Fotografía de Agencia II Guerra Mundial. Paracaidistas entrenamiento desde globo.Photography Agency World War II. Paratroopers training from Globe

Bonita fotografía de Agencia que representa el entrenamiento de paracaidistas ingleses mediante el uso de globlos cautivos  como base de lanzamiento, más barato y fácil que los aviones

El angulo da a la foto una rara belleza.

El texto al dorso dice lo siguiente:
British Official Photograph
Parachute troops in training

These picture of paratroops under instructions have been obtained  in a secret R.A. F. station in Britain where the Army and Air Force are collaborating in training.
Recruits make their first parachute jumps from a captive balloon.
A view from below of the basket ascending.

Esta vista de paracaidistas bajo entrenamiento ha sido obtenida en una base secreta de la RAF en Gran Bretaña. 
Los reclutas hacen su primer salto desde un globo cautivo.
Curiosamente los profesionales que realizaron las fotos "British Official photograph" de la segunda guerra mundial no fueron mayoritariamente periodistas sino militares, es decir dedicaron una sección militar profesional a la información gráfica.

“British Official photograph” photographs are divided into different series.
Each photograph has a title and a legend at the back that describes the image and a number always prefixed with a letter.
The letter/s are:

E series photographs (British Army in North Africa and the Middle East) were taken by: No. 1 Army Film and Photographic Unit
BU and B series photographs (Allied forces in North West Europe) were taken by: No. 5 Army Film and Photographic Unit
SE series (Allied forces in South East Asia) photographs were taken by: No. 9 Army Film and Photographic Unit
  • H series (British Army in Britain) photographs were taken by War Office Official Photographers.
  • A series (Admiralty Official Collection) photographs were taken by Royal Navy Official Photographers
  • C series (Air Ministry Official Collection) photographs were taken by Royal Air Force Official Photographers
  • GM series (British forces in Gibraltar and Malta) photographs were taken by War Office Official Photographers.

  • Some photographer’s names of these photographs shown here are:

    Capt. Horton, Capt. Keating, Lt. Cash, Sgt. Flack, Lt. C. J. Ware, Sgt. Laing, Lt. Spender, Lt. Taylor, Sgt. Oakes, Capt. d'Eyncourt, Lt. D. C. Oulds, Sgt. Midgley, Lt. O'Brien, Capt. Gade, Lt. L. Pelman, Sub Lt. D. W. Cooksey, Lt. Vanderson & Sgts. Chetwyn, R.H. Morris & G. Morris, Lts. McLaren & Mayne & Sgt. Slade, Sgt. Morris, Lt. J. E. RussellSgt. J. Deakin, Sgt. Taylor, No 9 Army Film & Photographic Unit, Sgt. Chetwyn, Lt R G G Coote.

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