Ingenieria y fotografía.Links y documentos.Engineering and photography.Spain XIX Century.Links and documents
La exposición actual de la BNE me ha recordado la relación entre ingenieria y fotografía y por ello reuno en este post algunos datos sobre la misma.
03.07 – 04.10.2015
Comisarios: Helena Pérez Gallardo, Delfín Rodríguez Ruiz
Organiza: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Desde el mismo nacimiento del daguerrotipo, los edificios y los
monumentos fueron uno de los principales objetos fotografiados.
Esta exposición pretende poner de manifiesto las diferentes
vinculaciones que mantuvieron la fotografía, la arquitectura y la
ingeniería en el siglo XIX a partir de una amplia investigación de los
fondos de la Biblioteca Nacional de España y acompañada por obras de
capital importancia procedentes de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France o
el Museo Nacional del Prado, entre otras instituciones.
Todo arte precisa de una técnica aunque a veces la
técnica que requiere es elemental. Esto es evidente en la arquitectura, porque
para construir es necesario conocer las técnicas de la construcción.
Arquitectura e ingeniería son profesiones
diferentes, pero proceden de un tronco común, que es la arquitectura según la
definía Vitrubio, o los tratadistas del Renacimiento.
El progreso en el arte de construir que se produjo
durante la revolución industrial llevó a la disociación de las dos profesiones.
Pero el tronco común de ambas, que es el arte de construir, hace que en muchos
casos sean complementarias, y en otros, el límite entre ambas sea difícil de
- El Canal Patrimonio Histórico ( fotos Clifford)
- La colección de Charles Clifford nos invita a mirarla con calma, escudriñar hasta el mínimo gesto de cadapersonaje que aparece en sus fotografías, adivinar su cometido y disfrutar de la calidad fotográfica y de la categoría de la obra civil de su época. Acercarse a esas obras venerables, olvidado ya cualquier impacto ambiental que supusieran, integradas en el paisaje hasta dignificarlo, supone mirar el pasado y que nos mire. Empaparse con asombro de su belleza, contagiarse de la falta de prisa en su construcción. Eran otros tiempos... Hoy no atrona el vocerío de decenas de obreros, el babel de órdenes y golpes de canteros, sino que ensordece el silencio que lasrodea y nos invita a una aproximación diferente, más respetuosa que sirva de crónica de su importancia, de su hermosa factura y de su vigencia.Todo ha evolucionado y se ha adecuado a nuestro modo de vida y a nuestras prisas. Los medios que hoy se nos ponen al alcance acortan distancias, nos dan precisión: buenos mapas, inventarios de las obras con coordenadas de posición global, fotos desde satélite que nos permiten abarcar grandes extensiones y vistas de conjunto de los canales, buen vehículo todoterreno y una cámara digital de última generación. Hoy se puede y se necesita trabajar así, pero estas fotos había que hacerlas con otra prisa. Era evidente la diferencia abismalfrente a cómo pudo afrontar su trabajo el fotógrafo inglés. Tanto que sobrecogía imaginarle en su carromato concaballerías, con un equipo pesado y probablemente duplicado, pues con aquellas distancias no podía permitirse averías que malograsen su tarea, pernoctando a campo abierto y próximo a las obras tras haber estudiado la mejor hora de luz.
Sobre fotografía e ingeniería en España en el siglo XIX es preciso recordar a dos importantes fotógrafos:
- José Martínez Sánchez. Muchas de sus fotos están a nuestra disposición en la Biblioteca Digital Hispánica.
Con un apéndice sobre las fotografías de obras públicas de José Martínez Sánchez para la Exposición Universal de París de 1867 por Marta LÓPEZ BERISO
Mª José RODRÍGUEZ MOLINA y José Ramón SANCHIS ALFONSOFundación Mapfre: José Martínez Sánchez.
José Spreafico. Véase el estudio de su obra, se puede descargar libremente un estudio que nos facilita Juan Antonio Fernández Rivero
La Fundación Iberdrola presenta, en descarga libre, un libro y un catálogo altamente recomendables sobre ingeniería y fotografía.( sin olvidar los álbumes de Wunderlich ya comentados anteriormente por ejemplo:Fotografía de profesionales y aficionados en la industria eléctrica: Otto Wunderlich versus empleados de la empresa (1919/1927))
- Arquitectura e ingenieria del Hierro en España. Fundación Iberdrola
- Excelente publicación, amplia, con numerosas fotografías, fácil de ver y también de leer:
Las obras en hierro que cruzaron nuestros ríos, las que hicieron más transitables nuestras carreteras, las estaciones de ferrocarril por las que el campo se vació en la ciudad, los mercados que abastecieron a nuestras ciudades, los quioscos de música que semanalmente amenizaron la vida de los ciudadanos en paseos y alamedas, el ocio vivido en las plazas de toros, circos o frontones de pelota, los muelles portuarios por donde tantas gentes se dijeron adiós o por los que se desangró la riqueza mineral de nuestro país, representan, en fin, una página verdaderamente notable de nuestra historia que hay que poner junto a las de la literatura, música o pintura de su tiempo. Es más, creo que tanto el proyecto, como el cálculo y la construcción de estas obras en hierro perdieron los acentos locales para incorporarse al lenguaje internacional de la técnica, por lo que he puesto especial empeño en citar a ingenieros ingleses, franceses y españoles, y a casas constructoras belgas, españolas y alemanas, etcétera, para establecer bien las dimensiones del alcance de las obras aquí citadas dentro del prieto tejido de la trama de hierro y de la urdimbre de acero
...Esta exposición, integrada por un centenar de fotografías, constituye un documento excepcional sobre la construcción de los saltos hidroeléctricos de la cuenca del Duero, que fueron ideados,diseñados y construidos por Iberdrola a lo largo del siglo pasado,gracias al trabajo y la dedicación de tres generaciones de personas entregadas a un objetivo común: obtener del río Duero todala energía posible, respetando su entorno natural y favoreciendo el desarrollo económico de la zona.
Desde la creación del Centro en
1983, el Archivo Gráfico fue gestándose a partir de las imágenes
recopiladas para exposiciones, publicaciones y labores
de investigación.
archivo cuenta con ilustraciones de interés para
la historia de las obras públicas, correspondientes a
copias de planos, fotografías de infraestructuras, dibujos,
grabados, etc. Es un atractivo archivo de referencia en el cual
hay reunidas fotografías referidas a la obra pública, tanto de España como de la
América Colonial.
el CEHOPU está depositado el archivo del ingeniero Carlos Fernández
Casado. El fondo está constituido por expedientes de proyectos de obras,
fotografías y documentos de su archivo personal que dan cuenta de casi
todas sus actividades profesionales.
el CEHOPU está depositado el archivo del ingeniero Eduardo Torroja
Miret. El fondo está constituido por expedientes de proyectos de obras
de ingeniería y edificación de su Oficina Técnica, fotografías,
documentos y objetos de su archivo personal que dan cuenta de casi todas
sus actividades profesionales
- El Ministerio de Fomento tiene también un servicio de publicaciones muchas de descarga o visualización libre.
El patrimonio documental existente
sobre la historia de las obras públicas se encuentra disperso
en distintos archivos y bibliotecas.
Con el fin de preservar y difundir este legado se inicia un proyecto que irá ampliándose y desde donde se podrá acceder, a texto completo, a diferentes tipos de documentación como monografías, publicaciones periódicas, manuscritos, etc. relacionados con la historia de la ingeniería, la construcción, la tecnología o el urbanismo, procedentes de distintas instituciones, así como a enlaces a otras páginas que muestren material similar.
Con el fin de preservar y difundir este legado se inicia un proyecto que irá ampliándose y desde donde se podrá acceder, a texto completo, a diferentes tipos de documentación como monografías, publicaciones periódicas, manuscritos, etc. relacionados con la historia de la ingeniería, la construcción, la tecnología o el urbanismo, procedentes de distintas instituciones, así como a enlaces a otras páginas que muestren material similar.
A título de ejemplo
- Máquinas y artes portuarias. Catálogo exposición 1985
....Entre los siglos X y XV , la Europa medieval vivió una revolución silenciosa, pero de largo alcance, a la que contribuyó en gran medida el progreso de la ingeniería. Se multiplicaron inventos e ingenios mecánicos que transformaron los transportes, la producción material e
incluso la difusión de las ideas: el estribo, la brújula, el reloj
mecánico, la pólvora, el molino de viento, la imprenta... Fuentes de
hasta la fecha infrautilizadas, como el agua o el viento, se
aprovecharon gracias al desarrollo de molinos, batanes y otros mecanismos,
que se fueron perfeccionando lentamente. Todo el continente fue
cubriéndose por un manto blanco, no ya sólo de templos –en la acertada expresión del cronista Raoul Glaber– sino de puentes, muelles, atarazanas, lonjas y caminos, que posibilitaron una nueva comunicación entre los territorios. En los siglos medievales, vistos a veces como una edad forjada entre oscuridades y supersti ciones, Europa se vio recorrida por un nuevo y desconocido movimiento en dirección al futuro.
El puente fue objeto numerosas veces del ojo del fotógrafo, esta presente, prácticamente en todas las colecciones.
El puente fue objeto numerosas veces del ojo del fotógrafo, esta presente, prácticamente en todas las colecciones.
Fotos de diferentes autores y épocas como ilustración
En (google translate)
The current exhibition of BNE reminded me of the relationship between photography and engineering and thus gather you in this post some details about it.Look at the architecture. Monumental photography in the nineteenth century
03.07 - 04.10.2015
Commissioners: Helena Perez Gallardo, Delfin Rodriguez Ruiz
Organizers: National Library of Spain
From the birth of the daguerreotype, buildings and monuments were one of the main objects photographed. This exhibition aims to highlight the various links that kept the photography, architecture and engineering in the nineteenth century from extensive research of funds of the National Library of Spain and accompanied by works of paramount importance from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France or the Prado Museum, among others.
Architects and Ingenieros.Historia a relationship
All art requires a technique but sometimes the technique required is elementary. This is evident in the architecture, because to build is necessary to know the construction techniques.
Architectural and engineering professions are different, but from a common trunk, which is architecture defined according to Vitruvius, or the writers of the Renaissance.
Progress in the art of building that occurred during the industrial revolution led to the dissociation of the two professions. But both the common core, which is the art of building, means that in many cases are complementary, and in others, the boundary between the two is difficult to define
Canal Historical Heritage (Clifford photos)
Charles Clifford collection invites us to look calmly to the smallest gesture scrutinize each character appearing in their photographs, guess its mission and enjoy the photo quality and category of civil works of his time. Approaching these venerable works, forgotten they posed any environmental impact, integrated into the landscape to dignify, is looking at the past and see us. Soak in awe of her beauty, spread from the lack of haste in its construction. Those were different times ... Today there thunders the shouting of dozens of workers, the babel of orders and blows beds, but the deafening silence
surrounds and invites us to a different, more respectful approach to serve as a chronicle of its importance, its beautiful bill and its effect.
Everything has evolved and adapted to our way of life and our haste. Means that we are now made accessible to shorten distances, give us accurate: good maps, inventories of works with global positioning coordinates, satellite photos from allowing us to cover large areas and views of all channels, good SUV and a digital camera last generation. Today you can and needs to work well, but these pictures had to be done with another rush. It was obvious the huge difference versus how their work could meet British photographer. While overwhelmed imagine him in his wagon with chivalry, with a heavy and probably duplicated equipment, because with those distances could not afford breakdowns malograsen your homework, staying open and next to works after studying the best hour of daylight field.
About photography and engineering in Spain in the nineteenth century must remember two important photographers:
Jose Martinez Sanchez. Many of his photos are available to us in the Hispanic Digital Library.
About his life and work, bibliography:
The work of Jose Martinez Sanchez (1807-1874)
With an appendix on public works photographs of Jose Martinez Sanchez to the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1867 by Marta Lopez Beriso
Maria Jose Rodriguez Molina and Jose Ramon SANCHIS ALFONSO
Mapfre Foundation: Jose Martinez Sanchez.
José Spreafico. See the study of his work, you can download freely a study that enables us Juan Antonio Fernández Rivero
The Iberdrola Foundation presents, free download, a book and a highly recommended catalog on engineering and photography (not forgetting Wunderlich albums such as discussed above. Photography of professionals and amateurs in the electrical industry: Otto Wunderlich versus employees company (1919/1927))
Iron architecture and engineering in Spain. Iberdrola Foundation
Excellent publication, wide, with numerous photographs, easy to see and read:
Iron works that crossed our rivers, which made our roads more passable, railway stations for which the field is empty in the city, markets that catered to our cities, kiosks of music enlivened weekly life citizens in walks and malls, leisure lived in the arenas, circuses or frontons ball port docks where many people said goodbye or by the mineral wealth of our country bled, represent, in order, a truly remarkable page in our history to be put alongside those of literature, music or painting of his time. Moreover, I believe that both the project as the calculation and construction of these works in iron lost local accents to join the international language of the art, so I made a special effort to quote British engineers, French and Spanish, and Belgian, Spanish and German construction houses, etc., to establish well the dimensions of scope of works mentioned here within the tight weave of the fabric of the warp iron and steel
Luces del Duero. Iberdrola Foundation
This exhibition, composed of a hundred photographs, is an exceptional document on the construction of hydroelectric dams of the Duero, which were devised, designed and built by Iberdrola over the last century, thanks to the work and dedication of three generations of people committed to a common goal: get the Douro River todala energy possible, respecting the natural environment and promoting economic development in the area.
File CEHOPU graphic Ministry of Development
Since the creation of the Centre in 1983, the graphic file was brewing from the images compiled for exhibitions, publications and research work.
The file has illustrations of interest for the history of public works, corresponding to blueprints, photographs infrastructure, drawings, engravings, etc. It is an attractive reference file in which there are collected photographs relating to public works, both in Spain and Colonial America.
Engineer Fernandez Casado Fund
n CEHOPU file is deposited engineer Carlos Fernández Casado. The fund consists of project files works, photographs and documents from his personnel file that account for nearly all of his professional activities.
Fund Description Sheet Torroja Miret
In CEHOPU file is deposited engineer Eduardo Torroja. The fund consists of records of engineering projects and construction of its Technical Office, photographs, documents and objects of your records that account for almost all of their professional activities
The Ministry of Development also has a publications many discharge or free viewing.
The existing documentary heritage on the history of public works is scattered in different archives and libraries.In order to preserve and disseminate this legacy project that will expand and start from where you can access, full text, different types of documentation as monographs, periodicals, manuscripts, etc. related to the history of engineering, construction, technology and urban planning, from different institutions, as well as links to other pages that display similar material.For example
Port machinery and arts. 1985 exhibition catalog
Ars Mechanicae Engineering medieval Spain
.... Between the tenth and fifteenth centuries, medieval Europe lived a quiet revolution, but long range, which contributed greatly to the progress of engineering. inventions and mechanical devices that transformed transport were multiplied, material production and even the dissemination of ideas: the stirrup, the compass, the mechanical clock, gunpowder, the windmill, the press ... Sources of ener-gy so far underused, such as water or wind, took advantage by developing mills, fulling mills and other mechanisms, which were slowly improving. The whole continent was covering with a white blanket, not just of temples-in the apt phrase of the chronicler Raoul Glaber- but bridges, docks, shipyards, auctions and roads, which allowed a new communication between the territories. In the Middle Ages, sometimes viewed as an old forged between darkness and superstition tions, Europe was covered by a new and unknown movement toward the future.
The photographic gaze civil engineering
The Travel Channel Water Foundation
The bridge was the subject numerous times the photographer's eye, is present in virtually all collections.
Photographer Novella. Old Photo bridges. Valencia. Albaida and Gandia.
Photos of different authors and times as illustration
Document Supplement
Iberdrola restoration notebooks
Discussed above: excellent publications that can be downloaded freely are not directly related to old photograph but all include excellent photos and documents data very Spanish Monuments photographed by many authors in the nineteenth century
I. Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes in Toledo (2002) [PDF] Open in new window.
VII. The Royal Palace of Aranjuez (2003) [PDF] Open in new window.
IX. THE Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso (2004) [PDF] Open in new window.
X. THE CHURCH OF SAN ROMAN DE TOLEDO (2004) [PDF] Open in new window.
XII. THE HOUSE OF PRINCE El Escorial (2006) [PDF] Open in new window.
XIII. The Charterhouse of Miraflores (2007): THE GRAVES [PDF] Open in new window, the altarpiece [PDF] Open in new window.. And the windows [PDF] Open in new window.
XIV. The Basilica of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial (2010) [PDF] Open in new window.
Complemento documental
Comentados anteriormente : excelentes publicaciones que se pueden descargar libremente no están relacionados directamente con fotografía antigua pero todos incluyen excelentes fotos y datos de documentos de Monumentos españoles muy fotografiados, por muchos autores, en el siglo XIX- I. EL MONASTERIO DE SAN JUAN DE LOS REYES DE TOLEDO (2002) [PDF]
En (google translate)
The current exhibition of BNE reminded me of the relationship between photography and engineering and thus gather you in this post some details about it.Look at the architecture. Monumental photography in the nineteenth century
03.07 - 04.10.2015
Commissioners: Helena Perez Gallardo, Delfin Rodriguez Ruiz
Organizers: National Library of Spain
From the birth of the daguerreotype, buildings and monuments were one of the main objects photographed. This exhibition aims to highlight the various links that kept the photography, architecture and engineering in the nineteenth century from extensive research of funds of the National Library of Spain and accompanied by works of paramount importance from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France or the Prado Museum, among others.
Architects and Ingenieros.Historia a relationship
All art requires a technique but sometimes the technique required is elementary. This is evident in the architecture, because to build is necessary to know the construction techniques.
Architectural and engineering professions are different, but from a common trunk, which is architecture defined according to Vitruvius, or the writers of the Renaissance.
Progress in the art of building that occurred during the industrial revolution led to the dissociation of the two professions. But both the common core, which is the art of building, means that in many cases are complementary, and in others, the boundary between the two is difficult to define
Canal Historical Heritage (Clifford photos)
Charles Clifford collection invites us to look calmly to the smallest gesture scrutinize each character appearing in their photographs, guess its mission and enjoy the photo quality and category of civil works of his time. Approaching these venerable works, forgotten they posed any environmental impact, integrated into the landscape to dignify, is looking at the past and see us. Soak in awe of her beauty, spread from the lack of haste in its construction. Those were different times ... Today there thunders the shouting of dozens of workers, the babel of orders and blows beds, but the deafening silence
surrounds and invites us to a different, more respectful approach to serve as a chronicle of its importance, its beautiful bill and its effect.
Everything has evolved and adapted to our way of life and our haste. Means that we are now made accessible to shorten distances, give us accurate: good maps, inventories of works with global positioning coordinates, satellite photos from allowing us to cover large areas and views of all channels, good SUV and a digital camera last generation. Today you can and needs to work well, but these pictures had to be done with another rush. It was obvious the huge difference versus how their work could meet British photographer. While overwhelmed imagine him in his wagon with chivalry, with a heavy and probably duplicated equipment, because with those distances could not afford breakdowns malograsen your homework, staying open and next to works after studying the best hour of daylight field.
About photography and engineering in Spain in the nineteenth century must remember two important photographers:
Jose Martinez Sanchez. Many of his photos are available to us in the Hispanic Digital Library.
About his life and work, bibliography:
The work of Jose Martinez Sanchez (1807-1874)
With an appendix on public works photographs of Jose Martinez Sanchez to the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1867 by Marta Lopez Beriso
Maria Jose Rodriguez Molina and Jose Ramon SANCHIS ALFONSO
Mapfre Foundation: Jose Martinez Sanchez.
José Spreafico. See the study of his work, you can download freely a study that enables us Juan Antonio Fernández Rivero
The Iberdrola Foundation presents, free download, a book and a highly recommended catalog on engineering and photography (not forgetting Wunderlich albums such as discussed above. Photography of professionals and amateurs in the electrical industry: Otto Wunderlich versus employees company (1919/1927))
Iron architecture and engineering in Spain. Iberdrola Foundation
Excellent publication, wide, with numerous photographs, easy to see and read:
Iron works that crossed our rivers, which made our roads more passable, railway stations for which the field is empty in the city, markets that catered to our cities, kiosks of music enlivened weekly life citizens in walks and malls, leisure lived in the arenas, circuses or frontons ball port docks where many people said goodbye or by the mineral wealth of our country bled, represent, in order, a truly remarkable page in our history to be put alongside those of literature, music or painting of his time. Moreover, I believe that both the project as the calculation and construction of these works in iron lost local accents to join the international language of the art, so I made a special effort to quote British engineers, French and Spanish, and Belgian, Spanish and German construction houses, etc., to establish well the dimensions of scope of works mentioned here within the tight weave of the fabric of the warp iron and steel
Luces del Duero. Iberdrola Foundation
This exhibition, composed of a hundred photographs, is an exceptional document on the construction of hydroelectric dams of the Duero, which were devised, designed and built by Iberdrola over the last century, thanks to the work and dedication of three generations of people committed to a common goal: get the Douro River todala energy possible, respecting the natural environment and promoting economic development in the area.
File CEHOPU graphic Ministry of Development
Since the creation of the Centre in 1983, the graphic file was brewing from the images compiled for exhibitions, publications and research work.
The file has illustrations of interest for the history of public works, corresponding to blueprints, photographs infrastructure, drawings, engravings, etc. It is an attractive reference file in which there are collected photographs relating to public works, both in Spain and Colonial America.
Engineer Fernandez Casado Fund
n CEHOPU file is deposited engineer Carlos Fernández Casado. The fund consists of project files works, photographs and documents from his personnel file that account for nearly all of his professional activities.
Fund Description Sheet Torroja Miret
In CEHOPU file is deposited engineer Eduardo Torroja. The fund consists of records of engineering projects and construction of its Technical Office, photographs, documents and objects of your records that account for almost all of their professional activities
The Ministry of Development also has a publications many discharge or free viewing.
The existing documentary heritage on the history of public works is scattered in different archives and libraries.In order to preserve and disseminate this legacy project that will expand and start from where you can access, full text, different types of documentation as monographs, periodicals, manuscripts, etc. related to the history of engineering, construction, technology and urban planning, from different institutions, as well as links to other pages that display similar material.For example
Port machinery and arts. 1985 exhibition catalog
Ars Mechanicae Engineering medieval Spain
.... Between the tenth and fifteenth centuries, medieval Europe lived a quiet revolution, but long range, which contributed greatly to the progress of engineering. inventions and mechanical devices that transformed transport were multiplied, material production and even the dissemination of ideas: the stirrup, the compass, the mechanical clock, gunpowder, the windmill, the press ... Sources of ener-gy so far underused, such as water or wind, took advantage by developing mills, fulling mills and other mechanisms, which were slowly improving. The whole continent was covering with a white blanket, not just of temples-in the apt phrase of the chronicler Raoul Glaber- but bridges, docks, shipyards, auctions and roads, which allowed a new communication between the territories. In the Middle Ages, sometimes viewed as an old forged between darkness and superstition tions, Europe was covered by a new and unknown movement toward the future.
The photographic gaze civil engineering
The Travel Channel Water Foundation
The bridge was the subject numerous times the photographer's eye, is present in virtually all collections.
Photographer Novella. Old Photo bridges. Valencia. Albaida and Gandia.
Photos of different authors and times as illustration
Document Supplement
Iberdrola restoration notebooks
Discussed above: excellent publications that can be downloaded freely are not directly related to old photograph but all include excellent photos and documents data very Spanish Monuments photographed by many authors in the nineteenth century
I. Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes in Toledo (2002) [PDF] Open in new window.
VII. The Royal Palace of Aranjuez (2003) [PDF] Open in new window.
IX. THE Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso (2004) [PDF] Open in new window.
X. THE CHURCH OF SAN ROMAN DE TOLEDO (2004) [PDF] Open in new window.
XII. THE HOUSE OF PRINCE El Escorial (2006) [PDF] Open in new window.
XIII. The Charterhouse of Miraflores (2007): THE GRAVES [PDF] Open in new window, the altarpiece [PDF] Open in new window.. And the windows [PDF] Open in new window.
XIV. The Basilica of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial (2010) [PDF] Open in new window.