Fotógrafo Novella. Foto antigua puentes. Valencia. Albaida y Gandia.
Pontón sobre el barranco de Albaida Valencia
Puente sobre el río Serpis Gandia
Las fotos llevan la firma "Photo Art Novella". Realizadas diferentes búsquedas sobre dicho estudio fotográfico desde Valencia me facilitaron los siguientes datos:
Vicente Novella firma como "Photo Art Novella".
También firma sus obras de la siguiente forma:
* Gómez Novella, Vicente (1870-1956) *
< UP Novella
< UP Foto Novella
< UP G. Novella, V.
< UP Photo Art Novella
< UP Estudio Fotográfico Novella
Diccionario de artistas valencianos del siglo XX, 1999 : Gómez Novella, Vicente
Pintor, muralista y fotógrafo.
- En el "Diccionario de artistas valencianos del siglo XX", publicado en 1999, aparece información sobre Novella y también en la siguiente obra:
Retratos 1902-1925 : [del 13 de octubre al 19 de noviembre de 2008, Espai d'Art "La Llotgeta", València] / Novella ; [textos, Concha Baeza, J.V. Rodríguez, Jacobo Muñoz Duato]. -- [Alicante] : Caja Mediterraneo Obras Sociales, D.L. 2008 ([Alicante] : Gráficas Antar)
- Por otra parte el Museo del Prado amplia los datos de esta fotógrafo y pintor. Es curioso, conozco pocos fotógrafos de esta época que destacaran en ambos campos, foto y pintura, pues Novella tiene una obra en el Museo del Prado "La Primavera" que está en depósito en la Capitanía General de Zaragoza, y tenía el derecho a firmar sus obras como " fotógrafo de la Real Casa".
Vicente Novella en la Enciclopedia Online del Museo del Prado
........Fue fotógrafo y pintor (1873-1956). Pintor y fotógrafo español discípulo de Ignacio Pinazo. ..
- Colaboró con Manuel González Martí fundador del Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias "González Martí" en Valencia : Ministerio de Cultura Revista Museos
- Los fondos de la colección de cerámica de Gómez Novella fueron adquiridos por el Museo de Cerámica de Barcelona : Macetero
- La Llotgeta - Obra Social de la Cam- le rinde homenaje. La exposición Vicente Gómez Novella. Retratos: 1902-1925
Exposición retratos Vicente Gomez Novella
........Inmortalizó con su cámara a ilustres valencianos como José Iturbi o Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Fotografió a Pau Casals, a Max Aub, a Santiago Rusiñol, a Francisco Tárrega ........
........Inmortalizó con su cámara a ilustres valencianos como José Iturbi o Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Fotografió a Pau Casals, a Max Aub, a Santiago Rusiñol, a Francisco Tárrega ........
El puente ha sido un tema frecuente, como es lógico y normal pues forma parte del paisaje, en la fotografía antigua. Si desea ver algunas otras fotos antiguas, de diferentes fotógrafos, que fueron comentadas anteriormente utilice la herramienta "buscar en este blog" que figura en esta página.
Podra ver fotos antiguas del Puente de San Angelo en Roma, del Puente de San Miguel en Jaca, del Puente de Alcantara en Toledo,del Puente de Pesqueiras en Lugo,del Puente Romano de Burgui en Navarra.
- La ingenieria fotógrafica, que incluye los puentes,ha sido objeto de un ameno estudio por Dña. Inmaculada Aguilar titulado "La mirada fotográfica de la ingenieria civil"
- Vease también el documento
Fotografía y ferrocarril: una reflexión en torno a las fuentes gráficas del ferrocarril, su conservación y su estudio publicado por la Fundacion de los Ferrocarriles españoles obra de Domingo Cuéllar Villar, Raquel Letón Ruiz, Silvia Martín Rizaldos,
Leticia Martínez García y Francisco Cuadros Trujillo donde nos destacan la labor en este campo de
Leticia Martínez García y Francisco Cuadros Trujillo donde nos destacan la labor en este campo de
- Charles Clifford
..........pudo reflejar con su cámara el ambicioso programa de reformas urbanísticas del Madrid del momento, muestra de ello
es la fantástica fotografía de la construcción del puente de los Franceses sobre el río Manzanares, tomada en 1859
es la fantástica fotografía de la construcción del puente de los Franceses sobre el río Manzanares, tomada en 1859
- Jean Laurent
La CAM rescata el legado del fotógrafo valenciano Vicente Gómez Novella
Vicente Gómez Novella (1871-1956) quiso siempre ser
pintor, pero la necesidad de mantener a su familia con un sueldo estable
le llevó a aprender el oficio de fotógrafo con Antonio García, por cuyo
estudio pasaban jóvenes artistas de su generación como Muñoz Degraín,
los hermanos Benlliure o el propio Sorolla.
La aportación de Novella a esta disciplina fue la
traslación de la estética y el espíritu modernista al lenguaje
fotográfico. La relajación y manierismo de sus retratados -sobre todo
las mujeres, lánguidas y, según de quien se tratase, misteriosas- se
interpretan en nuestros días como un testimonio de la sensibilidad
plástica de una época en la que el pictorialismo se imponía sobre la
búsqueda de fidelidad realista y el academicismo del siglo XIX.
En (google translator)
Bridge over the river Serpis Gandia
The photos are signed "Photo Art Novella". They performed different searches on this photo studio from Valencia provided me the following information:
Vicente Novella firm as "Photo Art Novella".
Also signs his works as follows:
* Novella Gómez, Vicente (1870-1956) *
& lt; UP Novella
& lt; UP Photo Novella
& lt; UP G. Novella, V.
& lt; UP Photo Art Novella
& lt; UP Home Staging Novella
Dictionary of Valencian artists of the twentieth century, 1999: Novella Gómez, Vicente
Painter, muralist and photographer.
In the "Dictionary of Valencian artists of the twentieth century," published in 1999, shows information about Novella and in the following works:
Portraits 1902-1925: [13 October to 19 November 2008, Espai d'Art "La Llotgeta" Valencia] / Novella; [Text, Concha Baeza, J. V. Rodriguez, James Muñoz Duato]. - [Alicante]: Caja Mediterraneo Social Work, DL 2008 ([Alicante]: Charts Antar)
Moreover Prado Museum comprehensive data to the photographer and painter. It's funny, I know a few photographers of this period stand out in both camps, photo and painting, as Novella has a work in the Museo del Prado "La Primavera" is on deposit in the General Captaincy of Zaragoza, and had the right to sign his works as "photographer of the royal family."
Vicente Novella in the Online Encyclopedia of the Prado Museum
Was ........ photographer and painter (1873-1956). Spanish painter and photographer Ignacio disciple Pinney. ..
He collaborated with founder Manuel González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts "González Martí" in Valencia: Museums Ministry of Culture Magazine
Funds from the ceramic collection Novella Gomez were acquired by the Museum of Ceramics in Barcelona: Planter
The Llotgeta - Social Work pays tribute Cam. Exposure Vicente Gómez Novella. Portraits: 1902-1925
Vicente Gomez Exhibition portraits Novella
Immortalized ........ his camera at Valencia as illustrious José Iturbi or Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. He photographed Pau Casals, Max Aub, James Rusinol, Francisco Tarrega ........
The bridge has been a frequent topic, as it is logical and normal as part of the landscape, in early photography. If you want to see some other old photos from different photographers, which were discussed above use the "search this blog" tool contained in this page.
May see old photos of San Angelo bridge in Rome, the Puente de San Miguel in Jaca, Alcantara Bridge in Toledo, Pesqueiras Bridge in Lugo, the Roman Bridge Burgui in Navarra.
The photographic engineering, including bridges, has been the subject of a study by Ms. entertaining. Inmaculada Aguilar entitled "photographic look of civil engineering"
Comment section of this study referred to the photographic albums to be performed on numerous public and private projects in the second half of the nineteenth century, often at great charge and photographers are a reflection not only of the work in itself but also of its landscape and human environment. Notable albums of railroad companies and electricity with photos of the construction of the waterfalls.
See also document
Photography and rail: a reflection on the railroad graphic sources, conservation and study by the Spanish Railways Foundation by Domingo Villar Cuellar, Latvian Raquel Ruiz, Silvia Martin Rizaldos,
Leticia Martínez García and Francisco Trujillo Tables where we highlight the work in this field
Charles Clifford
could reflect .......... your camera's ambitious program of urban renewal Madrid at the time, it shows
is the fantastic photography of the construction of the bridge over the French River Manzanares, taken in 1859
Jean Laurent
............ In the Paris Exposition (1867) were presented six albums, "one 20 views headlights; in another 30 ancient bridges ...; in another 33 bridges modern factory several roads and railways; in another 46 iron bridges for the same routes; 40 views in other various works, including large clearings, paths, tunnels, stations, ports, etc., and in the last 30 views relating to works of the Canal de Isabel II Water supply to Madrid. "Supplement of the Journal of Public Works, 1865 ...........
The photos are signed "Photo Art Novella". They performed different searches on this photo studio from Valencia provided me the following information:
Vicente Novella firm as "Photo Art Novella".
Also signs his works as follows:
* Novella Gómez, Vicente (1870-1956) *
& lt; UP Novella
& lt; UP Photo Novella
& lt; UP G. Novella, V.
& lt; UP Photo Art Novella
& lt; UP Home Staging Novella
Dictionary of Valencian artists of the twentieth century, 1999: Novella Gómez, Vicente
Painter, muralist and photographer.
In the "Dictionary of Valencian artists of the twentieth century," published in 1999, shows information about Novella and in the following works:
Portraits 1902-1925: [13 October to 19 November 2008, Espai d'Art "La Llotgeta" Valencia] / Novella; [Text, Concha Baeza, J. V. Rodriguez, James Muñoz Duato]. - [Alicante]: Caja Mediterraneo Social Work, DL 2008 ([Alicante]: Charts Antar)
Moreover Prado Museum comprehensive data to the photographer and painter. It's funny, I know a few photographers of this period stand out in both camps, photo and painting, as Novella has a work in the Museo del Prado "La Primavera" is on deposit in the General Captaincy of Zaragoza, and had the right to sign his works as "photographer of the royal family."
Vicente Novella in the Online Encyclopedia of the Prado Museum
Was ........ photographer and painter (1873-1956). Spanish painter and photographer Ignacio disciple Pinney. ..
He collaborated with founder Manuel González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts "González Martí" in Valencia: Museums Ministry of Culture Magazine
Funds from the ceramic collection Novella Gomez were acquired by the Museum of Ceramics in Barcelona: Planter
The Llotgeta - Social Work pays tribute Cam. Exposure Vicente Gómez Novella. Portraits: 1902-1925
Vicente Gomez Exhibition portraits Novella
Immortalized ........ his camera at Valencia as illustrious José Iturbi or Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. He photographed Pau Casals, Max Aub, James Rusinol, Francisco Tarrega ........
The bridge has been a frequent topic, as it is logical and normal as part of the landscape, in early photography. If you want to see some other old photos from different photographers, which were discussed above use the "search this blog" tool contained in this page.
May see old photos of San Angelo bridge in Rome, the Puente de San Miguel in Jaca, Alcantara Bridge in Toledo, Pesqueiras Bridge in Lugo, the Roman Bridge Burgui in Navarra.
The photographic engineering, including bridges, has been the subject of a study by Ms. entertaining. Inmaculada Aguilar entitled "photographic look of civil engineering"
Comment section of this study referred to the photographic albums to be performed on numerous public and private projects in the second half of the nineteenth century, often at great charge and photographers are a reflection not only of the work in itself but also of its landscape and human environment. Notable albums of railroad companies and electricity with photos of the construction of the waterfalls.
See also document
Photography and rail: a reflection on the railroad graphic sources, conservation and study by the Spanish Railways Foundation by Domingo Villar Cuellar, Latvian Raquel Ruiz, Silvia Martin Rizaldos,
Leticia Martínez García and Francisco Trujillo Tables where we highlight the work in this field
Charles Clifford
could reflect .......... your camera's ambitious program of urban renewal Madrid at the time, it shows
is the fantastic photography of the construction of the bridge over the French River Manzanares, taken in 1859
Jean Laurent
............ In the Paris Exposition (1867) were presented six albums, "one 20 views headlights; in another 30 ancient bridges ...; in another 33 bridges modern factory several roads and railways; in another 46 iron bridges for the same routes; 40 views in other various works, including large clearings, paths, tunnels, stations, ports, etc., and in the last 30 views relating to works of the Canal de Isabel II Water supply to Madrid. "Supplement of the Journal of Public Works, 1865 ...........