(en) Vintage photography Calella, Costa Brava, Spain

The photographic archive Mas is , at the present, located in the Institut Ametller and is one of the largest photographic archives of Spain, its monuments, people and historical objects.
This photo belongs to the file that formed the Department of Tourism. The photos were made by the best photographers of the day to collect the image of Spain at the time ,monuments and towns, and also included photographs of existents archives as: Ruiz Vernacci, LLadó or Wunderlich.
The photographs of the Spanish departement of tourism, (in Spanish: Direccion General de Turismo) are in the "Archivo General del Estado" in Alcala de Henares near Madrid.
We can see over 3000 images of this archive using Google Earth in the spanish link Catalogo Monumental de España
The photographs shows us Spain, towns,monuments and people as the were in the period 1928-1940.