Documentación fotográfica. Proyecto Gutemberg.Internet Archive ( Archive org)

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Curioso también este documento sobre Kodak

  • Kodaks and Kodak Supplies, 1914
donde podemos leer textos como éste
.......Simpler cameras, simpler processes have followed each other with almost startling rapidity. But the Kodak Company has not been satisfied with merely making mechanical and chemical improvements; it has assumed the responsibility of educating people in picture taking. The very first Kodak, way back in 1888, was accompanied by a so-called "manual" that did more than merely explain the operation of the mechanical features of the camera. It showed how the pictures should be taken, how (and how not) to photograph a tall building, how to photograph a small child—told about the length of exposures in different kinds of light, both in-doors and out. It was really a primary hand-book of photography.
From that day on, every piece of Kodak apparatus, every amateur product of the Company has been accompanied by the most concise instructions, instructions that were also constructive because they not only told the beginner what to do but why he was to do it.....
Sobre Kodak y su publicidad véase post anterior

Fotografía antigua. Álbum Brownie Kodak. c. 1915

Como complemento recordar también la web Archive org ( Internet Archive). 

La búsqueda de textos se realiza de manera sencilla.

The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public.

  • Podemos encontrar y leer perfectamente el Philadelphia Photographer una de las mejores publicaciones sobre fotografía USA del siglo XIX

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