Links fotografía antigua. Vintage photography Spanish archives and libraries links

Les presento algunos de los links de fotografía más conocidos, tanto de la fotografía antigua española como internacional.
Se incluyen los links de algunos de los archivos y fototecas mas importantes de España.
Espero les sean útiles 


Links Spanish vintage photography. Archives Libraries
I present some of the most famous photo- links, both the old Spanish and international vintage photography. 
Includes links to some of the most important archives and photo- libraries of Spain. 
I hope they are useful to you
  • HALIC (Historical Architecture and Landscapes Image Collection)  archive of the Art Institute of Chicago. If you search for "Levy", you will find 97 scans from his "Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic series".
  • Photography Museum  La mejor pagina web para conocer la fotografía antigua. The best web to know everything about vintage photography.
  • Bibliothéque Nacionale de France (BNF)  Here you can get copies of their documents.
  • SINDBAD  (Service d' INformation Des Bibliothécaires A Distance). El mejor servicio de información, mejor preparado y de mas ágil contestación que conozco. Excelente. Si pueden contestan en varios idiomas y admiten preguntas en español
  • Here you can make any kind of query and the BNF will kindly try to answer all your questions.Simply the best.
  • Le SINDBAD (Service d' INformation Des Bibliothécaires A Distance) fournit gratuitement
  • des références de documents (livres, revues, disques, films...) sur tous les sujets,
  • des informations factuelles : éléments biographiques, faits, chiffres, dates.
Il fournit jusqu'à 15 références bibliographiques et limite ses recherches à 1 à 2 heures par réponse.
Le service répond dans un délai maximal de 3 jours ouvrables aux questions posées via le formulaire.

  • Centre Canadien d'Architecture  They have a big catalogue of photography (and they are the biggest holder of Albert Levy's photographies)
  • The CCA holds one of the world’s foremost international research collections of publications, conceptual studies, drawings, plans, models, prints, photographs, related artefacts and ephemera, archives and oral histories of individual architects.
    The Collection now comprises over half a million examples that testify to the diverse ways in which architecture has been imagined, conceived, observed, and transformed for the past six centuries.

    Search the CCA Collection:

    library catalogue (books and periodicals, vertical files, audiovisual items, artefacts , printed ephemera, archives and collections and their finding aids)
    collection online (prints and drawings, photographs, models, artefacts, archives and collections and their finding aids)
  • Boston Public Library Holder of Albert Levy's photos and with a good database.
  • Eastman House  Una de las mejores bases de datos de fotografía del mundo. One of the bests photography databases.
  • Museo d`Orsay Fotografía de este museo francés. D'Orsay Museum photography collection.
  • Museo Getty  Departamento de fotografía. Photography department of the Getty Museum.
  • Metropolitan Museum de Nueva York  Fotografía de este importante museo de Nueva York. Photography department of the Met.
  • Le Courtauld Institute of Art  Departamento de fotografía. Se pueden comprar copias actuales de fotos antiguas.
  • Lybrary of Congress:
  • Today's Library of Congress is an unparalleled world resource. The collection of more than 144 million items includes more than 33 million cataloged books and other print materials in 460 languages; more than 63 million manuscripts; the largest rare book collection in North America; and the world's largest collection of legal materials, films, maps, sheet music and sound recording
  • Prints & Photographs Online Catalog

    The Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) contains catalog records and digital images representing a rich cross-section of still pictures held by the Prints & Photographs Division and, in some cases, other units of the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress offers broad public access to these materials as a contribution to education and scholarship.
    The collections of the Prints & Photographs Division include photographs, fine and popular prints and drawings, posters, and architectural and engineering drawings. While international in scope, the collections are particularly rich in materials produced in, or documenting the history of, the United States and the lives, interests and achievements of the American people. 
  • Alinari  Archivo fotográfico italiano con mas de un millón de fotos. Italian photographic archive with more than one million photos. Alinari Archives colección en línea
  • Marillier  Fotografía francesa. French photography
  • Fundación Telefónica  Colección de fotografía contemporánea de la Fundación Telefónica.
  • IVAM  Fotografía de este museo valenciano que tiene una de las mejores colecciones de de España en constante crecimiento Destacar los fondos del fotógrafo Collado.
  • Centro fotográfico de Vigo  Buena página de fotografía de Galicia. Vigo's (Galicia, Spain) photographic studies.  Históricos galegos

  • Colección Fernández Rivero  Página web de fotografía antigua especializada en fotos de Andalucía y con miles de ejemplares de fotos estererocópicas.
  • Wahington University Photographic Collection Architectural photography (Russell Sturgis' photographic collection of over 1,000 images primarily related to architecture which also document period travel, archaeological, and portraiture conventions. An others collections)
  • Avery Architectural & fine arts Library At your disposal is a fully integrated research library. Columbia’s Libraries, with over 10 million volumes, over 100,000 current journals and serials, and an extensive collection of electronic resources, manuscripts, rare books, microforms, and other non
  • The Rijksmuseum has the largest art history library in the Netherlands. Catalogues of auctions and exhibitions, trade and collection catalogues, as well as books, periodicals and annual reports relating to the museum collections have been collected without interruption since 1885.print formats, rank as one of the top five academic library systems in the nation.
  • Christie’s auction results. The results of the photographic  sales
  • Jean Laurent Universidad de Arizona Este trabajo ha sido concebido como una muestra atractiva para una amplia audiencia, así como una herramienta para la investigación. Por un lado, se pretende popularizar la obra de Jean Laurent poniendo a disposición del público la reproducción virtual de la exposición organizada en el Center for Creative Photography, The University of Arizona.
  • Museo Niepce  En sus primeras experiencias, Nicéphore Niépce dispone en el fondo de una cámara oscura, hojas de papel emulsionadas con sales de plata, las que se ennegrecen bajo la acción de la luz. Niépce obtiene entonces en mayo de 1816, la primera reproducción de una imagen de la naturaleza, una toma hecha desde su ventana
  • Musee L’ Elyseé Le Musée de l'Elysée, situé à Lausanne en Suisse, est entièrement consacré à la photographie. Institution de l'Etat de Vaud, elle est affiliée au Service des affaires culturelles (SERAC). Le Musée possède huit salles d'exposition réparties sur quatre étages, une boutique librairie, une salle de lecture et des collections d'une grande richesse.
  • International Center of Photography Since its founding in 1974 by Cornell Capa (1918–2008) in the historic Willard Straight House, ICP has presented over 500 exhibitions, bringing the work of more than 3,000 photographers ( including Robert Capa photographs)
  • Gallica. au-delà des collections de dessins, l'image est en premier lieu présente dans les bibliothèques sous sa forme de « multiple »  :  estampes, photographies, etc.
    A partir des années 1840 (pour mémoire, Louis Daguerre présente un an plus tôt son invention : le daguerréotype), le relais est pris par la photographie, pratiquée pour elle-même, en tant que création ou témoignage documentaire, ou bien encore comme élément des techniques d’impression photomécanique qui permettent une diffusion de masse des supports visuels (illustrations des livres et journaux, cartes postales, posters, affiches, petite imagerie, etc.).
  • Exposition virtueles BNF photographie
    Archivos fototecas

    •  Centro de la Fotografía y la Imagen Histórica de Guadalajara (CEFIHGU)"  El Centro de la Fotografía y la Imagen Histórica de Guadalajara (CEFIHGU) ha sido creado por la Diputación Provincial de Guadalajara para asegurar la conservación y la difusión social del Patrimonio fotográfico y cinematográfico existente en la provincia de Guadalajara. En:The Center of Photography and the historical image of Guadalajara (CEFIHGU) has been created by the Provincial Council of Guadalajara to ensure the conservation and social dissemination of photographic and cinematographic heritage existing in the province of Guadalajara.
  • Biblioteca digital Castilla la Mancha: Archivo de la imagen
  • Una ventana al patrimonio fotográfico de Castilla-La Mancha. Contiene las colecciones y fondos fotográficos reunidos en los archivos públicos gestionados por la Junta de Comunidades, así como otras colecciones procedentes de museos u otros de titularidad privada que han deseado integrarse en este gran repositorio digital abierto a todos. En el Archivo de la Imagen conviven las obras de grandes fotógrafos como Luis Escobar o  Francisco Goñi con la fotografía popular recogida a través del programa “Los Legados de la Tierra” o con los archivos como el de las Brigadas Internacionales producido durante la Guerra Civil Española. En:Castilla la Mancha Digital Library: Image File
    A window to the photographic heritage of Castilla-La Mancha. Contains the collections and photographic collections gathered public records managed by the Community Board and other collections from other museums or private ownership   Works  by great photographers like Luis Escobar and Francisco Goñi with popular photography collected through the program "The Legacies of the Earth" or files as produced by the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War .
  • Archivo Historico ferroviario: Fototeca
  • Destacan los fondos de la compañía MZA, Dirección Comercial de RENFE, Gustavo Reder, Vicente Garrido, Andrés Ripollés, Juan B. Cabrera, Javier Aranguren, Karl Wyrsch, Enrique Paniagua, Cuyás, Manuel Cuenca o Justo Arenillas. Además estarían las “colecciones facticias” de aquellas fotografías que forman parte de fondos textuales del propio Archivo Histórico, las fotografías de reproducción de sus fondos o las colecciones que se han ido reuniendo de las piezas del inventario del propio Museo. La última incorporación ha sido la colección depositada en la Fototeca por la empresa Patentes Talgo S.L., para su catalogación, digitalización y custodia. En: Railway Historical Archive: Photo library
    Notable MZA company funds, RENFE Commercial Management, Gustavo Reder, Vicente Garrido, Andres Ripoll, Juan B. Cabrera, Javier Aranguren, Karl Wyrsch, Enrique Paniagua, whose, Manuel Cuenca or Just Arenillas. Also would the "factitious collections" of those photographs that are part of the own funds textual Historical Archives, photographs to reproduce their funds or collections that have been gathering parts inventory of the museum itself. The latest addition has been deposited in the collection by the company Fototeca Patent Talgo SL, for cataloging, digitization and custody.
  • Real academia gallega:
  • La Real Academia Gallega de Bellas Artes cuenta entre su patrimonio con un magnífico fondo de fotografías pertenecientes a la colección particular de D. Manuel Chamoso Lamas, antiguo Presidente de la Academia. Esta colección adquirida por la Academia, con el fin de iniciar la recuperación de fondos gráficos de la historia del Patrimonio monumental y etnográfico de Galicia, se compone de 10.826 negativos en película, 124 placas de cristal y 4.814 fotografías positiva . En Photographic backgrounds of history and ethnographic monumental heritage of Galicia, consists of 10,826 film negatives, 124 glass plates and positive photograhs  4814
  • Guia inventario de fondos y colecciones canarias
  • Colecciones fotográficas del Ayuntamiento de Alicante
  • Francisco Sánchez Ors (1905, Alicante - 1974, Alicante). Es el gran notario gráfico del Alicante del siglo XX.
    Ver colección
    Cipriano de Frias Peraza (1874, Orotava-1955, Alicante) fotógrafo aficionado excepcional que supo captar la sociedad, costumbres, fiestas y la evolución urbana de Alicante entre 1909-1935.
    Ver colección


    Es uno de los pioneros de la fotografía en Alicante. Tuvo su estudio en la calle Princesa y junto a su labor de retratista fue corresponsal de distintos medios como Blanco y Negro.
    Ver colección
  • Archivo Municipal Málaga fototeca
  • Este importante patrimonio fotográfico está integrado por numerosas imágenes de gran valor testimonial y artístico. Desde un punto de vista cronológico los usuarios tienen la posibilidad de consultar fondos desde finales del siglo XIX hasta fechas muy recientes.
  • Fondos fotográficos vascos
  • En el marco de los convenios que Eusko Ikaskuntza viene firmando con los Ayuntamientos, la Fundación Euskomedia está realizando el inventario, digitalización, catalogación y puesta en red de diversos Archivos Fotográficos Municipales. Esta labor permite la difusión de las imágenes que componen dichos fondos y el conocimiento del patrimonio local. En: Basques photographic backgrounds
    Under the agreements signed Eusko Ikaskuntza comes with municipalities, the Foundation is conducting Euskomedia inventory, digitization, cataloging and networking of various Municipal Photographic Archives. This work allows the dissemination of images that make up the funds and knowledge of local heritage.
  • Instituto del patrimonio cultural de España IPCE
  • Su cometido es la investigación, conservación y restauración de los bienes que conforman el Patrimonio Cultural.
    Se trata de una compleja labor que el IPCE aborda desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, a través de su personal de especialistas en diversas disciplinas: arquitectos, arqueólogos, etnógrafos, restauradores, físicos, geólogos, químicos, biólogos, documentalistas, informáticos, bibliotecarios, archiveros y conservadores, entre otros.
      En:Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain IPCE
    Its mission is to research, conservation and restoration of the assets that comprise the Cultural Heritage.
    It is a complex work that the IPCE approached from a multidisciplinary perspective, through its staff of specialists in various disciplines: architects, archaeologists, ethnographers, restaurateurs, physicists, geologists, chemists, biologists, librarians, administrators, librarians, archivists and preservatives, among others.
  • Catalogo monumental de España. Archivo general de la Administración.En: Monumental catalog of Spain in Google Earth

    The National Tourist Board is created in 1928, as the successor of the National Commission for Tourism (1905-1911) and the Royal Commissioner for Tourism (1911-1928). Its purpose was the formation and dissemination of travel itineraries and the publication and dissemination of guides in several languages​​, all aimed at foreign tourists elite to facilitate tourism and export earnings, and the preservation of the artistic, monumental and picturesque Spain. These functions, as defined by their predecessors, adds the study of the means to implement tourism schools for the training of personnel, the establishment of information centers abroad and tourism centers in Spain, to act together with all organizations to contribute to the promotion of tourism.

    The National Tourist Board Series encompasses a large volume of photographs and other graphic material: placards activities information, brochures, etc.. In all, 344 cases, including 80,975 photographs, index 49 on photographic albums and 7.
  • Instituto Ametller. Fondos Mas
  • El Instituto Amatller de Arte Hispánico pone a disposición de los investigadores e historiadores del arte una biblioteca con 26.000 títulos y un archivo fotográfico y una fototeca con 350.000 negativosEn: The Institute of Hispanic Art Amatller available to researchers and art historians a library with 26,000 titles and a photographic and photo library with 350,000 negative.
  • Memoria de Madrid
  • Colección digital del patrimonio Histórico del Ayuntamiento de Madrid En:Memory of Madrid
    Historical Heritage Digital Collection of the City of Madrid: Photographs and other articles.
  • Museo San Telmo Fotografía
  • Sección que contiene más de 9.000 piezas entre imágenes, clichés y placas. Incluida en un principio dentro de la sección de Historia, adquiere un apartado propio por su carácter documental que abarca temas de historia, etnografía y arqueología, además de fotografías de autor.Dentro de esta sección destacaríamos la colección del "Fondo Galarza".
  • Esta colección está compuesta por las más de 2.000 instantáneas que Gregorio González Galarza y su hijo, Carmelo González, tomaron tanto de Donostia-San Sebastián como de otras poblaciones guipuzcoanas (Hondarribia, Lasarte-Oria, Hernani o Zarautz) especialmente en la primera mitad del siglo XX: En: San Telmo Museum Photography
    Section containing more than 9,000 parts between images, blocks and plates. Initially included in the History section, acquires its own section documentary covering topics from history, ethnography and archeology, as well as photographs of autor.Dentro of this section we highlight the collection of "Galarza Fund".
    This collection consists of more than 2,000 snapshots Gregorio Gonzalez Galarza and her son, Carmelo Gonzalez, took both of Donostia-San Sebastián Gipuzkoa as other populations (Hondarribia, Lasarte-Oria, Hernani or Zarautz) especially in the first half of twentieth century
  • Recuerdos de investigacion de la Alhambra fotografias.
  • Fruto de la compra, donación o producción propia, las fotografías conservadas son de un gran valor para la investigación, no solo a nivel temático, pues se puede ver la evolución y la visión distinta que han tenido los fotógrafos a lo largo de la historia de la fotografía sobre el conjunto monumental de la Alhambra y el Generalife, y de la ciudad de Granada, sino también desde un punto de vista técnico, ya que la gran variedad de soportes que se conservan de material fotográfico, permiten un acercamiento a la historia de la fotografía y a la de sus autores. Destacar entre los autores los nombres de Clifford, J. Camino, J. Laurent, Emilio Beauchy, Garzón, J. Pedrosa, J. García Ayola, Linares, Señan y González, Torres Molina, Torres Balbas...etc. En: Recuerdos de la Alhambra research photographs.
    The result of the purchase, donation or own production, preserved photographs are of great value for research, not only at the thematic level, as you can see the evolution and distinct vision that photographers have had throughout history photography on the monuments of the Alhambra and the Generalife, and Granada, but also from a technical point of view, as the variety of media that remain of photographic, allow an approach to the history of photography and its authors. Stand out from the authors' names Clifford, J. Way, J. Laurent, Emilio Beauchy, Garzon, J. Pedrosa, J. Ayola Garcia, Linares, Senan and González, Molina Torres, Torres Balbas ... etc.
  • Fototeca forestal española INIA
  • Catalogo Monumental de España
  • Centro documentación imagen Santander CDIS
  • Catalogo Monumental de España Biblioteca Tomas Navarro
  • En febrero de 2008 la Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Bienes Culturales del Ministerio de Cultura, a través del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE), y el Instituto de Historia del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), suscribieron un convenio específico de colaboración para la restauración, digitalización y difusión de los ejemplares del Catálogo Monumental de España. Esos ejemplares, depositados durante muchos años en la fototeca del Departamento de Historia del Arte del Instituto de Historia, se ubican en la actualidad en la Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales.  En: Monumental Library Catalog Tomas Navarro of Spain
    In February 2008 the Department of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture, through the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (EICP) and the Institute of History of the Center for Humanities and Social Sciences of the National Research Council (CSIC), signed a specific collaboration agreement for the restoration, digitization and dissemination of copies of the monumental catalog of Spain. These specimens, deposited over many years in the photo library of the Department of History of Art History Institute, is currently located in the Library Tomás Navarro Tomás Center Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • La fotografía en el Catálogo Monumental de España:
    procedimientos y autores
La Biblioteca Digital Hispánica (BDH) es un recurso en línea de la Biblioteca Nacional de España, que proporciona acceso libre y gratuito a miles de documentos digitalizados, con el propósito final de disponer de una imagen de consulta que agilice y facilite la difusión de los documentos originales que se conservan en su soporte original para asegurar su perdurabilidad. En: The Hispanic Digital Library (BDH) is an online resource from the National Library of Spain, which provides free access to thousands of digitized documents, with the ultimate aim of having a query image expedite and facilitate the dissemination of original documents preserved in its original support to ensure its survival
·       Archivo digital la rioja
Las imágenes de estas colecciones más todas las que componen el proyecto ‘La Rioja en la Memoria’, están publicadas en la web,. En: Digital Archive la rioja

The images of all these collections that make up the project 'La Rioja in Memory', are published on the web.

Each photograph is a moment stolen from time, a piece of our history stopped. 'La Rioja in memory' is a project that aims to bring together in a single file pictures and videos with documentary and historical value in personal collections scattered throughout Spain Rioja, photographs and videos that await rediscovery, in cataloging and putting in value as historical and ethnographic documents, as fragments capable of illuminating a more complete picture of our past.

The objective of this project is to recover and catalog those photographic materials that are beyond the professional sphere and that once generated and kept in the private sphere. These images are so personal, but offer an everyday look and an unprecedented view into the work of non-fans. This look gives them a unique historical value for its ability to show what has been left out of the frame of the great events amply documented. They are the witnesses of the everyday history of La Rioja, which shows how we were. / lariojaenlamemoria,

El Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía nació a partir de la experiencia del proyecto Imagina, desarrollado en Almería entre 1990 y 1992 con motivo de la conmemoración del V Centenario del Descubrimiento de América.

·       El Portal ArchivoyMemoria 

El Portal ArchivoyMemoria nace con la idea de convertirse en un punto de referencia para la difusión y recogida de información sobre la construcción de la memoria histórica y sus fuentes documentales. El objetivo es establecer puentes entre historiadores, antropólogos, archiveros, especialistas en literatura, bibliotecarios y museólogos, entre otros, que propicien el diálogo entre proyectos de investigación y profesionales de la documentación y la archivística.  En: The Portal ArchivoyMemoria

The Portal ArchivoyMemoria born with the idea of becoming a reference point for the dissemination and collection of information on the construction of historical memory and documentary sources. The goal is to build bridges between historians, anthropologists, archivists, literary scholars, librarians and museum, among others, that enable dialogue between research and documentation professionals and archives.

·       Archivo Fotográfico de la Delegación de Propaganda de Madrid durante la Guerra Civil
Es un fondo fotográfico creado por la Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, cuyos orígenes se remontan a los inicios de la Guerra Civil española, en 1936. En: Photographic Archive of the Delegation of Propaganda of Madrid during the Spanish Civil War.It is a photographic background created by the Executive Board of Defence of Madrid, whose origins date back to the beginning of the Spanish Civil War in 1936
  • CER.ES (Colecciones en Red) es un catálogo colectivo en línea, que reúne información e imágenes de una importante selección de los bienes culturales que forman las colecciones de todos los museos integrantes de la Red Digital de Colecciones de Museos de España. CER.ES permite realizar búsquedas generales y avanzadas en todos los museos o en una selección realizada por el usuario. Es posible consultar en el catálogo de cada uno de los museos o en una o varias agrupaciones por tipología de museo, ubicación geográfica o titularidad. En:
         CER.ES (Collections Online) is an online union catalog, which includes information and images of a selection of important cultural properties that are collections of museums all members of the Red Digital Collections of Museums in Spain. CER.ES allows general search and advanced in all the museums or a selection made by the user. You can consult the catalog of each of the museums or in one or more groups by type of museum, location or ownership.

   En (google translator)

...... presenting some of the most popular links of photography, both Spanish and international old photograph.

Links to some of the more important files and photo libraries of Spain are included.

They hope they are useful


Links Spanish vintage photography. Archives Libraries

I present some of the Most Famous photo- links, Both the old Spanish and international vintage photography.

Includes links to some of the Most Important photo- archives and libraries of Spain.

I hope they 'are useful to you

     HALIC (Historical Architecture and Landscapes Image Collection) archive of the Art Institute of Chicago. If you search for "Levy", you will find 97 scans from his "Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series".
     Photography Museum The best website for early photography. The best website to know everything about vintage photography.
     Bibliotheque Nationale de France (BNF) Here you can get copies of Their documents.
     SINDBAD (Service d'INformation Des bibliothecaires A Distance). The best information service, better prepared and more agile response I know. Excellent. If they can answer in several languages ​​and support questions in Spanish
     Here you can make any kind of query and the BNF will kindly try to answer all your questions.Simply the best.
     Le SINDBAD (Service d'INformation Des bibliothecaires A Distance) fournit gratuitement
     des références of documents (livres, revues, disques, films ...) sur tous les sujets,
     factuelles des informations: Biographical éléments, faits, chiffres, dates.

Il fournit jusqu'à 15 bibliographiques références limit recherches et ses heures à 1 à 2 pair réponse.

Le service répond dans un délai ouvrables maximal 3 jours aux questions via posées formulaire you.

VoirFormulaire d'envoi of the question (SINDBAD)

     Centre Canadien d'Architecture They have a big catalog of photography (and they 'are the biggest holder of Albert Levy's photographies)

     The CCA holds one of the world's foremost international research collections of publications, conceptual studies, drawings, plans, models, prints, photographs, and ephemera related artefacts, archives and oral histories of architects individually.

     The Collection now Comprises over half a million examples testify to the diverse That ways in Which architecture has-been imagined, conceived, Observed, and Transformed for the past six centuries.
     Search the CCA Collection:
     library catalog (books and periodicals, vertical files, audiovisual items, artefacts, printed ephemera, archives and collections and Their finding aids)
     online collection (prints and drawings, photographs, models, artefacts, archives and collections and Their finding aids)
     Boston Public Library Holder of Albert Levy's photos and with a good database.
     Eastman House One of the best databases in the world of photography. One of the bests photography databases.
     Photography Museum d`Orsay this French museum. D'Orsay Museum photography collection.
     Getty Museum Department of Photography. Photography department of the Getty Museum.
     New York Metropolitan Museum of Photography of this important museum in New York. Photography department of the Met.
     Le Courtauld Institute of Art Photography Department. You can buy actual copies of old photos.
     Lybrary of Congress:
     Today's Library of Congress is an unparalleled world resource. The collection of more than 144 million items includes more than 33 million cataloged books and other print materials in 460 languages​​; more than 63 million manuscripts; the largest rare book collection in North America; and the world's largest collection of legal materials, films, maps, sheet music and sound recording
     Prints & amp; Photographs Online Catalog

     The Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) contains catalog records and digital images Representing a rich cross-section of still pictures held by the Prints & amp; Photographs Division and, in some cases, other units of the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress offers broad public access to materials in Original as a contribution to education and scholarship.

     The collections of the Prints & amp; Photographs Division include photographs, fine and popular prints and drawings, posters, and architectural and engineering drawings. While international in scope, the collections are Particularly rich in materials produced in, or Documenting the history of, the United States and the lives, interests and achievements of the American people.
     Italian Alinari photographic archive with more than one million photos. Italian photographic archive with more than one million photos. Alinari Archives online collection
     Marillier French Photography. French photography
     Telefónica Foundation Collection of Contemporary Photography Telefónica Foundation.
     IVAM Valencia Photography This museum has one of the best collections of Spain Highlight constantly growing photographer Collado of funds.
     Photographic Buena Center Vigo Galicia Photography page. 's Vigo (Galicia, Spain) photographic studies. historical galegos

     Caamano, Ramón



     Ferrol, Manuel

     Masso, José María

     Suárez, José

     Fernández, Raniero

     Luis Rueda

     Vieitez Virxilio



     Collection Fernández Rivero old photography website specializing in photos of Andalusia and thousands of copies of photos estererocópicas.
     Wahington University Photographic Collection Architectural photography (Russell Sturgis' photographic collection of over 1,000 images Primarily related to architecture document Which Also travel period, archaeological, and portraiture conventions. Collections An others)
     Avery Architectural & amp; fine arts Library At your disposal is a fully integrated research library. Columbia's Libraries, With over 10 million volumes, over 100,000 journals and serials current, and an EXTENSIVE collection of electronic resources, manuscripts, rare books, Microforms, and other non
     The Rijksmuseum has the largest art history library in the Netherlands. Catalogues of exhibitions and auctions, trade and collection catalogs, as well as books, periodicals and annual reports to the museum collections Relating Have Been collected without interruption since 1885.print formats, rank as one of the top five academic library systems in the nation.
     Christie's auction results. The results of the photographic sales
     Jean Laurent University of Arizona This work has been conceived as an attractive display for a wide audience as well as a tool for research. On one hand, it aims to popularize the work of Jean Laurent making publicly available virtual reproduction of the exhibition at the Center for Creative Photography, The University of Arizona.
     Niepce Museum In his early experiences, Nicéphore Niépce available at the bottom of a camera obscura, emulsified paper sheets with silver salts, which are blackened by the action of light. Niépce then obtained in May 1816, the first playback of a picture of nature, a power made ​​from your window
     Musee L'Elysee Le Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne, Suisse à situé, entièrement consacre est à la photographie. Institution de l'Etat de Vaud, elle est affiliée au Service des affaires culturelles (SERAC). Le Musée d'exposition possède huit Salles sur quatre réparties étages, une librairie boutique, une salle de lecture et des collections d'une grande richesse.
     International Center of Photography Since its founding in 1974 by Cornell Capa (1918-2008) in the historic Willard Straight House, ICP has presented over 500 exhibitions, bringing the work of more than 3,000 photographers (including Robert Capa photographs)
     Gallica. au-delà des collections de dessins, l'image is present in lieu premier dans les sous sa you bibliothèques form of 'multiple' estampes, photographies, etc.
     From des années 1840 (pour mémoire, Louis Daguerre present one plus tôt are an invention: it daguerreotype) est pris par le relais la Photographie, elle-même pour pratiquée in tant que ou création témoignage documentaire, ou bien encore comme élément des techniques d'une impression photomécanique qui permettent diffusion de masse des supports visuels (des livres et journaux illustrations, cartes postcards, posters, affiches, petite imagerie, etc.).
     Exposition virtueles BNF photographie
         Minot-Gormezano: Le Chaos et la Lumière
         Michael Kenna
         Carl de Keyzer: Trinity
         Trésors photographiques the Société de Géographie
         Eugène Atget
         The humanist photographie 1945-1968
         Roger Ballen. Dans la chambre d'ombres
         Sabastião Salgado
         Expositions Universelles
         Objets dans l'objectif
         L'AFP et la photo de presse
         Des photographes pour l'empereur
         Robert Capa
         Portraits / Visages
         Henri Cartier-Bresson
         Gustave Le Gray
         oyage Orient
         Reza, photographe visionnaire
         Paris, les travaux et les jours
         Magnum, essais sur le monde
         Petits poèmes photographiques

     fototecas files

          Center of Photography and Historical Image of Guadalajara (CEFIHGU) "The Center of Photography and Historical Image of Guadalajara (CEFIHGU) was created by the Provincial Council of Guadalajara to ensure the conservation and social diffusion of photographic and cinematographic heritage existing in the province of Guadalajara. In: the Center of Photography and the historical image of Guadalajara (CEFIHGU) has-been created by the Provincial Council of Guadalajara to Ensure the conservation and social Dissemination of photographic and cinematographic heritage existing in the province of Guadalajara.
     Digital Library Castilla la Mancha: Image File
     A window to the photographic heritage of Castilla-La Mancha. Contains the collections and photographic collections gathered public records managed by the Community Board and other collections from other museums or private ownership that have desired integrated into this great open to all digital repository. In the Image Archive live the works of great photographers like Luis Escobar and Francisco Goñi with popular photography collection through the program "The Legacies of the Earth" or files as produced by the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War . In: Castilla la Mancha Digital Library: Image File
     A window to the photographic heritage of Castilla-La Mancha. Contains the collections and photographic collections recogida public records managed by the Community Board and other collections from other museums or private ownership Works by great photographers like Luis Escobar and Francisco Goñi popular with Photography collected through the program "The Legacies of the Earth" or files as produced by the International Brigades During the Spanish Civil War.
     Railway Historical Archive: Photo library
     Notable company funds MZA, Commercial Division of RENFE, Gustavo Reder, Vicente Garrido, Andres Ripoll, Juan B. Cabrera, Javier Aranguren, Karl Wyrsch, Enrique Paniagua, Cuyás, Manuel Cuenca or Just Arenillas. Also would the "factitious collections" of those photographs that are part of the own funds Support Historical Archives, photographs to reproduce their funds or collections that have been gathering parts inventory of the Museum itself. The latest addition to the collection has been deposited in the Photo Library Patents by the company Talgo SL, for cataloging, digitization and custody. In: Railway Historical Archive: Photo library
     Notable MZA funds company, RENFE Commercial Management, Gustavo Reder, Vicente Garrido, Andres Ripoll, Juan B. Cabrera, Javier Aranguren, Karl Wyrsch, Enrique Paniagua, Whose, Manuel Cuenca or Just Arenillas. Also would the "factitious collections" That of Those photographs are part of the own funds textual Historical Archives, photographs to reproduce Their funds or collections That Have Been gathering parts inventory of the museum itself. The latest Addition has-been deposited in the collection by the company Talgo SL Patent photo library, for cataloging, digitization and custody.
     Real Galician Academy:
     The Galician Royal Academy of Fine Arts has among its assets with a magnificent background of photographs from the private collection of D. Manuel Chamoso Lamas, former President of the Academy. This collection acquired by the Academy in order to start recovery funds Graphics monumental history and ethnographic heritage of Galicia, consists of 10,826 film negatives, glass plates 124 and 4,814 positive pictures. In Photographic backgrounds of history and ethnographic monumental heritage of Galicia, Consist of 10,826 film negatives, 124 glass plates and positive photograhs 4814
     Inventory of funds and collections Canary Guide
     Photographic Collections of the City of Alicante
     Francisco Sánchez Ors (1905, Alicante - 1974, Alicante). It is the great graphic Alicante notary twentieth century.
     View collection
     Cipriano de Frias Peraza (1874, 1955 Orotava, Alicante) outstanding amateur photographer who captured the society, customs, festivals and urban evolution of Alicante between 1909-1935.
     View collection
     It is one of the pioneers of photography in Alicante. He had his studio on Princess Street and alongside his work as a portraitist was a correspondent for various media such as White and Black.
     View collection
     Municipal Archives Málaga library
     This major photographic heritage is composed of numerous images of great historical and artistic value. From a chronological point of view, users have the possibility of consulting funds from the late nineteenth century until recently.
     Basque photographic backgrounds
     Under the agreements signed Eusko Ikaskuntza comes with the municipalities, the Foundation is making Euskomedia inventory, digitization, cataloging and networking of various Municipal Photographic Archives. This work allows the dissemination of images that make up the funds and knowledge of local heritage. In: Basques photographic backgrounds
     Under the Agreements signed Eusko Ikaskuntza Comes with Municipalities, the Foundation is conducting Euskomedia inventory, digitization, cataloging and networking of various Municipal Photographic Archives. This work Allows the Dissemination of Images that make up the funds and knowledge of the local heritage.
     Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain IPCE

     Its mission is research, conservation and restoration of the assets that comprise the Cultural Heritage.

     It is a complex work that the IPCE approached from a multidisciplinary perspective, through its staff specialists in various disciplines: architects, archaeologists, ethnographers, restaurateurs, physicists, geologists, chemists, biologists, archivists, computer scientists, librarians, archivists and conservatives, among others.

       In: Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain IPCE

     Its mission is to research, conservation and restoration of the assets That Comprise the Cultural Heritage.

     It is a complex Work That Approached the IPCE from a multidisciplinary perspective, through ITS staff of specialists in various disciplines: architects, archaeologists, Ethnographers, restaurateurs, physicists, geologists, chemists, biologists, librarians, the administrators, librarians, archivists and preservatives, Among others.
     Spain monumental catalog. Archive of the Administración.En: Monumental catalog of Spain in Google Earth

     The National Tourist Board is created in 1928, as the successor of the National Commission for Tourism (1905-1911) and the Royal Commissioner for Tourism (1911-1928). Its purpose was the formation and Dissemination of travel itineraries and the Dissemination and publication of guides in several languages​​, all Aimed at foreign tourists elite to Facilitate tourism and export earnings, and the preservation of the artistic, monumental and picturesque Spain. These functions, as defined by Their Predecessors, adds the study of the Means to Implement tourism schools for the training of personnel, the establishment of information centers abroad and tourism centers in Spain, to act together With All Organizations to Contribute to the promotion of tourism .

     The National Tourist Board Series encompasses a large volume of photographs and other graphic materials: information activities placards, brochures, etc. .. In all, 344 cases, treats including 80,975 photographs, index 49 on photographic albums and 7.
     Ametller Institute. More funds
     The Institute of Hispanic Art Amatller available to researchers and art historians a library with 26,000 titles and a photographic archive and a library with 350,000 negative. In: The Institute of Hispanic Art Amatller available to Researchers and art historians to library with 26,000 titles and a photographic and photo library with 350,000 negative.
     Memory of Madrid
     Digital Collection of Historical Heritage of the City of Madrid In: Memory of Madrid
     Historical Heritage Digital Collection of the City of Madrid: Photographs and other articles.
     San Telmo Museum Photography
     Section that contains over 9,000 pieces, including images, clichés and plates. Initially included in the History section, acquires its own documentary section covering topics of history, ethnography and archeology, as well as photographs of autor.Dentro this section we highlight the collection of "Galarza Fund."
     This collection consists of more than 2,000 snapshots Gregorio Gonzalez Galarza and her son, Carmelo Gonzalez, took both of Donostia-San Sebastián and other Gipuzkoa populations (Hondarribia, Lasarte-Oria, Hernani or Zarautz), especially in the first half of twentieth century: In: San Telmo Museum Photography
     Section container containing more than 9,000 parts Between images, blocks and plates. Initially included in the History section, acquires Its Own documentary section covering topics from history, ethnography and archeology, as well as photographs of autor.Dentro of this section we highlight the collection of "Galarza Fund".
     This collection of more than 2,000 Consist snapshots Gregorio Gonzalez Galarza and her son, Carmelo Gonzalez, took Both of Donostia-San Sebastián Gipuzkoa as other Populations (Hondarribia, Lasarte-Oria, Hernani or Zarautz) Especially in the first half of twentieth century
     Recuerdos de la Alhambra research photographs.
     The result of the purchase, gift or own production, are preserved photographs of great value for research, not only on a thematic level, as you can see the evolution and the different view that photographers have had throughout history the photograph on the monuments of the Alhambra and the Generalife, and Granada city, but also from a technical point of view, since the variety of media that remain from photographic material, provide an introduction to the history of photography and its authors. Stand out from the authors' names Clifford, J. Way, J. Laurent, Emilio Beauchy Garzon, J. Pedrosa, J. García Ayola, Linares, Señan and González, Molina Torres, Torres Balbas ... etc. In: Recuerdos de la Alhambra research photographs.
     The result of the purchase, donation or own production, are preserved photographs of great value for research, not only at the thematic level, as you can see the evolution and distinct vision That Throughout History Have had photographers photography on the monuments of the Alhambra and the Generalife, and Granada, but Also from a technical point of view, as the variety of media That REMAIN of photographic, allow an approach to the history of photography and Its authors. Stand out from the authors' names Clifford, J. Way, J. Laurent, Emilio Beauchy, Garzon, J. Pedrosa, J. Garcia Ayola, Linares, Senan and González, Molina Torres, Torres Balbas ... etc.
     Spanish INIA Forest Photo Library
     Monumental Catalogue of Spain
     Documentation center image Santander DCIS
     Monumental Library Catalog Tomas Navarro of Spain
     In February 2008 the Department of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture, through the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (EICP) and the Institute of History of the Center for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), signed a collaboration agreement for specific restoration, digitization and dissemination of copies of Monumental Spain catalog. These specimens, deposited over many years in the library of the Department of Art History at the Institute of History, is currently located in the Library Tomás Navarro Tomás Center Humanities and Social Sciences. In: Monumental Library Catalog Tomas Navarro of Spain
     In February 2008 the Department of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture, through the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (IPBS) and the Institute of History of the Center for Humanities and Social Sciences of the National Research Council (CSIC), signed to specific collaboration agreement for the restoration, digitization and Dissemination of copies of the monumental catalog of Spain. These specimens, deposited over many years in the photo library of the Department of History of Art History Institute, is located in the Library Currently Tomás Navarro Tomás Center Humanities and Social Sciences.
     Photography in Spain Monumental catalog:
     authors procedures

The Hispanic Digital Library (BDH) is an online resource from the National Library of Spain, which provides free access to thousands of scanned documents, with the ultimate goal of having a query image expedite and facilitate the dissemination of original documents preserved in its original support to ensure its survival. In: The Hispanic Digital Library (BDH) is an online resource from the National Library of Spain, Which provides free access to Thousands of digitized documents, With the ultimate aim of having a query image and expedite Facilitate the Dissemination of the original documents preserved in ITS Ensure support to the original STI survival

· Digital Archive la rioja

The images of these collections plus all that make up the project 'La Rioja in Memory', are posted on the web,. In: Digital Archive la rioja

The images of all collections in Original That Make up the project 'La Rioja in Memory', are published on the web.

Each photograph is a moment stolen from time, a piece of our history stopped. 'La Rioja in memory' That is a project to bring AIMS together in a single file pictures and Videos with documentary and historical value in scattered collections staff THROUGHOUT Spain Rioja, photographs and Videos That await rediscovery, in cataloging and putting in value as historical and ethnographic documents, as fragments capable of illuminating a more complete picture of our past.

The project objective is to de esta recover catalog and Those That photographic materials are beyond the professional sphere and That eleven generated and kept in the private sphere. These images are so personal but an everyday look and offer an unprecedented view into the work of non-fans. This historical look Gives them a unique value for STI Ability to show what has-been left out of the frame of the great events amply documented. They are the witnesses of the everyday history of La Rioja, Which shows how we were. / lariojaenlamemoria,

     Photographic archives of López de Heredia
     Photographic archives of Bodegas Franco-Spanish.
     Paternina photo backgrounds.

  Portal museums Andalucia

The Andalusian Centre of Photography was born from the experience of the Imagine project, developed in Almería between 1990 and 1992 for the commemoration of the V Centenary of the Discovery of America.

· The ArchivoyMemoria Portal

The Portal ArchivoyMemoria born with the idea of becoming a reference point for the dissemination and collection of information on the construction of historical memory and documentary sources. The goal is to build bridges between historians, anthropologists, archivists, literary scholars, librarians and museum curators, among others, that enable dialogue between research projects and professional documentation and archival. In: The Portal ArchivoyMemoria

The Portal ArchivoyMemoria born with the notion of becoming a reference point for the Dissemination and collection of information on the construction of historical memory and documentary sources. The goal is to build bridges Between historians, Anthropologists, archivists, literary scholars, librarians and museum, Among Others, That enable Dialogue between research and documentation and archives professionals.

· Photo Archive Delegation Propaganda Madrid during the Civil War

It is a photographic collection created by the Executive Board of the defense of Madrid, whose origins date back to the beginnings of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 In: Photographic Archive of the Delegation of Propaganda of Madrid During The Spanish Civil War.It is a photographic background created by the Executive Board of Defence of Madrid, Whose origins date back to the beginning of the Spanish Civil War in 1936
     CER.ES (Collections Online) is an online union catalog, which includes information and images of a selection of important cultural objects that are collections of museums all members of the Digital Collections Network of Museums of Spain. CER.ES allows general and advanced searches in all the museums or a selection made by the user. You can consult the catalog of each of the museums or in one or more groups by type of museum, geographic location or ownership. In:
          CER.ES (Collections Online) is an online catalog junction, Which includes information and images of a selection of properties That are Important Cultural collections of museums all members of the Red Digital Collections of Museums in Spain. CER.ES overall search and advanced in all the museums or a selection made ​​by the user Allows. You can consult the catalog of each of the museums or in one or more groups by type of museum, location or ownership.