Museos hoy. Interactuación con el público. Designing The Pen:Cooper Hewitt experience

La relación de los museos con el público esta cambiando rápidamente.El público es partícipe de lo que ve,lo comenta en un blog, lo fotografía ( menos en el Prado), asiste a conciertos en Museos, pases de alta costura y ahora llega un paso mas allá.

........A high-tech device that resembles the most basic tool of design, the Pen is a key part of the new Cooper Hewitt experience. Given at admission, it enables every visitor to collect objects from around the galleries and create their own designs on interactive tables. At the end of a visit the Pen is returned and all the objects collected or designed by the visitor are accessible online through a unique web address printed on every ticket. These can be shared online and stored for later use in subsequent visits.

....The Pen combines two main technologies. Its interface with the interactive tables employs the sort of conductive materials common to touchscreen styli. Its interface with the object labels employs near-field communication technology. A sensor in the end of the Pen reads the information on small NFC tags embedded in the object labels