Albert Levy's Photographic Series of Modern American Architecture: New Haven Connecticut
Albert Levy fue un fotografo que, si bien nació en Francia, desarrolló una parte importante de su labor en Estados Unidos.
Las fotos que se comentan en este post forman parte de las denominadas:
Albert Levy's Photographic Series of Modern American Architecture. Due to these series, Albert Levy is referenced as counterpart for Alinari in the United States (13).
Albert Levy's Photographic Series of Modern American Architecture: Second Series, Country Dwellings. (16)
Albert Levy's Photographic Series of Modern American Architecture: Ninth Series, Street Fronts. (16)
Albert Levy's Photographic Series of Modern American Architecture: First Series, Private City Dwellings. (16)
Albert Levy's Photographic Series of Modern American Architecture: Fifth Series, Messrs. Vanderbilt's Mansions. (16)
Albert Levy's Photographic Series of Modern American Architecture: Tenth Series, Sea Shore Cottages and Country Houses. (16)
Albert Levy's Photographic Series of Modern American Architecture: Twelfth Series, Modern Street Architecture of Berlin, Street Fronts and Apartment Houses. (16)
Albert Levy's Photographic Series, the Fourteenth Series: Romanesque and Gothic Churches in the South of France (24)
Albert Levy's Photographic Series of Modern American Architecture: Sixteenth Series, American Private City Dwellings. (16)
Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series : Lévy, Albert. 1895 (16)
Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series: Twenty-fourth series.(Berne, Lucerne, Zurich and other Swiss cities and towns) (21)
Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series : Thirty-Fifth Series, Sea Shore Cottages And Country Houses, Bar Harbor, Mount Desert, Maine : Lévy, Albert. 1895 (16)
Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series: Thirty-First Series, Street Fronts, Stores, Office , Etc : Lévy, Albert. c1884 (15)
Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series : Thirty-Sixth Series, Sea-Shore Cottages, Etc., Newport, R.I., And Long Branch, N.J : Lévy, Albert. 1895 (15)
Albert Levy's Photographic Series Of Modern American Architecture. : Lévy, Albert. 1883
Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series: 3rd series, French Gothic and Renaissance, Civil and Domestic Architecture, New York: Albert Levy, 1884. (14)
Albert Levy's Architectural Photographic Series: 33rd series, American City and Country Residences, etc, New York: Albert Levy, 1884. (14)
Architectural Photographic Series, city houses/Levy: 1 album, 38 leaves of plates: photographs 36x46 cm. New York, Albert Levy (between 1880-1895?). (20).
Signature by Albert Levy in "Albert Levy's Architectural photographic series"
In some cases, in the Photographic series the Photographs are titled, numbered and mounted on blue card stock. The card stock is embossed
"Architectural & Decorative Books, Albert Levy, NY, 77, University".
Escrito a mano: Illinois State Capitol Springfield
The current capitol is in the architectural style of the French Renaissance. The capitol was designed by Cochrane and Garnsey, an architecture and design firm based in Chicago, Illinois. Ground was first broken for the new capitol on March 11, 1869, and it was completed twenty years later for a total cost of $4,500,000.
The capitol dome is covered in zinc to provide a silvery facade which
does not weather. The interior of the dome features a plaster frieze
painted to resemble bronze, which illustrates scenes from Illinois
history, and stained glass windows (including a stained glass replica of
the state seal in the oculus of the dome).
Cleveland Standard Block
En la foto se puede observar la presencia, movida, de carruajes y personas debida a la larga exposición para la toma de la foto. Toma que se realiza, posiblemente, desde otro edificio, enfrente de éste, para que se pudiera observar toda la fachada de manera sencilla y clara
New Haven Connecticut High School

New HavenYale National Bank New Haven Baptist Church Connecticut
.......New Haven's founders not only hoped to create a Christian utopia, they
also saw in New Haven's spacious harbor an opportunity to establish a
commercial empire that would control Long Island Sound and possibly the
coastline as far south as Delaware Bay.
By 1640 a complete government had been established and the settlement,
originally called Quinnipiac, was renamed Newhaven. The town plan was
based on a grid of nine squares. In accordance with old English custom,
the central square, now the Green, was designated a public common. By
1641 New Haven had grown into a community of approximately 800......

Below are several photographs of the same author, time and style, but which do not possess any data. If you know or identify any of these buildings, please contact me
Sobre Albert Levy : Véase link
- Photographer (12).
- Photographer (12).
- Leading french photographer (22)
- Photographer active circa 1870's 1880's (4). In this reference he is identified as "american photographer".
- Photographer active from 1870's to 1890's. Active in New York in 1876 and in France in 1880's-1890's (1).
- The older picture I have found by Albert Levy has the date 1905: "Ancienne et nouvelle Mairie d'Asnières" (3)
- He has a catalogue with all his work until 1887 with 2500 titles. (3)
- Photographer active circa 1870's 1880's (4). In this reference he is identified as "american photographer".
- Photographer active from 1870's to 1890's. Active in New York in 1876 and in France in 1880's-1890's (1).
- The older picture I have found by Albert Levy has the date 1905: "Ancienne et nouvelle Mairie d'Asnières" (3)
- He has a catalogue with all his work until 1887 with 2500 titles. (3)
- He had the following studies in New York
- He had the following studies in New York
- A study in 77 University Place, NY in 1870-1878 (23)
- A study in 4 Bond Street, NY in 1880 (2)
- A study in 34 1/2 Pine Street, NY in 1887 (3). - At the same time he also had a study in France, 19 rue de la Chaussée-d'Antin, Paris (3).
- The Bibliothèque Nacionale de France also has another reference in 1901: "22 janvier 1901, A. Lévy, 4 av. Pinel, Asnières" (3)
He is also referenced as bookseller (2).
Albert Levy is referenced as the photographer who began the manufacture of the gelatin dry plates in 1878. All references can be found in the book Photography and the American Scene. A social history (1839-1889) by Robert Taft. See (5), (6), (7) and (8) for full text.
Albert Levy is also identified as "early competitor of Eastman, NYC" (9). This reference relates also to the book by Robert Taft (10).
The Bibliothèque Nacionale the France (2) and the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library (20) own a catalogue of 2500 titles by Albert Levy as editor in New York and Paris for Architectural photography.
- Photographs by Levy in the Halic Collection: Art Institute Chicago
- Culture France
L’assimilation du régionalisme dans l’architecture balnéaire
L’apparition du style néo-normand est sans doute la plus précoce mais aussi la plus ambiguë du régionalisme. D’après Claude Mignot, le créateur du type de la villa néo-normande
semble être l’architecte caennais Jacques Baumier père. Dès 1860, celui-ci bâtit les dépendances de la villa Suzanne de Louis-Léon Paris à Houlgate et, deux ans plus tard, sur la plage de Trouville la Maison normande pour Adolphe Cordier. Elles seront suivies de trois autres réalisations sur les hauteurs de la même station. Il faut attendre une vingtaine d’années pour voir se répandre la seconde génération de villas sur toute la côte normande, signées par de nombreux architectes comme
Jacques Baumier fils, Edouard Papinot, Adrien Jory père et fils, E. Mauclerc, G. Pichereau
Estudio sobre la arquitectura Balnearia. Tipos de Viviendas - Objetif Calvados
Un siecle de photographie aux archives de Calvados 1850-1950
LEVY, Albert
(1847 – vers 1905), professionnel.
Photographe d’architecture, Asnières.
Actif aux Etats-Unis, 1873 – années 1880 ;
en France, années 1880 – vers 1905.
Jacques Baumier Wikipedia