The Works Progress Administration. Changing New York. Berenice Abbott.Architectural photography.. New York Public Library. Free download images.

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Sobre el arte y la crisis. Los gobiernos y el arte en periodos de crisis. The Works Progress Administration (WPA) . 1935. Library of Congress

acabo de leer que, en dicho proyecto, participo Berenice Abbott y que, gran parte de esas fotos se pueden ver en los fondos de la New York Public Library. ( mas de 200 fotos de lugares de Nueva York un gran conjunto de fotos de arquitectura de esta ciudad en los años 30 del siglo pasado, se pueden descargar en diferentes formatos.

Recordemos que Berenice Abbott tuvo gran interés y admiración por Eugène Atget que documento con detalle todo el Paris de fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Es más es uno de los raros casos de una fotógrafa que destaca por dar a conocer la obra de otro fotógrafo de manera, digamos, profesional. Abbott compro, a la muerte de Atget, muchos de sus fondos, mas de 10.000 fotografías, con las cuales organizó en USA varias exposiciones para al final donarlas al MOMA.

Collection History

Photographer Berenice Abbott proposed Changing New York, her grand project to document New York City, to the Federal Art Project (FAP) in 1935. The FAP was a Depression-era government program for unemployed artists and workers in related fields such as advertising, graphic design, illustration, photofinishing, and publishing. A changing staff of more than a dozen participated as darkroom printers, field assistants, researchers and clerks on this and other photographic efforts. Abbott's efforts resulted in a book in 1939, in advance of the World's Fair in Flushing Meadow NY, with 97 illustrations and text by Abbott's fellow WPA employee (and life companion), art critic Elizabeth McCausland (1899-1965). At the project's conclusion, the FAP distributed complete sets of Abbott's final 302 images to high schools, libraries and other public institutions in the metropolitan area, plus the State Library in Albany. Throughout the project, exhibitions of the work took place in New York and elsewhere. After decades of lapse, the founding of the National Endowment of the Arts in 1965 revived the FAP's ideals .

Berenice Abbott MOMA

Petit Journal Jeu de Paume. Berenice Abbott

Berenice Abbott Met Museum


Lamport Export Company, 507-511 Broadway, Manhattan.

Broome Street, Nos. 504-506, Manhattan.


Gas tank and Queensboro Bridge, East 62nd Street & York Avenue, Manhattan.

Murray Hill Hotel, from Park Avenue and 40th Street, Manhattan.