(en) Edward Steichen exhibition. Museo del Traje, Madrid. (Dress Museum)

Reina Sofia exhibition has been already commented in this blog, and, to my surprise, it was a little bit dissapointed because I expected more from such a famous photographer. Now, I must change my opinion. The exhibition at the Museso del Traje showed mainly the pictures of his Vogue period, where he took fashion photos. It was fantastic and I liked it a lot.
Portrait is one of the most difficult styles of photography. Here the importance of the photographer is even greater than usual, because he has to built completely the scene (furniture, pose, dress, gestures, light ...).
Steichen's pictures are simply wonderful. If you also add the fact that he had professional models and beautiful famous faces, it all results on a fantastic exhibition.
Some of his photos are famous with pictures of Walt Disney (with Mickey), multi portrail of Charles Chaplin, ...
See also: