Museos de Fotografía. Canadian Centre for Architecture

Un Museo relativamente poco conocido y que, sin embargo, tiene un buen fondo en fotografía antigua es el
en Quebec.
Está especializado en todo lo relacionado con la arquitectura y eso incluye la fotografía desde sus comienzos en el siglo XIX

The CCA holds one of the world’s foremost international research collections of publications, conceptual studies, drawings, plans, models, prints, photographs, related artefacts and ephemera, archives and oral histories of individual architects.The Collection now comprises over half a million examples that testify to the diverse ways in which architecture has been imagined, conceived, observed, and transformed for the past six centuries.

 En su Collection on line se pueden ver fotos, por ejemplo, de

Si marcamos la opcion "read more" ( en savoir de plus) nos da una explicacion sobre las fotos
  • En la opcion Seville.veremos las famosas fotos de Louis de Clercq sobre esta ciudad, una de las mas famosas y primeras series de uno de los grandes fotógrafos mundiales sobre una ciudad española

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  • View of the entrance gate of Pontius Pilate's House, Seville, Spain
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...........The six albums PH1980:0048.01:001-050 - PH1980:0048.06:001-051 are comprised of photographs taken by Louis De Clercq during Emmanuel-Guillaume Rey's first expedition to Syria and Asia Minor for the Ministry of Public Instruction (August - 5 December 1859; 'Louis De Clercq', pp. 59-60). Emmanuel-Guillaume Rey (1837-1916), a historian of crusader castles, led the expedition and De Clercq was his assistant. The photographs are dated "negatives exposed 1859-1860" based on the expedition dates and the date of De Clercq's trip to Egypt ca. May 1860 after the expedition ('Louis De Clercq', p. 76). The photographs are also dated "published 1859-1860" based on the imprinted date on the title page of each album.............