Fotografía antigua. Castillo de la Mota. Fotógrafo Wünderlich. c.1930-Vintage photo Spain. La Mota' castle.
Fotografía que representa una vista del Castillo de la Mota en Valladolid. El fotógrafo elige un punto bajo y alejado para mostrar la imponente imagen de este castillo medieval antes de su restauración.
Con Wunderlich nos encontramos ante un buen fotógrafo, no un gran fotógrafo, todavía no conocido por el público es toda su calidad y amplitud de su obra. Diría que es un fotógrafo que necesita una exposición retrospectiva que nos de el alcance real de su calidad.
El Castillo a lo largo de su historia ha tenido cuatro fases de
reconstrucción: la 1ª llevada a cabo por Teodosio Torres, la 2ª y 3ª por
Juan Agapito y Revilla, la 3ª Iñiguez Almech y desde 1992 gracias al
“Plan Director” el arquitecto Fernando Cobos está permitiendo recuperar
los alrededores del Castillo, los arranques de los lienzos de las
antiguas murallas, así mismo el vaciado del foso y el saneado de las
galerías subterráneas, recuperándose los sistemas de tiro y ventilación.
De planta trapezoidal, con una muralla exterior y otra interior con un amplio patio de armas desde el cual se accede a diversas dependencias (reconstrucción realizada tras la Guerra Civil), entre las que destaca la capilla dedicada a Santa María del Castillo en la que se encuentran diversas e interesantes obras artísticas
De planta trapezoidal, con una muralla exterior y otra interior con un amplio patio de armas desde el cual se accede a diversas dependencias (reconstrucción realizada tras la Guerra Civil), entre las que destaca la capilla dedicada a Santa María del Castillo en la que se encuentran diversas e interesantes obras artísticas
En mayo de 1939, el Castillo de La Mota fue cedido por el Jefe del Estado a la Sección Femenina de la Falange para que lo restaurase y lo dedicase a fines formativos y culturales, iniciándose inmediatamente las obras. El 21 de julio, por medio de una Orden Especial, se encargó la reconstrucción del castillo a Pedro Muguruza y Otaño, Comisario de Defensa del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional, que nombró arquitecto a Francisco Íñiguez Almech y a Pedro Hurtado Ojalvo
como aparejador-ayudante. La dirección artística corrió a cargo del
marqués de Lozoya, en una reconstrucción que respetó básicamente las
trazas de la distribución doméstica original, salvo el patinillo de
entrada y los accesos a la torre del Homenaje, distorsionando al adosar a
ésta las construcciones domésticas modernas.
Dorso de la foto con el sello del fotógrafo . A mano la localización de la foto " Castillo de la Mota". Lleva también el sello impreso de la Dirección General de Turismo.
Post anterior
Fotografía antigua. Castillo de la Mota Medina del Campo. Autor anónimo
Castillo de la Mota hoy
Fotografía Serie pueblos. Medina del Campo y Castillo de la Mota. Photo series country towns. Medina del Campo y De la Mota's Castle Spain
Documentos y referencias sobre Otto Wunderlich
Cursó estudios de Lengua y trabajó en el negocio de la importación desde una edad muy temprana, en su Alemania natal. Gracias a los viajes de trabajo, conoció la fotografía en Inglaterra, y empezó a
interesarse como aficionado. En 1913 se estableció en España para trabajar en la Sociedad Minera El Guindo, dedicándose intensamente a la fotografía tras dejar su trabajo, en 1917.
Empezó a recibir encargos fotográficos de diversas empresas constructoras e industriales, como Hidroeléctrica Española, así como de las autoridades.
Realizó igualmente imágenes de índole documental, recorriendo para ello el país con el fin de retratar sus escenas populares, y creando y comercializando álbumes y tarjetas postales en una colección que llamó Paisajes y monumentos de España. Estas imágenes las vendería a instituciones y editoriales como el Patronato Nacional de Turismo y la Enciclopedia Espasa.
- Fotografía y ferrocarril líneas paralelas
- Aproximación a la fotohistoria del ferrocarril
- La Fototeca del Archivo Histórico Ferroviario
- Fondos y colecciones
El Archivo Wunderlich se ha incorporado al catálogo online de la Fototeca del Patrimonio Histórico del
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, con 2.000 imágenes
realizadas por Otto Wunderlich (1887-1975). Formado por más de 22.000
negativos y positivos de diferente formato, el Archivo incluye, además,
copias en papel, cámaras y diverso material pertenecientes al fotógrafo
de origen alemán y a su hijo Rodolfo (1928-2006).
Wunderlich (1886-1975) era un fotógrafo alemán dedicado al comercio en
su juventud. Llegó a España en 1913 e ingresó en la empresa Guindos,
dedicada al comercio de minerales. En 1917 comenzó a viajar con la
cámara y a realizar encargos para anticuarios, empresas constructoras e
industrias. Sus reportajes tomaron dos vertientes: industrial y
documental; la primera compuesta por fotografías de encargo, la segunda
espontánea e intuitiva. A finales de la segunda década del siglo XX
publicó en las revistas `Blanco y Negro´, `Nuevo Mundo´ y `La Esfera´,
donde colaboró habitualmente hasta 1919, así como en varias editoriales,
entre ellas Espasa. En 1927 se estableció en el número 47 de la calle
del Doctor Esquerdo, de Madrid. En el periodo republicano trabajó para
el Patronato Nacional de Turismo y pasó la guerra civil española en
Alemania, trabajando en un centro experimental de aviación. En 1939
ingresó en una compañía alemana dedicada al comercio de wolframio y
continuó con los reportajes industriales hasta los años sesenta.
resultado de la visita girada por Otto Wunderlich a las instalaciones
de Hidroeléctrica Española quedó reflejada en la realización de 192
placas de cristal, según se desprende
de la factura presentada el 30 de noviembre de 1927 a Hidroeléctrica Española8; en ella se recogen 189 fotografías con un formato de 13 x 18 cm. de cada una de las instalaciones más importantes de la Sociedad y 3 con un formato de 9x12 cm. Estos negativos fueron, junto con el formato 18x24 cm., los formatos más frecuentes utilizados por los fotógrafos en el primer tercio del siglo XX. El propio fotógrafo realizó, además, los positivos mediante contactos directos de las placas de cristal. Era práctica habitual que cuando las empresas recurrían a fotógrafos profesionales para la realización de reportajes fotográficos de sus instalaciones, estos entregaran los originales y las copias realizadas de las mismas al responsable de la empresa que podía, de esta forma, tener un mejor control de los originales y su posterior custodia....
de la factura presentada el 30 de noviembre de 1927 a Hidroeléctrica Española8; en ella se recogen 189 fotografías con un formato de 13 x 18 cm. de cada una de las instalaciones más importantes de la Sociedad y 3 con un formato de 9x12 cm. Estos negativos fueron, junto con el formato 18x24 cm., los formatos más frecuentes utilizados por los fotógrafos en el primer tercio del siglo XX. El propio fotógrafo realizó, además, los positivos mediante contactos directos de las placas de cristal. Era práctica habitual que cuando las empresas recurrían a fotógrafos profesionales para la realización de reportajes fotográficos de sus instalaciones, estos entregaran los originales y las copias realizadas de las mismas al responsable de la empresa que podía, de esta forma, tener un mejor control de los originales y su posterior custodia....
- Del daguerrotipo a la Instamatic de Juan Miguel Sánchez Vigil
- Fotos de Wunderlich en la Red digital de Colecciones de los Museos de España. Colecciones en red
Post anteriores de Wunderlich
Fotógrafo Otto Wunderlich. Fotografía antigua Aranjuez, Madrid.España Vintage photography Aranjuez gardens Spain c. 1920
Coleccionismo de fotografía. Revistas de fotografía. Revista Sombras
Fotografía antigua Puerto de el Pontón León Asturias. Fotógrafo Wünderlich. Vintage photo Spain Mountain Pass "El Pontón". c 1930. Photographer Otto Wünderlich
Foto Otto Wunderlich. Hórreos asturianos.c. 1940
En (Google translate)
Photograph shows a view of Castillo de la Mota in Valladolid. The photographer chooses a low and away to show the imposing image of the medieval castle before its restoration point.
Castillo de la Mota. Tourism Medina
Castle throughout its history has had four phases of reconstruction: 1st conducted by Teodosio Torres, the 2nd and 3rd Juan Agapito and Revilla, 3rd Iñiguez Almech and since 1992 thanks to the "Master Plan" architect Fernando Cobos is allowing to recover around the Castle, startups canvases of the old walls, also the drain pit and underground galleries sanitized of recovering the shot and ventilation systems.
Trapezoidal, with an outer wall and an inner with a large courtyard from which access various units (reconstruction work after the Civil War), among which is the chapel dedicated to Santa María del Castillo in which found several interesting artworks
Wikipedia Reconstruction 1939
In May 1939, the Castle of La Mota was donated by the Chief of the Women's Section of the Falange who would restore and devoted to educational and cultural purposes, and work began immediately. On July 21, through a Special Order, the reconstruction of the castle and Peter Muguruza Otaño Commissioner Defense National Artistic Heritage, who named architect Francisco Iniguez Almech Hurtado and Peter Ojala as assistant-surveyor was instructed. The art direction was given by the Marquis of Lozoya, a reconstruction that basically respected the traces of the original domestic distribution, except for the small courtyard entry and access to the keep, distorting it to attach to modern domestic buildings.
Back of the photo with the photographer's stamp. Handmade photo location "Castillo de la Mota." Also bears the stamp printed by the Directorate General of Tourism.
previous post
Vintage Photography. Castillo de la Mota Medina del Campo. Unattributed
Castillo de la Mota now
Photography Series peoples. Medina del Campo and Castillo de la Mota. Photo series country towns. Medina del Campo and De La Mota Spain's Castle
Documents and references Otto Wunderlich
Dictionary Spanish photographers
He studied language and worked in the business of importing from a very early age in his native Germany. With business travel, photography met in England, and began to
interested amateur. In 1913 he moved to Spain to work in Sociedad Minera El Guindo, intensely devoted to photography after leaving his job in 1917.
He began to receive commissions from various photographic construction and industrial companies, such as hydroelectric Spanish, as well as the authorities.
He also made such documentary images, touring the country for it to portray its popular scenes, and creating and selling albums and postcards in a collection called Landscapes and monuments of Spain. These images were sold to institutions and publishers such as the National Tourism and the Enciclopedia Espasa.
Funds and photo collections Railway Museum
Photography and rail lines parallel
Approaching the railroad Photostory
The Railroad Historical Archives Photo Library
Funds and collections
Wunderlich Archive
Wunderlich Archive
The Archive Wunderlich joined the online Heritage Photo Library with over 2,000 photos
The Archive Wunderlich has joined the online catalog of the Library Unit Historic Heritage of Ministry of Education, with 2,000 images taken by Otto Wunderlich (1887-1975). Consisting of over 22,000 negatives and positives of different format, the file also includes copies, cameras and other material belonging to the German-born photographer and his son Rudolf (1928-2006).
Otto Wunderlich. Europeana
Otto Wunderlich (1886-1975) was a German photographer devoted to trade in his youth. He arrived in Spain in 1913 and joined the company Guindos, dedicated to the mineral trade. In 1917 he began touring with the camera and place orders for dealers, construction companies and industries. His reporting took two aspects: industrial and documentary; the first consisting of photos of custom, the second spontaneous and intuitive. At the end of the second decade of the twentieth century, published in magazines and Negro' White `,` `The New world' and Esfera' where usually worked until 1919 as well as several publishers, including Espasa. In 1927 he settled in the 47th Street Doctor Esquerdo, Madrid. In the Republican period he worked for the National Tourist Board and the Spanish Civil War happened in Germany, working on an experimental aviation hub. In 1939 he joined a German company engaged in the trade of tungsten and industrial reports continued until the sixties.
Silver Dreams Photography and Anthropology in Castile and Leon
Notes on the photographs of the Valley Wunderlich Tietê
Intangible Heritage and Collective Memory. National Museum of Anthropology Dossier Exhibition
The photography in the Espasa Encyclopedia
Photography professionals and amateurs in the electrical industry:
Otto Wunderlich versus company employees (1919/1927)
The outcome of the visit rotated by Otto Wunderlich to Spanish hydroelectric facilities was reflected in the performance of glass plates 192, as evidenced
invoice submitted on November 30, 1927 Hydroelectric Española8; 189 pictures in it with a format of 13 x 18 cm were collected. of each of the major facilities of the Company and 3 with a 9x12 cm format. These negatives were, along with the format 18x24 cm., The most common formats used by photographers in the early twentieth century. The photographer also made positive by direct contact of the glass plates. It was common practice that when companies resorted to professional photographers to carry out photographic reports of their facilities, they delivered the originals and the copies made of them to the head of the company that could, thus, better control of original and subsequent custody ....
Daguerreotype to Juan Miguel Sanchez Instamatic Vigil
Wunderlich photos in digital network Collections of the Museums of Spain. Collections network
Castillo de la Mota. Tourism Medina
Castle throughout its history has had four phases of reconstruction: 1st conducted by Teodosio Torres, the 2nd and 3rd Juan Agapito and Revilla, 3rd Iñiguez Almech and since 1992 thanks to the "Master Plan" architect Fernando Cobos is allowing to recover around the Castle, startups canvases of the old walls, also the drain pit and underground galleries sanitized of recovering the shot and ventilation systems.
Trapezoidal, with an outer wall and an inner with a large courtyard from which access various units (reconstruction work after the Civil War), among which is the chapel dedicated to Santa María del Castillo in which found several interesting artworks
Wikipedia Reconstruction 1939
In May 1939, the Castle of La Mota was donated by the Chief of the Women's Section of the Falange who would restore and devoted to educational and cultural purposes, and work began immediately. On July 21, through a Special Order, the reconstruction of the castle and Peter Muguruza Otaño Commissioner Defense National Artistic Heritage, who named architect Francisco Iniguez Almech Hurtado and Peter Ojala as assistant-surveyor was instructed. The art direction was given by the Marquis of Lozoya, a reconstruction that basically respected the traces of the original domestic distribution, except for the small courtyard entry and access to the keep, distorting it to attach to modern domestic buildings.
Back of the photo with the photographer's stamp. Handmade photo location "Castillo de la Mota." Also bears the stamp printed by the Directorate General of Tourism.
previous post
Vintage Photography. Castillo de la Mota Medina del Campo. Unattributed
Castillo de la Mota now
Photography Series peoples. Medina del Campo and Castillo de la Mota. Photo series country towns. Medina del Campo and De La Mota Spain's Castle
Documents and references Otto Wunderlich
Dictionary Spanish photographers
He studied language and worked in the business of importing from a very early age in his native Germany. With business travel, photography met in England, and began to
interested amateur. In 1913 he moved to Spain to work in Sociedad Minera El Guindo, intensely devoted to photography after leaving his job in 1917.
He began to receive commissions from various photographic construction and industrial companies, such as hydroelectric Spanish, as well as the authorities.
He also made such documentary images, touring the country for it to portray its popular scenes, and creating and selling albums and postcards in a collection called Landscapes and monuments of Spain. These images were sold to institutions and publishers such as the National Tourism and the Enciclopedia Espasa.
Funds and photo collections Railway Museum
Photography and rail lines parallel
Approaching the railroad Photostory
The Railroad Historical Archives Photo Library
Funds and collections
Wunderlich Archive
Wunderlich Archive
The Archive Wunderlich joined the online Heritage Photo Library with over 2,000 photos
The Archive Wunderlich has joined the online catalog of the Library Unit Historic Heritage of Ministry of Education, with 2,000 images taken by Otto Wunderlich (1887-1975). Consisting of over 22,000 negatives and positives of different format, the file also includes copies, cameras and other material belonging to the German-born photographer and his son Rudolf (1928-2006).
Otto Wunderlich. Europeana
Otto Wunderlich (1886-1975) was a German photographer devoted to trade in his youth. He arrived in Spain in 1913 and joined the company Guindos, dedicated to the mineral trade. In 1917 he began touring with the camera and place orders for dealers, construction companies and industries. His reporting took two aspects: industrial and documentary; the first consisting of photos of custom, the second spontaneous and intuitive. At the end of the second decade of the twentieth century, published in magazines and Negro' White `,` `The New world' and Esfera' where usually worked until 1919 as well as several publishers, including Espasa. In 1927 he settled in the 47th Street Doctor Esquerdo, Madrid. In the Republican period he worked for the National Tourist Board and the Spanish Civil War happened in Germany, working on an experimental aviation hub. In 1939 he joined a German company engaged in the trade of tungsten and industrial reports continued until the sixties.
Silver Dreams Photography and Anthropology in Castile and Leon
Notes on the photographs of the Valley Wunderlich Tietê
Intangible Heritage and Collective Memory. National Museum of Anthropology Dossier Exhibition
The photography in the Espasa Encyclopedia
Photography professionals and amateurs in the electrical industry:
Otto Wunderlich versus company employees (1919/1927)
The outcome of the visit rotated by Otto Wunderlich to Spanish hydroelectric facilities was reflected in the performance of glass plates 192, as evidenced
invoice submitted on November 30, 1927 Hydroelectric Española8; 189 pictures in it with a format of 13 x 18 cm were collected. of each of the major facilities of the Company and 3 with a 9x12 cm format. These negatives were, along with the format 18x24 cm., The most common formats used by photographers in the early twentieth century. The photographer also made positive by direct contact of the glass plates. It was common practice that when companies resorted to professional photographers to carry out photographic reports of their facilities, they delivered the originals and the copies made of them to the head of the company that could, thus, better control of original and subsequent custody ....
Daguerreotype to Juan Miguel Sanchez Instamatic Vigil
Wunderlich photos in digital network Collections of the Museums of Spain. Collections network