Pintores fotógrafos.Painter&photographer

La primera fotografía se realiza (1826), casi, al mismo tiempo (1828) que fallece uno de los grandes pintores de la historia: Francisco de Goya

Harry Ranson Center
The First Photograph, or more specifically, the earliest known surviving photograph made in a camera, was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1826 or 1827. The image depicts the view from an upstairs window at Niépce's estate, Le Gras, in the Burgundy region of France. Learn more about the First Photograph through the links below.

Fotografía y pintura conviven en los primeros tiempos en algunos establecimientos artísticos. La labor de algunos miniaturistas "completando con color" las fotos es bien conocida

Pedro Martínez de Hebert. El retrato iluminado.  Museo Cerralbo.

Entre los artistas distinguidos que más se señalan entre nosotros... no debemos olvidar al Sr. Dr. Hebert, que es no solo un buen fotógrafo, sino un escelente pintor, rivalizando sus obras con las mejores que hemos visto.

Pintores y fotógrafos. Eusebio Juliá. Museo del Romanticismo

Pero ya en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX los caminos de fotografía y pintura, siempre próximos se van a ir separando....pero nunca del todo.
Varios y destacados pintores son también reconocidos como grandes fotógrafos.
He aquí algunos ejemplos ( hay muchos más)


  Man Ray Exploring photographs Getty Tears.

Man Ray Fotografía y Pintura. Moma.

American photographer and painter. He was brought up in New York, and he adopted the pseudonym Man Ray as early as 1909. He was one of the leading spirits of Dada and Surrealism and the only American artist to play a prominent role in the launching of those two influential movements. Throughout the 1910s he was involved with avant-garde activities that prefigured the Dada movement. After attending drawing classes supervised by Robert Henri and George Bellows at the Francisco Ferrer Social Center, or Modern School, he lived for a time in the art colony of Ridgefield, NJ, where he designed, illustrated and produced several small press pamphlets, such as the Ridgefield Gazook, published in 1915, and A Book of Diverse Writings.


Dossier de artista, con finalidad docente, de la actividad de Ruscha como pintor y fotógrafo

TateShots: Ed Ruscha's photography books. Video

Youtube. Ruscha habla sobre su obra.

Tomando como punto de partida el análisis de la obra fotográfica de artista David Hockney, hemos pretendido buscar respuestas a una serie de cuestiones centradas en las posibilidades de representación del espacio que permite el medio fotográfico. La obra fotográfica que David Hockney desarrolló en los años ochenta del siglo XX supuso una ruptura con el espacio fotográfico canónico, poniendo en cuestión las tradicionales relaciones entre espacio representado y fotografía. Sus archiconocidos joiners o composites fotográficos proponían un acercamiento al espacio fotográfico alejado del modo de representación óptico-perspectivo que monopolizaba, salvo contadas excepciones, la representación espacial en este medio. Así, la obra de Hockney propuso nuevos horizontes representativos dentro del ámbito fotográfico de gran repercusión en posteriores generaciones. 


Getty Acquires 29 Photographs by Prolific Artist Cy Twombly

Acquisition Includes Still Lifes, Floral Studies, and Landscapes Photographed from 1954 to 2011
  • El caso más conocido, posiblemente, de pintor español  reconvertido en fotógrafo es José Manuel Ballester
Jose Manuel Ballester Paisajes Industriales. KPMG

  •  Y de los pintores de fama mundial ( recordemos que es uno de los artistas vivos más cotizados) es Gerhard Richter.
Catalogue raisonné of Gerhard Richter's overpainted photographs
A catalogue raisonné of the overpainted photographs of Gerhard Richter is scheduled to be published in 2015.

Destacar, por su curiosidad, las citas que el propio Richter cuelga en su web. Algunas realmente buenas.

  • En España de mediados del siglo se puede citar a Novella que tiene un cuadro en el Museo de Prado y que tuvo el estudio de fotografía Photo Art Novella.

Fotógrafo Novella. Foto antigua puentes. Valencia. Albaida y Gandia

Diccionario de artistas valencianos del siglo XX, 1999 : Gómez Novella, Vicente

Pintor, muralista y fotógrafo.

  • En el "Diccionario de artistas valencianos del siglo XX", publicado en 1999, aparece información sobre Novella y también en la siguiente obra:

Retratos 1902-1925 : [del 13 de octubre al 19 de noviembre de 2008, Espai d'Art "La Llotgeta", València] / Novella ; [textos, Concha Baeza, J.V. Rodríguez, Jacobo Muñoz Duato]. -- [Alicante] : Caja Mediterraneo Obras Sociales, D.L. 2008 ([Alicante] : Gráficas Antar)

  • Por otra parte el Museo del Prado amplia los datos de esta fotógrafo y pintor. Es curioso, conozco pocos fotógrafos de esta época que destacaran en ambos campos, foto y pintura, pues Novella tiene una obra en el Museo del Prado "La Primavera" que está en depósito en la Capitanía General de Zaragoza, y tenía el derecho a firmar sus obras como " fotógrafo de la Real Casa".

Utiliza frecuentemente las fotos, sobre todo fotos antiguas, como parte integrante de su obra.

  •   Dionisio González llega ya al extremo de "pintar con la cámara"

Exposiciones para ver y fotografiar. Dionisio González. Ivorypress. Madrid. Exhibitions to see and photograph Dionisio González. Ivorypress

  • Y, para terminar, el que mejor explica la interacción entre fotografía y pintura es Joan Fontcuberta en su libro la Caja de Pandora

La Caja de Pandora. Joan Fontcuberta. Premio Nacional de Ensayo

Puede afirmarse, pues, que en lo esencial, imagen pictórica e imagen digital son idénticas. Varía el modus operandi técnico, el utillaje, los aparatos, pero repito, su naturaleza estructural es la misma.......

Libro Recomendado . La Caja de Pandora. Joan Fontcuberta. II parte


 En (google translate)

The first picture is taken, almost at the same time (1828) who dies one of the great painters of the story: Francisco de Goya
Harry Ransom CenterThe First Photograph, or more Specifically, the earliest surviving photograph Known made in a camera, was taken by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in 1826 or 1827. The image depicts the view from an upstairs window at Niépce's estate, Le Gras, in the Burgundy region of France. Learn more about the First Photograph through the links below.
Photography and painting coexist in the early stages in some art establishments. The work of some miniaturists "completing colored" is well known photos
Pedro Martínez de Hebert. The illuminated portrait. Cerralbo Museum.Among the distinguished than most artists say with us ... we must not forget Mr. Dr. Hebert, who is not only a good photographer but a painter escelente, rivaling his works with the best we've seen.Painters and photographers. Eusebio Julia. Museum of Romanticism
In 1874 the study Nadar 35 Boulevard des Capucines be held the first exhibition of the ImpressionistsBut in the second half of the nineteenth century the paths of photography and painting, always coming are going to be separated .... but never entirely.
Several prominent painters and are also recognized as great photographers.
Here are some examples (there are many more)


Man Ray photographs Exploring Getty Tears.Man Ray Photography and Painting. Moma.American photographer and painter. I was Brought up in New York, and I ADOPTED the pseudonym Man Ray as early as 1909. He was one of the leading spirits of Dada and Surrealism and the only American artist to play a prominent role in the launching of Those two influential movements. THROUGHOUT the 1910s I was Involved With That avant-garde activities prefigured the Dada movement. After attending drawing classes supervised by Robert Henri and George Bellows at the Francisco Ferrer Social Center, or Modern School, I lived for a time in the art colony of Ridgefield, NJ, Where have designed, illustrated and produced several small press pamphlets, Such as the Ridgefield Gazook, published in 1915, and A Book of Diverse Writings.

Ed Ruscha
Photographer Ed Ruscha. Tate Gallery. Dossier
Dossier artist with teaching purpose, Ruscha activity as a painter and photographerTateShots: Ed Ruscha's photography books. VideoYoutube. Ruscha talks about his work

  The photographic work of David Hockney: A Reflection on the multiple photo
Taking as its starting point the analysis of the photographic work of artist David Hockney, we have tried to find answers to a series of questions focusing on the possibilities of representation of space that allows the photographic medium. The photographic work of David Hockney developed in the eighties of the twentieth century marked a break with the canonical photographic space, questioning the traditional relations between represented space and photography. Your joiners archiconocidos or photographic composites proposed an approach to photographic space optical remote mode-which monopolized representation perspective, with few exceptions, the spatial representation in this medium. Thus the work of Hockney representative proposed new horizons within the photographic area of ​​great impact on later generations.

Cy Twombly
Photographs by Getty Acquires 29 Prolific Artist Cy TwomblyAcquisition Includes Still Lifes, Floral Studies, Photographed and Landscapes from 1954 to 2011

The best known case, possibly Spanish photographer turned-painter is Jose Manuel Ballester

ose Manuel Ballester Forest of Light; Education Ministry
Jose Manuel Ballester industrial landscapes. KPMG

And world famous painters (remember that is one of the most quoted living artists) is Gerhard Richter.
Catalogue raisonné of Gerhard Richter's overpainted photographs
A catalog raisonné of the overpainted photographs of Gerhard Richter is scheduled to be published in 2015.

Distinguished by their curiosity, events that Richter himself hanging on its website. Some really good.
Gerhard Richter Photography Quotes

In mid-century Spain can quote Novella has a table Prado Museum and took the photo studio Photo Art Novella.
Photographer Novella. Old Photo bridges. Valencia. Albaida and Gandia

Dictionary of Valencian artists of the twentieth century, 1999: Gómez Novella, Vicente
Painter, muralist and photographer.

In the "Dictionary of Valencian artists of the twentieth century", published in 1999, it appears Novella and information on the following work:
Portraits 1902-1925 [October 13 to November 19, 2008, Art Space "The Llotgeta" Valencia] / Novella; [Text, Concha Baeza, J. V. Rodriguez, James Muñoz Duato]. - [Alicante]: Social Work Caja Mediterraneo, DL 2008 ([Alicante]: Charts Antar)

Moreover Prado Museum wide data to the photographer and painter. It's funny, I know few photographers of this period stand out in both fields, photo and paint, as Novella has a work in the Prado Museum "La Primavera" is on deposit in the Captaincy General of Zaragoza, and had the right to sign his works as "Photographer of the Royal Family"

Josep Renau. Lavish catalog published by the Spanish Cultural Action

Carmen Calvo
Often uses pictures, especially old photos, as an integral part of his work.

Dario Villalba.Véase Reina Sofia Museum catalog of its collection

Juan Usle Talent RTVE. Talks about his work.

Dionisio González is now coming to the end of "painting with a camera"
Exhibitions to see and photograph. Dionisio González. Ivorypress. Madrid. Exhibitions to see and photograph Dionisio González. Ivorypress

And finally, best explains the interaction between photography and painting is Joan Fontcuberta in his book Pandora's Box
Pandora's box. Joan Fontcuberta. National Essay PrizeArguably, then, essentially pictorial image and digital image are identical. Modus operandi varies technician, tools, appliances, but again, its structural nature is the same .......Recommended book. Pandora's box. Joan Fontcuberta. Part II