y, por datos al dorso, parece haber sido presentada a un concurso.
fotos de Francisco Sánchez, conservadas en el Archivo Municipal de
Alicante se pueden ver pues dichos fondos se encuentran digitalizados
Las colecciones fotográficas del Archivo Municipal
Una imagen es el mejor testimonio vivo para recordar presente y
pasado sobre sucesos, circunstancias o personajes, de ahí el interés
municipal por recuperar y conservar la memoria gráfica de la ciudad de
Alicante. Las colecciones fotográficas obtenidas mediante la admisión de
donaciones de particulares o la compra por parte del Ayuntamiento de
la ciudad, están haciendo posible que cada vez sea más sencillo ahondar
en nuestra historia.
El Archivo Municipal custodio del patrimonio fotográfico alicantino
conserva, a día de hoy, las colecciones de fotógrafos profesionales y
aficionados. Es de agradecer la generosidad que los alicantinos, debido
a sus donaciones tanto de unidades sueltas como de colecciones, estén
haciendo posible la narración y exposición de acontecimientos dignos del
Francisco Sánchez Ors (1905, Alicante - 1974, Alicante). Es el gran
notario gráfico del Alicante del siglo XX. Su labor se extiende desde
los años treinta hasta su fallecimiento. Miembro de una familia de
fotógrafos, tenía una tienda en la calle Mayor. Obtuvo muchos premios en
distintos concursos.
- Fondos graficos Ayuntamiento Alicante
- Patronato Nacional de Turismo Wikipedia
- Wikipedia Alicante
- Botijo wikipedia
En (google translator)
This picture shows the remains of Castell de Guadalete 8 km from Denia. The photograph is placed on the usual cardboard Archives Department of Tourism. The date of this photograph is about 194th.
Francisco Sanchez was the most famous photographer of Alicante in the first half of the twentieth century, he specialized in portraits but also picked up his camera the most important sites of Alicante.
An archive of the Central Government in Alcala de Henares saves Archive photographic collection of the Directorate General of Tourism
The photographic archives of Francisco Sanchez found in photographic collections of the Municipal Archives of Alicante.
See link Alicante Town Hall
Photos Directorate General of Tourism
Monumental catalog Spain
Series ... The National Tourism Board encompasses a large volume of photographs and other graphic documentation: information activity posters, brochures, etc. In total, 344 cases, including 80,975 photographs, photographic rates on 49 and 7 albums.
The oldest portion of the series, called Monumental catalog Spain, was conducted between 1928, the date of creation of the Board, and 1936, when the tourism promotion activities are interrupted by the Civil War. This catalog is composed of 3,861 photographs from different places and various theme, but always related to tourism.
The geographical nature of the Monumental catalog Spain, makes this series an ideal set to show through google earth, allowing rapid, intuitive and visually appealing user search .........
Francisco Sánchez was born in Alicante on 3 March 1905 and trained as a photographer of his father. The family I run a very popular laboratory and shop, Sanchez House, on Main Street. This master photographer was also formed with the realization of countless stories.
Sanchez was part of a unique generation of photographers Alicante, among which we can mention Eugenio Bañón, Goyo Gregorio Hernández, José Luis Jiménez Tanito, Rafael Llorca and Peter Thomas.
His photos show us how was the Alicante coast before the arrival of mass tourism.
• In 1990, the City purchased the file to your heirs, renowned photographer. Francisco Sánchez was born in Alicante in March 1905 Gorgeous Sánchez fund comprises about 30,000 snapshots that reflect his career between 1930 and 1974
Your photos are part of the Archives of the Directorate General of Tourism, tourist books, posters.
Alicante and sailing Exhibition: Photographs by Francisco Sánchez. Municipal Archives Alicante
"Culture and tradition Alicante. Photographs Francisco Sánchez Ors (1905-1974 Alicante)" is the title of the exhibition that opened yesterday in the hall of the Lonja de Alicante, where he remained until January 24. The sample comes from the intention of Alicante Culture to preserve and disseminate the photographic material that houses the Municipal Archives. The daughter of Francisco Sánchez Ors, María Dolores Sánchez, yesterday attended the opening ceremony of this exhibition comprising 60 large-format photographs in black and white that shape a brilliant chronicle of the city over the decades of the forties and fifties. The images on festivals and popular traditions alicantinas discover a part of renowned photographer Alicante legacy of Francisco Sánchez Ors.
This photo has a higher than usual size, and data on the back, seems to have been brought to a contest.
Photos of Francisco Sánchez, preserved in the Municipal Archives of Alicante can be viewed as such funds are digitized
The photographic collections of the Municipal Archives
An image is the best living witness to remember about past and present events, circumstances or characters, hence the municipal interest to recover and conserve graphics memory of the city of Alicante. The photographic collections obtained by the admission of private donations or purchase by the City Council, are enabling increasingly easier to delve into our history.
The custodian of the Alicante Municipal Archives photographic heritage preserved today, collections of professional and amateur photographers. It is appreciated that the Alicante generosity because their donations both single units and collections, are making possible the narration and exposition of events worthy of remembrance.
Francisco Sánchez Ors (1905, Alicante - 1974, Alicante). It is the great graphic Alicante notary twentieth century. Their work extends from the thirties until his death. Member of a family of photographers, had a shop on Main Street. He received many awards in various competitions.
View collection
Desktop graphics Alicante Town Hall
Wikipedia National Tourist Board
Wikipedia Alicante
wikipedia Botijo
Francisco Sanchez was the most famous photographer of Alicante in the first half of the twentieth century, he specialized in portraits but also picked up his camera the most important sites of Alicante.
An archive of the Central Government in Alcala de Henares saves Archive photographic collection of the Directorate General of Tourism
The photographic archives of Francisco Sanchez found in photographic collections of the Municipal Archives of Alicante.
See link Alicante Town Hall
Photos Directorate General of Tourism
Monumental catalog Spain
Series ... The National Tourism Board encompasses a large volume of photographs and other graphic documentation: information activity posters, brochures, etc. In total, 344 cases, including 80,975 photographs, photographic rates on 49 and 7 albums.
The oldest portion of the series, called Monumental catalog Spain, was conducted between 1928, the date of creation of the Board, and 1936, when the tourism promotion activities are interrupted by the Civil War. This catalog is composed of 3,861 photographs from different places and various theme, but always related to tourism.
The geographical nature of the Monumental catalog Spain, makes this series an ideal set to show through google earth, allowing rapid, intuitive and visually appealing user search .........
Francisco Sánchez was born in Alicante on 3 March 1905 and trained as a photographer of his father. The family I run a very popular laboratory and shop, Sanchez House, on Main Street. This master photographer was also formed with the realization of countless stories.
Sanchez was part of a unique generation of photographers Alicante, among which we can mention Eugenio Bañón, Goyo Gregorio Hernández, José Luis Jiménez Tanito, Rafael Llorca and Peter Thomas.
His photos show us how was the Alicante coast before the arrival of mass tourism.
• In 1990, the City purchased the file to your heirs, renowned photographer. Francisco Sánchez was born in Alicante in March 1905 Gorgeous Sánchez fund comprises about 30,000 snapshots that reflect his career between 1930 and 1974
Your photos are part of the Archives of the Directorate General of Tourism, tourist books, posters.
Alicante and sailing Exhibition: Photographs by Francisco Sánchez. Municipal Archives Alicante
"Culture and tradition Alicante. Photographs Francisco Sánchez Ors (1905-1974 Alicante)" is the title of the exhibition that opened yesterday in the hall of the Lonja de Alicante, where he remained until January 24. The sample comes from the intention of Alicante Culture to preserve and disseminate the photographic material that houses the Municipal Archives. The daughter of Francisco Sánchez Ors, María Dolores Sánchez, yesterday attended the opening ceremony of this exhibition comprising 60 large-format photographs in black and white that shape a brilliant chronicle of the city over the decades of the forties and fifties. The images on festivals and popular traditions alicantinas discover a part of renowned photographer Alicante legacy of Francisco Sánchez Ors.
This photo has a higher than usual size, and data on the back, seems to have been brought to a contest.
Photos of Francisco Sánchez, preserved in the Municipal Archives of Alicante can be viewed as such funds are digitized
The photographic collections of the Municipal Archives
An image is the best living witness to remember about past and present events, circumstances or characters, hence the municipal interest to recover and conserve graphics memory of the city of Alicante. The photographic collections obtained by the admission of private donations or purchase by the City Council, are enabling increasingly easier to delve into our history.
The custodian of the Alicante Municipal Archives photographic heritage preserved today, collections of professional and amateur photographers. It is appreciated that the Alicante generosity because their donations both single units and collections, are making possible the narration and exposition of events worthy of remembrance.
Francisco Sánchez Ors (1905, Alicante - 1974, Alicante). It is the great graphic Alicante notary twentieth century. Their work extends from the thirties until his death. Member of a family of photographers, had a shop on Main Street. He received many awards in various competitions.
View collection
Desktop graphics Alicante Town Hall
Wikipedia National Tourist Board
Wikipedia Alicante
wikipedia Botijo