Fotografía antigua de Agencia. Foto Central News

Bonita fotografía de la agencia Central News que nos muestra unos hidroaviones de doble ala en el mar, cerca de la costa.
Haciendo búsqueda en Internet encontramos que este viaje: 25.000 miles Empire Cruise tuvo su salida en Plymouth el 27 de Octubre de 1927.
El viaje recorrería toda la costa de la India, un circuito completo en Australia y acababa en Singapur.Los aviones llevaban motores de 450 caballos y la expedición la comandaba el capitan H.M Cave Browne Cave

................The Central News Agency was a news distribution service founded as Central Press in 1863 by William Saunders and his brother-in-law, Edward Spender. In 1870–71, it adopted the name Central News Agency.
By undercutting its competitors, the Press Association and Reuters, and by distributing sensational and imaginative stories, it developed a reputation amongst newsmen for "underhand practices and stories of dubious veracity".[1] In 1895, The Times directly accused the Central News Agency of embellishing its reports, and published a comparison between the original telegrams received by the agency and those that were distributed by it. A 200-word dispatch about a naval battle in the Far East had been expanded with details of the battle though hardly any information was given in the original.[2] The agency confirmed that words had been added, and The Times declared that: "More than two-thirds of the message was, therefore, admittedly manufactured in London.".................

Dorso de la fotografía: some of the machines just before de start

Un video de su salida con las tripulaciones se puede ver en British Pathé: Our Navy on the air