Exposiciones que iré a ver. Fundacion Lázaro Galdiano PhotoEspaña. Manuel Carrillo. Ansel Adams, Paul Strand, Alvarez Bravo, E. Weston

Una de las exposiciones de obligada visita del próximo PHotoEspaña es la que tendrá lugar, abre el próximo 4 de Junio, en la Fundación Lázaro Galdiano

El Museo Lázaro Galdiano abre sus puertas al “Maestro Mexicano” dentro del festival PHotoEspaña
La muestra reúne una selección de evocadoras fotografías en blanco y negro de Manuel Carrillo, conocido como “El Maestro Mexicano”, junto a las obras de reconocidos fotógrafos contemporáneos como Ansel Adams, Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Paul Strand o Edward Weston.

Es de agradecer siempre que los museos colaboren, participen, en este reconocido certamen de fotografía uno de los mejores, sino el mejor que se celebra en España.

Las fotos proceden de la Colección del Bank of America

Mi Querido México: Photography by Manuel Carrillo

...........Although Carrillo didn’t embrace photography until late in his life, it was clear what subjects interested him most from the first time he used his camera to seriously pursue his art: his homeland and its people, especially those in rural areas; children, the elderly and their beloved animals. Though he spent years in the United States before returning to Mexico, he didn’t approach them with a social outsider’s curiosity, but with compassion, respect and gentle humor. That viewpoint is clear in the compelling black-and-white images he captured during post-revolution Mexico that are on view in Mi Querido Mexico.........

Tengo que reconocer que muy pocas fotos he visto de este autor pero......tanto como conocer sus fotos me interesan la compañía que viene con él que conozco mucho por imágenes-internet- pero de la cuales apenas he visto originales:Ansel Adams, Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Paul Strand o Edward Weston.
PHotoEspaña permite, y es de agradecer, confrontar la realidad del papel, de la foto, frente a la imagen -pixeles-que vemos en internet.

De estos nombres, todos grandes fotógrafos, mi interés se centra en Ansel Adams presente en casi toda subasta y uno de los nombres mas "cuidados" de la fotografía moderna-léase siglo XX- americana.
Recordemos que una de sus obras es de las fotos más reconocidas y apreciadas del siglo XX, o por lo menos eso se lee en numerosos libros de arte ( americanos)

Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico

It was made after sundown, there was a twilight glow on the distant peaks and clouds. The average light values of the foreground were placed on the "U" of the Weston Master meter; apparently the values of the moon and distant peaks did not lie higher than the "A" of the meter. . . . Some may consider this photograph a "tour de force" but I think of it as a rather normal photograph of a typical New Mexican landscape. Twilight photography is unfortunately neglected; what may be drab and uninteresting by daylight may assume a magnificent quality in the halflight between sunset and dark.

Ansel Adams Library of Congress
In 1943, Ansel Adams (1902-1984), America's most well-known photographer, documented the Manzanar War Relocation Center in California and the Japanese-Americans interned there during World War II. For the first time, digital scans of both Adams's original negatives and his photographic prints appear side by side allowing viewers to see Adams's darkroom technique, in particular, how he cropped his prints. 

Farm, farm workers, Mt. Williamson in background, Manzanar Relocation Center, California

Manzanar Relocation Center from tower

Loading bus, leaving Manzanar for relocation, Manzanar Relocation Center, California

Vollyball, [i.e. volleyball] Manzanar Relocation Center, Calif.


Ansel Adams part1 

Ansel Adams part 2

Álvarez Bravo. Jeu de Paume

Petit Journal dossier pdf