Fotografía. Santiago Ramón y Cajal y la fotografía. Ramón y Cajal, Medicine Nobel Laureate and photographer

Uno de los mayores científicos que ha dado España es Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Premio Nobel de Medicina en 1906.
Pues bien fue un reconocido aficionado a la fotografía y fotos suyas han llegado hasta nuestro días y han sido objeto de varias exposiciones. 

  • Wikipedia
  • Ramón y Cajal received many prizes, distinctions, and societal memberships during his scientific career, including honorary doctorates in medicine from the Cambridge University and Würzburg University and an honorary doctorate in philosophy from Clark University. The most famous distinction he was awarded was the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1906, together with the Italian scientist Camillo Golgi "in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous system". This caused some controversy because Golgi, a staunch supporter of reticular theory, disagreed with Ramón y Cajal in his view of the neuron doctrine.
Presento a continuación algunos documentos sobre su vida y obra pues existe bibliografía bastante sobre todo gracias a la labor ejercida por la Universidad de Zaragoza

Excelente y amplio documento con un apartado a su labor fotográfica

...Por eso, a partir de la década de 1880, todas sus publicaciones llevarán incluidos grabados litográficos, ejecutados personalmente por él mismo. En realidad, son fotolitografías, a cuya experimentación se dedicó durantetoda la década, puesto que aprendió a manejar el lápiz y el buril litográficos con gran habilidad. Desde entonces la fotografía asimilada a la litografía será un complemento asiduo en las publicaciones científicas de Cajal
.....Cajal, sin embargo, no utilizó la fotografía exclusivamente para reproducir imágenes, sino también para aplicarla a otros experimentos, tales como el fonógrafo y el microfonógrafo, dedicado el uno a grabar la voz por medio de la fotografía, y el otro a ampliarla para su audición

Y por último un curioso e interesante documento sobre la posible relación -directa-entre la fotografía y la ciencia de Cajal.
.En el presente artículo, el autor expone las características de las tinciones histológicas y de los virajes fotográficos, tendente a mostrar las similitudes entre ambas, así como a demostrar que sólo una persona que conociese a la perfección los procesos fotoquímicos podía desarrollar el método de Golgi demanera que le llevase a obtener los éxitos científicos que obtuvo Cajal. 

En (google translate)
One of the greatest scientists who has given Spain's Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1906.
Well it was a renowned amateur photographer and his photos have reached our days and have been the subject of several exhibitions.

Ramon y Cajal received many prizes, distinctions, and societal memberships During His scientific career, treats including honorary doctorates in medicine from the Cambridge University and Würzburg University and an honorary doctorate in philosophy from Clark University. The most famous distinction I was Awarded the Nobel Prize was in Physiology or Medicine in 1906, Together with the Italian scientist Camillo Golgi "in recognition of Their work on the structure of the nervous system". Because some controversy Caused This Golgi, a staunch supporter of lattice theory, disagreed With Ramon y Cajal in His view of the neuron doctrine.
Present below some documents about his life and work as there is enough literature mainly thanks to the work carried out by the University of Zaragoza

Santiago Ramon y Cajal 1852-1934 150th anniversary
Excellent and comprehensive document with a section to his photographic work

... Therefore, from the 1880s, all publications will include lithographic prints, personally executed by himself. In fact, they are photolithographies, whose experimentation was spent durantetoda the decade since learned to manage lithographic pencil and chisel with great skill. Since then the photo lithography will be treated as a regular supplement in the scientific literature of Cajal
..... Cajal, but not exclusively used photography to reproduce images, but also to apply to other experiments, such as the phonograph and the microfonógrafo, each dedicated to record voice through photography, and to extend it for another hearing

Santiago Ramon y Cajal. Travel, photography and memory. .Video

Great Aragonese Encyclopedia. Ramon y Cajal, Santiago

Cajal and his drawings: science and art
And finally a curious and interesting paper on the possible relationship, directly-between photography and science of Cajal.

Santiago Ramon y Cajal More than a photographer
.In This article, the author describes the characteristics of histological stains and photographic turns, aiming to show the similarities between them, and to show that only one person who knew perfectly photochemical processes could develop the method Golgi demanera take him to obtain scientific successes obtained Cajal.

Histologie nerveux du système de l'homme & des vertebrates [electronic resource]by Ramon y Cajal, Santiago, 1852-1934; Azoulay, L. (Leo), 1862; London County Council former owner; King's College London

Histologie du système nerveux de l'homme & des vertébrés [electronic resource]