Links. CSIC. Imágenes del nuevo mundo:colecciones de fotografías de arte portugués e iberoamericano

El portal Imágenes del Nuevo Mundo presenta las  conservadas en el Archivo del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC, incorporando tanto su catalogación como su digitalización. Se trata de una acción conjunta entre el Instituto de Historia del CSIC y la Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC, realizada con el fin de dar a conocer las colecciones que están siendo estudiadas por el Dr. D. Wifredo Rincón en el Proyecto Imágenes del Nuevo Mundo: El Patrimonio Artístico Portugués e Iberoamericano a través del fondo fotográfico de Diego Angulo Íñiguez al CSIC.

Este portal se concibe como un proyecto abierto ya que ambiciona incorporar las colecciones fotográficas completas de arte portugués e iberoamericano conservadas en el Archivo CCHS (CSIC).


Argentina Bolivia Brasil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Ecuador El Salvador Estados Unidos Filipinas Guatemala Haití Honduras Jamaica México Nicaragua Panamá Paraguay Perú Portugal Puerto Rico República Dominicana Uruguay Venezuela

En (google translate)

The images portal of the New World presents those preserved in the Archive of the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC, incorporating both its cataloging and its digitalization. It is a joint action between the Institute of History of the CSIC and the Tomás Navarro Tomás Library of the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC, carried out with the aim of publicizing the collections that are being studied by Dr. D. Wifredo Corner in the Project Images of the New World: The Portuguese and Ibero-American Artistic Heritage through the photographic background of Diego Angulo Íñiguez to the CSIC.
This portal is conceived as an open project as it aims to incorporate the full photographic collections of Portuguese and Ibero-American art preserved in the CCHS Archive (CSIC).


Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Ecuador El Salvador United States Philippines Guatemala Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Portugal Puerto Rico Dominican Republic Uruguay Venezuela
The images portal of the New World presents those preserved in the Archive of the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC, incorporating both its cataloging and its digitalization. It is a joint action between the Institute of History of the CSIC and the Tomás Navarro Tomás Library of the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC, carried out with the aim of publicizing the collections that are being studied by Dr. D. Wifredo Corner in the Project Images of the New World: The Portuguese and Ibero-American Artistic Heritage through the photographic background of Diego Angulo Íñiguez to the CSIC.
This portal is conceived as an open project as it aims to incorporate the full photographic collections of Portuguese and Ibero-American art preserved in the CCHS Archive (CSIC).