The William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné

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The William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné

Personalmente reconozco que no he visto, leído, nunca la expresión catálogo razonado en fotografía pues, como es sabido, se utiliza habitualmente en pintura y escultura.
La web no he tenido tiempo de verla con detalle pero me parece francamente muy interesante y atrevido a la vez formar un catálogo razonado de la obra de un fotógrafo del siglo XIX y, quizás, en esa valentía esté su mayor mérito.
Esto se reconoce en la misma web pues en, about the project, podemos leer lo siguiente:

............The aim of the Catalogue Raisonné is to publish online records of the approximately 25,000 paper negatives and salt prints produced by Talbot and his close circle known to survive in collections across the globe. Currently more than one hundred collections are represented, along with more than fifty private owners, numbers that are growing steadily..................

Recordar que, como nos indican, la correspondencia, las cartas,de Talbot han sido objeto de estudio
..........The Catalogue will be the image-based cousin to The Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot, which has already mounted full searchable transcriptions of more than 10,000 Talbot letters online.

 Sobre la correspondencia de Talbot con otros fotógrafos véase post anterior

Fotografía antigua.Photographer Alfred Pettitt. Albumen. Cheshire little Moreton Hall. nº 73. The Edgar House Chester

Es curioso esto de buscar datos en Internet, nunca deja de sorprender.
  • Alfred Pettitt mantuvo correspondencia profesional con uno de los pioneros de la fotografía como es Henry Talbot ( Met Museum William Henry Fox Talbot (1800–1877) and the Invention of Photography)
La correspondencia de William Henry Fox Talbot en la British Library , menciona a Pettit como:
  • PETTITT Alfred - Alfred Pettitt (1821-1880), Lake District photographer & painter

[1909] 08 Mar 1860   [ TRANSCRIPTION ]
PETTITT Alfred to TALBOT William Henry Fox

Doc. No.: 8049 Collection: British Library, London - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection: British Library, London - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: Acc 21479
In reply to your favor of the 23rd Ult. I should be much pleased if we could make satisfactory arrangements for my Coming to your neighbourhood this Summer to take Negatives. it is a long distance to come which would require my absence from home a considerable time if the quantity of subjects you name was got well. now I would propose as the likely expence £1 each for every successfull negative, paying my own expences – or 15/- ea & my expences paid. I have at present never taken negatives for Sale – except about 4 taken for gentlemen in this neighbourhood but I have had offers from a London House of 3 guineas each for at least 50 of the negatives I have by me – but I considered they were more valuable to myself for printing from. If I was allowed to get a duplicate negative for myself of any of the subject you required it would make a great difference in the price. You did not say but I suppose you to require the negatives for yourself. if you merely wish me to take the negatives for myself – & you would take a certain quantity of positives from each – I should require to be informed how many each you would be likely to require, should you want any more of my views the price will be 4/- per dozen. for single unmounted prints. I shall be glad if you will give me your further Idea of the scenes in your locality, at Your early convenience & am


Post anterior
El libro The pencil of Nature fue el primero publicado con fotografías.

The firm's initial project was Talbot's Pencil of Nature, the first commercially published book illustrated with photographs—a milestone in the art of the book greater than any since Gutenberg's invention of moveable type. Issued in fascicles from June 1844 through April 1846, The Pencil of Nature contained twenty-four plates, a brief text for each, and an introduction that described the history and chemical principles of Talbot's invention. 

Para más detalle se puede leer el texto de la Universidad de Glasgow

Pues bien, gracias al proyecto Gutemberg, podemos disfrutar en nuestra casa del mismo.