Fotografía antigua. Músicos en el Retiro. Fotógrafo Francisco Goñi
No es fácil identificar el contenido de esta foto. Por una parte la presencia de un atril con un papel hace pensar en una banda de músicos pero la ausencia de instrumentos indican que esto no es exacto.
La presencia central de la niña tampoco facilita la identificación del tema.
Otra posibilidad seria un coro u orfeón preparándose para una actuación...lo que tampoco parece.
Quizás, es solo una suposición, estemos ante una reunión de tipo político en la cual la presencia de hombres-ausencia de mujeres-es casi absoluta.
El fotógrafo, lleva el sello al dorso, es Goñi, fotógrafo que trabajó en Madrid y en Guadalajara ciudad que , además, guarda gran parte de su archivo.
Fue conocido por las numerosas fotos que hizo a Alfonso XIII.
Relativamente desconocido su figura esta siendo objeto de exposiciones en los últimos años
Goñi y Soler, Francisco. Madrid, 23.VIII.1873 – 1936. Fotógrafo.
Diccionario fotográfico Real Academia de la Historia
......Trabajó para la prensa ilustrada del primer tercio del siglo xx. En 1904 colaboró en El Gráfico, uno
de los primeros diarios españoles ilustrados con fotografías, y publicó
en la mayor parte de revistas de información general y cultural: Blanco y Negro, Actualidades, Mundo Gráfico o La Esfera, así como en las especializadas en espectáculos: El Teatro, Sol y Sombra, Toros y Toreros o La Lidia. Como
testigo de los grandes acontecimientos de la vida social, cultural y
política, fue cronista oficial de la Casa Real en la década de 1920..................
- Biblioteca Digital de Castilla La Mancha. Fondo Fotográfico Francisco de Goñi y Soler
- Centro de la Fotografía y la Imagen Histórica de Guadalajara (CEFIHGU) ha sido creado por la Diputación Provincial de Guadalajara para asegurar la conservación y la difusión social del patrimonio fotográfico y cinematográfico existente en la provincia:
Archivo Goñi
.......La cámara de Goñi acompañó a Alfonso XIII y a su familia tanto en su
vida oficial como en su vida privada, el resultado de esta convivencia
queda en centenares de fotografías que retratan la personalidad del
monarca y la de sus seres más cercanos. En 1918, Goñi se instala en
Guadalajara habiendo obtenido una plaza de funcionario en la Delegación
Provincial de Hacienda, alternando el puesto con su actividad
.......De esta época datan sus excepcionales series
fotográficas relativas a los gancheros del Tajo, al Parque Aeronáutico
de Guadalajara o a vistas de la ciudad de Guadalajara.
.......En 1936, Goñi,
reconocido monárquico, ocultó su archivo fotográfico no tanto para
ocultar las evidencias de su adscripción política como para
salvaguardarlo de su destrucción
En (google translate)
It is not easy to identify the contents of this photo. On the one hand the presence of an easel with paper suggests a band but the absence of instruments indicate that this is not accurate.
The central presence of the girl also facilitates the identification of the subject.
Another possibility would be a chorus or choir preparing for a performance ... which does not appear.
Maybe it is just a guess, we stand before a meeting of a political nature in which the presence of absence of women-men-is almost complete.
Photographer, bears the stamp on the back, is Goñi, a photographer who worked in Madrid and Guadalajara city that also saves much of your file.
He was known for the many photos that made Alfonso XIII.
Relatively unknown his figure is being the subject of exhibitions in recent years
Digital Library of Castilla La Mancha. Francisco de Goñi Photography Collection and Soler
Center of Photography and Historical Image of Guadalajara (CEFIHGU) was created by the Provincial de Guadalajara to ensure the conservation and social diffusion of existing photographic and cinematographic heritage in the province:
Francisco Goñi
Photographic background Francisco Goñi
Dfoto Directory funds and photo collections of Spain
Goñi Archive
....... Chamber Goñi accompany Alfonso XIII and his family both in their official life and in his private life, the result of this coexistence is in hundreds of photographs that portray the personality of the monarch and that of their loved closest. In 1918, Goñi is installed in Guadalajara having obtained a parking officer at the Provincial Delegation of Finance, alternating the post with his photographic activity.
....... From this period dates his exceptional photographic series relating to gancheros the Tagus, Guadalajara Aeronautics Park or views of the city of Guadalajara.
....... In 1936, Goñi, known monarchist, he hid his photographic archive not so much to hide the evidence of their political affiliation as to safeguard it from destruction
En (google translate)
It is not easy to identify the contents of this photo. On the one hand the presence of an easel with paper suggests a band but the absence of instruments indicate that this is not accurate.
The central presence of the girl also facilitates the identification of the subject.
Another possibility would be a chorus or choir preparing for a performance ... which does not appear.
Maybe it is just a guess, we stand before a meeting of a political nature in which the presence of absence of women-men-is almost complete.
Photographer, bears the stamp on the back, is Goñi, a photographer who worked in Madrid and Guadalajara city that also saves much of your file.
He was known for the many photos that made Alfonso XIII.
Relatively unknown his figure is being the subject of exhibitions in recent years
Digital Library of Castilla La Mancha. Francisco de Goñi Photography Collection and Soler
Center of Photography and Historical Image of Guadalajara (CEFIHGU) was created by the Provincial de Guadalajara to ensure the conservation and social diffusion of existing photographic and cinematographic heritage in the province:
Francisco Goñi
Photographic background Francisco Goñi
Dfoto Directory funds and photo collections of Spain
Goñi Archive
....... Chamber Goñi accompany Alfonso XIII and his family both in their official life and in his private life, the result of this coexistence is in hundreds of photographs that portray the personality of the monarch and that of their loved closest. In 1918, Goñi is installed in Guadalajara having obtained a parking officer at the Provincial Delegation of Finance, alternating the post with his photographic activity.
....... From this period dates his exceptional photographic series relating to gancheros the Tagus, Guadalajara Aeronautics Park or views of the city of Guadalajara.
....... In 1936, Goñi, known monarchist, he hid his photographic archive not so much to hide the evidence of their political affiliation as to safeguard it from destruction