Fotografía antigua. Retrato familiar. Fotógrafo Hortet Zaragoza
Foto en formato carte de visite que representa una familia, matrimonio con dos hijos, posando en el estudio. El padre y el hijo mayor posan su mano afectuosamente sobre la madre significando así quién es el sostén o figura principal de la familia.
El fotógrafo es Hortet de Zaragoza.
Tuvo su estudio en la calle Don Manuel entre 1864 y 1867 y en la calle Méndez Núñez entre 1879 y 1888.
- Sobre este fotógrafo podemos leer, en el excelente texto "Primeros tiempos de la fotografía en Zaragoza".
de Manuel Hortet y Molada, documentado entre 1859 y ca. 1880, fotógrafo de la Comisión de Monumentos Provincial de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos y del Museo de Zaragoza. Hortet, seguramente fotógrafo foráneo afincado en Zaragoza, fue el primero que ostentó en la ciudad el título de Fotógrafo de la Real Casa, a partir de 1880 y poseyó uno de los más importantes gabinetes locales, hasta la consolidación de Anselmo Mª Coyne Barreras
- En la Gran Enciclopedia Aragonesa viene mencionado
En la segunda mitad del siglo XIX ve Zaragoza el nacimiento de numerosas
galerías fotográficas. Junto a las de Mariano Júdez y Anselmo María
Coyne, aparecen las de Sabaté, en Coso, 13; Constantino Gracia, en Coso
esquina a Cerdán; M. Pescador, en Independencia, 30; Hortet y Molada en
la calle de Ossaú, 9, y que luego pasaría a Méndez Núñez, 14, donde más
tarde -hacia 1885- se establecería Enrique Beltrán, uno de los más
afamados fotógrafos del fin de siglo.
- En el amplio documento Archivos y colecciones fotograficos: Patrimonio e investigación. Unizar
....Es precisamente en este contexto en el que situan las excepcionales imágenes de uno de los pioneros y más arraigados profesionales de la fotografía aragonesa, Manuel Hortet y Malala, autor de una de las más exquisitas e interesantes obras de la colección real además de ser una de las primeras tomas fotográficas realizadas a Nuestra Señora la Virgen del Pilar [fig. 1].
......Con este motivo el Cabildo del Pilar adquirió el compromiso con Hortet para que fotografiase la imagen de la Virgen del Pilar y copiase mil ejemplares. Al año siguiente el propio Cabildo regalaba a los Reyes una composición fotográfica que registraba la magnífica imagen de Ntra. Sra. del Pilar .
.....En 1868 Hortet consiguió una Mención Honorífica de la Exposición Aragonesa por las reproducciones de la Virgen del Pilar.
........Fue en estas fecha de 1880 cuando Hortet consiguió la dignidad de Fotógrafo de la Real Casa,
- En la red de documentos y archivos de Aragón: DARA podemos ver una foto suya
Nos informan que este procedimiento fue adquirido por Hortet en exclusiva para Zaragoza asi como dan algunos detalles de su biografía.
En (google translate)
Photo on business letter format representing a family, couple with two children posing in the studio. The father and son to pose his hand affectionately on well meaning mother who is the breadwinner or major figure of the family.
The photographer is Hortet of Zaragoza.
He had his studio in the street Don Manuel between 1864 and 1867 and on the street Méndez Núñez between 1879 and 1888.
About this photographer we read in the excellent text "First time photography in Zaragoza".
Manuel Hortet and Molada, documented between 1859 and ca. 1880 Photographer of the Provincial Monuments Commission for Historical and Artistic Monuments and Museum of Zaragoza. Hortet surely settled foreign photographer in Zaragoza, was the first who held the city the title of Photographer of the Royal House from 1880 and owned one of the most important local cabinets, until the consolidation of Anselmo Maria Coyne Barriers
In the Great Aragonese Encyclopedia is mentioned
In the second half of the nineteenth century saw the birth of numerous Zaragoza photo galleries. Along with Mariano Júdez and Anselmo Maria Coyne, like the ones in Sabaté, Coso, 13; Constantino Gracia Coso Cerdán corner; M. Fisher, in Independence, 30; Hortet and Molada street Ossau, 9, and then would Mendez Nunez, 14, where later -to 1885- Enrique Beltrán, one of the most famous photographers of the century would be established.
In the large document files and photographic collections: Heritage and research. Unizar
.... It is precisely in this context, that put the exceptional images of one of the pioneers and most established professionals Aragonese photography, Manuel Hortet and Malala, author of one of the most exquisite and interesting works from the Royal Collection also being one of the first photographs made to Our Lady the Virgin of Pilar [fig. 1].
...... On this occasion the Cabildo del Pilar acquired Hortet commitment to fotografiase the image of the Virgen del Pilar and copied over a thousand copies. The following year the Council itself gave the Kings a photographic composition recorded the magnificent image of Our. Sra. Del Pilar.
..... In 1868 Hortet got an Honorable Mention Aragonese Exhibition for reproductions of the Virgen del Pilar.
........ It was at this date of 1880 when Hortet got the dignity of the royal family photographer,
In the network of documents and files Aragón: DARA can see a picture of him
Portrait [Luis Bello]. Manuel Hortet and Molada.
The procedures in two colors or double fondo.y the instant impression of colorful Crozat brothers.
We are informed that this procedure was acquired by Hortet exclusively for Zaragoza also give some details of his biography.
Photo on business letter format representing a family, couple with two children posing in the studio. The father and son to pose his hand affectionately on well meaning mother who is the breadwinner or major figure of the family.
The photographer is Hortet of Zaragoza.
He had his studio in the street Don Manuel between 1864 and 1867 and on the street Méndez Núñez between 1879 and 1888.
About this photographer we read in the excellent text "First time photography in Zaragoza".
Manuel Hortet and Molada, documented between 1859 and ca. 1880 Photographer of the Provincial Monuments Commission for Historical and Artistic Monuments and Museum of Zaragoza. Hortet surely settled foreign photographer in Zaragoza, was the first who held the city the title of Photographer of the Royal House from 1880 and owned one of the most important local cabinets, until the consolidation of Anselmo Maria Coyne Barriers
In the Great Aragonese Encyclopedia is mentioned
In the second half of the nineteenth century saw the birth of numerous Zaragoza photo galleries. Along with Mariano Júdez and Anselmo Maria Coyne, like the ones in Sabaté, Coso, 13; Constantino Gracia Coso Cerdán corner; M. Fisher, in Independence, 30; Hortet and Molada street Ossau, 9, and then would Mendez Nunez, 14, where later -to 1885- Enrique Beltrán, one of the most famous photographers of the century would be established.
In the large document files and photographic collections: Heritage and research. Unizar
.... It is precisely in this context, that put the exceptional images of one of the pioneers and most established professionals Aragonese photography, Manuel Hortet and Malala, author of one of the most exquisite and interesting works from the Royal Collection also being one of the first photographs made to Our Lady the Virgin of Pilar [fig. 1].
...... On this occasion the Cabildo del Pilar acquired Hortet commitment to fotografiase the image of the Virgen del Pilar and copied over a thousand copies. The following year the Council itself gave the Kings a photographic composition recorded the magnificent image of Our. Sra. Del Pilar.
..... In 1868 Hortet got an Honorable Mention Aragonese Exhibition for reproductions of the Virgen del Pilar.
........ It was at this date of 1880 when Hortet got the dignity of the royal family photographer,
In the network of documents and files Aragón: DARA can see a picture of him
Portrait [Luis Bello]. Manuel Hortet and Molada.
The procedures in two colors or double fondo.y the instant impression of colorful Crozat brothers.
We are informed that this procedure was acquired by Hortet exclusively for Zaragoza also give some details of his biography.