Fotografía antigua Palacio Ducal. Fotógrafo anónimo. Venecia. Vintage albumen photographs of Venice c. 1880. Photographer Unknown
Fotografía antigua de un Palacio de Venecia, albúmina hacia 1880.
Son muy numerosas las vistas de Venecia y de sus palacios las que realizaron, prácticamente,todos los grandes fotógrafos italianos de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.
La ciudad sobre el agua, su belleza, sus imponentes edificios son perfectos para la camara.
El fotógrafo más identificado con Venecia es Carlos Naya que colaboró en sus comienzos artisticos con Ricardo Perini. Pero también Van Lint, Brogi, Sommer y otros muchos hicieron fotos de Venecia.
Sobre Carlo Naya véase post anteriores
Sobre Carlo Naya véase post anteriores
Fotografía albúmina Góndolas en Venecia. Fotógrafo Carlo Naya.Gondola Venice. Italy
Fotografía antigua Vistas de Venecia. Fotógrafo Carlo Naya. Vintage albumen photo Venize. Carlo Naya photographer
Catalogue général des photographies by Naya, Carlo. The Alethoscope :The Megalethoscope
El hecho, además, de escoger puntos de realización de la foto muy semejantes hace que sea díficil identificar al fotógrafo.
Otra foto, también anónima, de Venecia pero en este caso una vista lejana es la que presento a continuación
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There are many views of Venice and its palaces that practically all
the great Italian photographers of the second half of the nineteenth
The city on the water, its beauty, its imposing buildings are perfect for the camera.
The most identified photographer with Venice is Carlos Naya who collaborated in his artistic beginnings with Ricardo Perini. But also Van Lint, Brogi, Sommer and many others took photos of Venice.
About Carlo Naya see previous postPhotography albumiGondolas in Venice. Photographer Carlo Naya.Gondola Venice. ItalyOld photograph Sights of Venice. Photographer Carlo Naya. Vintage albumen photo Venize. Carlo Naya photographerCatalog of general photographies by Naya, Carlo. The Alethoscope: The MegalethoscopeThe fact, in addition, to choose very similar points of realization of the photo makes it difficult to identify the photographer.
Another photo, also anonymous, of Venice but in this case a distant view is the one that I present below
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The city on the water, its beauty, its imposing buildings are perfect for the camera.
The most identified photographer with Venice is Carlos Naya who collaborated in his artistic beginnings with Ricardo Perini. But also Van Lint, Brogi, Sommer and many others took photos of Venice.
About Carlo Naya see previous postPhotography albumiGondolas in Venice. Photographer Carlo Naya.Gondola Venice. ItalyOld photograph Sights of Venice. Photographer Carlo Naya. Vintage albumen photo Venize. Carlo Naya photographerCatalog of general photographies by Naya, Carlo. The Alethoscope: The MegalethoscopeThe fact, in addition, to choose very similar points of realization of the photo makes it difficult to identify the photographer.
Another photo, also anonymous, of Venice but in this case a distant view is the one that I present below