Coleccionismo:Leonard Lauder:America has always had a history of giving back.

Leo la noticia de la próxima apertura al público de la colección de obras cubistas que Leonard A. Lauder donó al Museo Metropolitan de Nueva York

Cubism: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection
October 20, 2014–February 16, 2015

Cubism: The Leonard A. Lauder Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art will be the most important exhibition of the essential Cubists—Georges Braque (French, 1882–1963), Juan Gris (Spanish, 1887–1927), Fernand Léger (French, 1881–1955), and Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881–1973)—in more than 30 years. The exhibition and accompanying publication will trace the invention and development of Cubism using iconic examples from the Leonard A. Lauder

Pues bien acabo de encontrar un interesante documento de la Fundación Arte y Mecenazgo que recoge una conferencia de Leonard A. Lauder en Madrid en 2013 con el sugerente título

To Conserve, Not To Possess

centrada en la historia del  Whitney Museum y en su propia condición de coleccionista y donante de obras a su país. Destacar la numerosas fotos de excelentes obras de arte que contiene este pdf.

  • The most important part of building this collection for me was discipline. I had to avoid the temptation to follow the crowd, and focus only on the four major cubist artists: Picasso, Braque, Leger, and Gris.

  • How did I decide which museum to give the collection? 3-year journey to answer that question and in the process I increasingly refined my criteria. It could not be a snap decision

Recojo y destaco las palabras finales de esa conferencia

America has always had a history of giving back.
Why am I here? To try to encourage museum supporters and collectors that giving is not only important and necessary, it can be pleasurable and easy. $250 a year is what it once cost to be a Friend of the Whitney. Today, if museums celebrate their acquisitions, and look for more ways to encourage smaller donations from younger supporters, it will be much larger tomorrow.

 Curioso saber que también coleccionaba postales.

The Postcard Age Selections from the Leonard A. Lauder Collection

Post anterior sobre Coleccionismo y Mecenazgo.

Sencillamente GRACIAS: Donación Várez Fisa Museo del Prado. Arte y mecenazgo.Simply THANKS: Donation Várez FISA Prado Museum. Art and patronage.