Fotografo Vadillo. Coruña del Conde fotografia antigua. Vintage photography Coruña del Conde Burgos Spain c. 1930
Vista del pueblo burgales Coruña del Conde. Tiene una poblacion de 200 personas.
Coruña del Conde conocida antiguamente como Clunia fue frente con los musulmanes (Almanzor batallo en este lugar) y tiene origenes celtiberos.
Visitante ilustre en otra época fue El Cid. A mediados del siglo XV empieza a perder importancia.
Recibe el nombre de Coruña del Conde cuando el Rey Enrique IV la donó a la familia Mendoza.
El fotografo Vadillo fue uno de los mas destacados fotografos de Burgos ciudad donde se conserva su archivo.
Creado en 1945, a raíz de la
adquisición por el Ayuntamiento de parte de las fotografías y clichés
del fotógrafo burgalés Vadillo.
Actualmente este fondo cuenta con unas 45.000 fotografías, clichés,
carteles, grabados y postales, de diferentes temas: arte, costumbres,
actos oficiales, fiestas, aspectos urbanísticos, etc. y se incrementa
constantemente mediante transferencia de las secciones municipales,
compra de colecciones, donación de particulares o realización de
fotografías por el propio fotógrafo del Archivo, tratándose de una
colección viva. Aquí se recogen, conservan, organizan y difunden los
fondos fotográficos de caracter histórico del Ayuntamiento de Burgos,
así como otros fondos de origen privado que se adquieran por el
Ayuntamiento y sean de interés para la historia de la ciudad o de la
fotografía. El Archivo Municipal presta un servicio de reproducción de
copias fotográficas.
Sueños de Plata . El Tiempo y los ritos. Fotografía y Antropología en Castilla y León.
Sueños de Plata . El Tiempo y los ritos. Fotografía y Antropología en Castilla y León.
Primo de Bernardina Vadillo, mujer de Eustasio Villanueva, fue Alfonso Vadillo García (Burgos, 1878- 1945), funcionario del gobierno civil que protegió celosamente sus trabajos en el registro de la propiedad, llegaría también a instalarse como fotógrafo profesional.
Tomaría instantáneas del viaje de Alfonso XIII a la caput Castellae (1902) que publicaría La Ilustración Española y Americana y abriría estudio en la capital (desde 1909), recibiendo encargos de otras prestigiosas revistas como Blanco y Negro, Mundo Gráfico, Crónica Gráfica, Arte Español, La Ilustración Artística, Nuevo Mundo o La Esfera, dedicándose también a las colecciones de tarjetas postales con vistas monumentales,
obras de arte (para el Patronato Nacional de Turismo, la Comisión Provincial de Monumentos y el eminente hispanista norteamericano Walter Cook), imágenes de carácter conmemorativo con ínfulas de fotoreporterismo y hasta anotaciones etnográficas (el eclipse de sol de 1905, las procesiones urbanas del Corpus y el Curpillos, el VII centenario de la batalla de las Navas de Tolosa en Las Huelgas, diferentes actos castrenses, el derribo del palacio episcopal (1914)120, los nuevos edificios escolares y de viviendas, las centrales eléctricas,
Tomaría instantáneas del viaje de Alfonso XIII a la caput Castellae (1902) que publicaría La Ilustración Española y Americana y abriría estudio en la capital (desde 1909), recibiendo encargos de otras prestigiosas revistas como Blanco y Negro, Mundo Gráfico, Crónica Gráfica, Arte Español, La Ilustración Artística, Nuevo Mundo o La Esfera, dedicándose también a las colecciones de tarjetas postales con vistas monumentales,
obras de arte (para el Patronato Nacional de Turismo, la Comisión Provincial de Monumentos y el eminente hispanista norteamericano Walter Cook), imágenes de carácter conmemorativo con ínfulas de fotoreporterismo y hasta anotaciones etnográficas (el eclipse de sol de 1905, las procesiones urbanas del Corpus y el Curpillos, el VII centenario de la batalla de las Navas de Tolosa en Las Huelgas, diferentes actos castrenses, el derribo del palacio episcopal (1914)120, los nuevos edificios escolares y de viviendas, las centrales eléctricas,
La foto pertenece al fondo de la Direccion General de Turismo cuyo cartulina identificativa de lugar, fotografo y cliche conserva. Esta fechada en la decada de 1940.
..........La Serie Patronato Nacional de Turismo engloba un importante volumen de fotografías y otra documentación gráfica: carteles de información de actividades, folletos informativos, etc. En total, 344 cajas, que incluyen 80.975 fotografías, 49 sobres de índices fotográficos y 7 álbumes.
La fracción más antigua de la serie, denominada Catálogo Monumental de España, se realizó entre los años 1928, fecha de creación del Patronato, y 1936, momento en que las actividades de promoción del turismo quedan interrumpidas por la Guerra Civil. Este catálogo se compone de 3.861 fotografías de diferentes lugares y tema vario, pero siempre relacionado con la actividad turística.
El carácter geográfico del Catálogo Monumental de España, convierte a esta serie en un conjunto idóneo para mostrar a través de google earth, permitiendo una búsqueda rápida, intuitiva y visualmente muy atractiva para el usuario...........
- Mas fotos de Burgos se pueden ver en el fondo de Eustasio Villanueva , en la web Memoria de Madrid
Vintage photography Coruña del Conde. Photographer Vadillo Burgos
1928 King Alfonso XIII created the National Tourism Board "Patronato
Nacional de Turismo" (remember that tourism hotels are created in 1926)
with the primary purpose of making known to all travelers Spain towns
and monuments
Its predecessor was the National Commission of Tourism was created in 1905 by the Count of Romanones. Remember also, as background, that Spain was popular throughout Europe in the nineteenth century to be covered and inspiring travelers notables such as Manet, Teofilo Gautier or Washington Irving.
Photographs of the Directorate General of Tourism Board before, were a commission that became the leading photographers of each region at that time.
These photographs of the Directorate General of Tourism were to be used as the image of Spain in books and posters throughout the Spanish territory and all the tourist events that began to perform in the second half of the twentieth century.
These photos of Spain include both monuments as people with special emphasis on country work and the sea labours when they were being replaced by more modern industrial processes.
The general size of these photographs of the Directorate General of Tourism is 18x24 cm or 20x26 cm. They are usually stapled to a card which states the place, date and photographer who does it, sometimes even include some sort of comment.
These photographs of the Directorate General of Tourism as I used for the promotion of Spain and therefore may have been used for both posters to books to be supplied directly to individuals or institutions.
Some of the noted photographers who made these pictures of the Directorate General of Tourism are:
Its predecessor was the National Commission of Tourism was created in 1905 by the Count of Romanones. Remember also, as background, that Spain was popular throughout Europe in the nineteenth century to be covered and inspiring travelers notables such as Manet, Teofilo Gautier or Washington Irving.
Photographs of the Directorate General of Tourism Board before, were a commission that became the leading photographers of each region at that time.
These photographs of the Directorate General of Tourism were to be used as the image of Spain in books and posters throughout the Spanish territory and all the tourist events that began to perform in the second half of the twentieth century.
These photos of Spain include both monuments as people with special emphasis on country work and the sea labours when they were being replaced by more modern industrial processes.
The general size of these photographs of the Directorate General of Tourism is 18x24 cm or 20x26 cm. They are usually stapled to a card which states the place, date and photographer who does it, sometimes even include some sort of comment.
These photographs of the Directorate General of Tourism as I used for the promotion of Spain and therefore may have been used for both posters to books to be supplied directly to individuals or institutions.
Some of the noted photographers who made these pictures of the Directorate General of Tourism are:
- * Photographer Mateo with pictures of Malaga
- * Kindel ( Joaquin del Palacio) with pictures of Madrid and Ibiza,
- *Arranz with pictures of Granada (Pampaneira for example)
- * Lladó with photos of Ceuta and Morocco
- * Rafael Romero Urbistondo with pictures of Madrid
- * Ruiz bar with photographs of La Alberca,
- * Verdugo photographs of Andalucia (Vejer de la Frontera)
- * E. De la Vega with pictures of Lerida,
- * Virgilio Muro with the typical landscape ( molinos de viento) of La Mancha,
- * Ksado with its famous photograph of the Rua del Villar Santiago de Compostela,
- * Garrabella was also editor of postcards also worked as a photographer for the D. G. Tourism
I note especially two great photographers taking photographs for the Directorate General of Tourism: Catalá Roca Ortiz Echagüe.
Noted, finally, that his tourist status does not remove the quality of the artwork of the photos, and ethnographic character and crafts people today no longer has not been sufficiently studied.
this is due to the image we have of these photos as "Official Spain"
makes us ignore its value, simply, artistic, and coincide in time with
the early work of foreign photographers showed another image of Spain from 1950 (remember the story of E. Smith for Life magazine)
Archive of the Directorate General of Tourism is located in Alcalá de Henares in the Archives of the Administration.
Archive of the Directorate General of Tourism is located in Alcalá de Henares in the Archives of the Administration.
Spanish vintage photograps in the Internet web of the Ministry of Culture
With Google Earth many of the photographs of the Direccion General de Turismo can be seen in internet
Link to Spanish Ministry of Culture
Monumental catalog of Spain in Google Earth
The National Tourism Board was created in 1928 as successor to the National Tourism Commission (1905-1911) and the Royal Commissioner of Tourism (1911-1928). Its purpose was the training and dissemination of travel itineraries and the publication and distribution of guides in several languages, all aimed at elite foreign tourists, to facilitate tourism and earn foreign exchange, in addition to conserving the rich artistic monumental and picturesque area of Spain. In these functions, as defined by their predecessors, says the study means for the implementation of tourism schools for the training of personnel, establishment of information centers abroad and resorts in Spain, acting in collaboration with all organizations that contribute to the promotion of tourism.
The National Tourism Board Series encompasses a large volume of photographs and other graphic material: posters of information about activities, brochures, etc.. In total, 344 cases, including 80,975 photographs, 49 envelopes and photo index 7 albums.
The oldest portion of the series, called Monumental catalog of Spain, was conducted between 1928, date of creation of the Board, and 1936, when the tourism promotion activities are interrupted by the Civil War. This catalog consists of 3,861 photographs of different places and varied subject, but always related to tourism.
Geographical nature of Monumental catalog of Spain, makes this series ideal for a group show through Google Earth, enabling rapid searching, intuitive and visually attractive to the user.
To view images Monumental Catalog of Spain you'll need the Google Earth application.
The National Tourism Board was created in 1928 as successor to the National Tourism Commission (1905-1911) and the Royal Commissioner of Tourism (1911-1928). Its purpose was the training and dissemination of travel itineraries and the publication and distribution of guides in several languages, all aimed at elite foreign tourists, to facilitate tourism and earn foreign exchange, in addition to conserving the rich artistic monumental and picturesque area of Spain. In these functions, as defined by their predecessors, says the study means for the implementation of tourism schools for the training of personnel, establishment of information centers abroad and resorts in Spain, acting in collaboration with all organizations that contribute to the promotion of tourism.
The National Tourism Board Series encompasses a large volume of photographs and other graphic material: posters of information about activities, brochures, etc.. In total, 344 cases, including 80,975 photographs, 49 envelopes and photo index 7 albums.
The oldest portion of the series, called Monumental catalog of Spain, was conducted between 1928, date of creation of the Board, and 1936, when the tourism promotion activities are interrupted by the Civil War. This catalog consists of 3,861 photographs of different places and varied subject, but always related to tourism.
Geographical nature of Monumental catalog of Spain, makes this series ideal for a group show through Google Earth, enabling rapid searching, intuitive and visually attractive to the user.
To view images Monumental Catalog of Spain you'll need the Google Earth application.