Exposiciones para ver. Colección Abelló. Centro Cibeles Madrid.
En el Centro Cibeles se presenta la colección Abelló, parte de la misma, una selección de 160 obras. El papel, el dibujo, es parte importante de la misma.
Desde las últimas décadas del pasado siglo el matrimonio Juan Abelló y Anna Gamazo ha ido reuniendo una importante colección de la cual en la presente muestra se exponen alrededor de ciento sesenta obras, conjunto que, a pesar de su número reducido, permite reflejar la coherencia y las características propias que ha mantenido desde su origen
La colección, y este es su primera nota propia, no se limita a
periodos históricos, escuelas o géneros concretos sino que, aún siendo
los testimonios españoles los más abundantes, son significativos los
ejemplos de talleres flamencos, italianos, franceses o germánicos.
Su segundo carácter específico es que no marca un límite temporal: Juan de Flandes, Lucas Cranach o Yáñez de la Almedina dialogan con obras de Ribera, Zurbarán, Murillo, Canaletto, Goya, Sorolla, Modigliani, Picasso o Bacon entre otros.
Su segundo carácter específico es que no marca un límite temporal: Juan de Flandes, Lucas Cranach o Yáñez de la Almedina dialogan con obras de Ribera, Zurbarán, Murillo, Canaletto, Goya, Sorolla, Modigliani, Picasso o Bacon entre otros.
Lo primero que debe uno comentar,mejor dicho mencionar, es el hecho de que estan salas del Centro Cibeles ya han recogido diferentes exposiciones de importantes colecciones privadas como fueron anteriormente las de Helga de Alvear y la de Masaveu. No es fácil atraer al coleccionista privado que, en España, tan, digamos, olvidado ha sido por el Estado en todas sus Administraciones.
La exposición es la mejor, con mucho, exposición que se puede ver en Madrid hoy.
Se ven cuadros de artistas de los que apenas hay ocasiones de conocer, ver, en Madrid. Rothko, Bonnard, Degas, Braque por mencionar algunos.
Se atreve a coleecionar cuadros anónimos, enormes, que casi nadie se fijaría en ellos pero que vistos en conjunto tienen una coherencia naif que agrada. Las acuarelas de David Roberts son excelentes.
En pintura de bodegones roza la excelencia. Magnífico el de Luis Meléndez. Los cuadros de Canaletto y Guardi tan codiciados en el mundo maravillan por su-fría- perfección técnica.
En cuanto al dibujo, medio en el que muchos coleccionistas empiezan su colección, tengo que decir que, en bastantes casos, no comprendo su selección que se realiza sobre dibujos de escasas líneas, meros, mínimos bocetos. Ahora bien el dibujo antiguo es el gran olvidado del coleccionismo así que su labor coleccionista es digna del mayor elogio.
En pintura moderna señalar los magníficos Bacon pequeños, no tanto el grande. El Palazuelo, enorme, no me gustó, tiene obras mucho mejores este gran pintor.
Los Bonnard preciosos y el pastel de Degas excelente ( enorme dibujante debajo de un gran colorista).
La selección de Picasso y Miró, amplia en ambos casos quizá debería haber sido mejor concentrarla en menos y mejores obras.
(obviamente todo lo escrito aquí es mera opinión de un aficionado al arte que soñaria con tener cualquiera de estas obras en su propia colección).
Por ultimo recordemos que Abelló ha realizado varias daciones de obras de arte como pago de sus impuestos.
Para el Museo del Prado, pagó una deuda tributaria-IRPF- con la obra religiosa del
artista flamenco Lucas Cranach “Virgen con el niño, San Juan y ángeles”
de 121 x 83 cms. y realizada en 1536,
Para el Reina Sofía:Tàpies (“Construcción con línea diagonal”, 1966, óleo, arena y resina sobre lienzo), y un gran dibujo de Picasso de 1934 " La nadadora"
Since the last decades of the last century marriage Gamazo Juan Abelló and Anna has gathered a large collection of which in the present sample about one hundred works, set that, despite their small numbers, can reflect the consistency and exposed the characteristics it has maintained since its origin
The collection, and this is his first own note, is not limited to historical periods, schools or specific genres but still being the most abundant Spanish testimonies are significant examples of workshops Flemish, Italian, French or Germanic.
His second specificity is not a time limit mark: John Flanders, Lucas Cranach the Almedina Yanez dialogue with works by Ribera, Zurbarán, Murillo, Canaletto, Goya, Sorolla, Modigliani, Picasso, Bacon and others.
The first thing one should comment rather mention, is the fact that they are meeting the Cibeles Center have already collected several exhibitions of private collections and were above the Helga de Alvear and the Masaveu. It is not easy to attract private collector in Spain, as, say, has been forgotten by the state in all administrations.
The exhibition is the best by far exhibition can be seen in Madrid today.
Paintings by artists who just know there are times, see in Madrid. Rothko, Bonnard, Degas, Braque to name a few.
He dares to coleecionar anonymous, huge pictures, which almost no one would notice them but when viewed collectively have a naif like consistency. David Roberts's watercolors are excellent.
In still life painting brushes excellence. Magnificent of Luis Meléndez. The pictures of Canaletto and Guardi coveted around the world for his wonder-coldly technical perfection.
As for the drawing, the medium in which many collectors began their collection, I have to say that in many cases, do not understand your selection is made on rare drawings of lines, groupers, minimal sketches. Now the old drawing is the great forgotten collectibles collector so your work is worthy of the highest praise.
In modern painting gorgeous little Bacon noted, not so big. The Palazuelo, huge, I did not like, it works much better this great painter.
Precious Bonnard and Degas pastel excellent (huge drawer under a great colorist).
The selection of Picasso and Miró, large in both cases perhaps should have been better concentrating on fewer and better works.
(obviously everything written here is mere opinion of an art aficionado would dream of having any of these works in your own collection).
Finally remember that Abelló has made several artworks dations in payment of taxes.
To the Prado, paid a tax debt-IRPF- religious work flamenco artist Lucas Cranach "Virgin and Child, St. John and Angels" 121 x 83 cms. and built in 1536,
For the Reina Sofia: Tàpies ("Construction with diagonal line", 1966, oil, sand and resin on canvas), and a great 1934 Picasso drawing "The Swimmer"
- En (google translator)
Since the last decades of the last century marriage Gamazo Juan Abelló and Anna has gathered a large collection of which in the present sample about one hundred works, set that, despite their small numbers, can reflect the consistency and exposed the characteristics it has maintained since its origin
The collection, and this is his first own note, is not limited to historical periods, schools or specific genres but still being the most abundant Spanish testimonies are significant examples of workshops Flemish, Italian, French or Germanic.
His second specificity is not a time limit mark: John Flanders, Lucas Cranach the Almedina Yanez dialogue with works by Ribera, Zurbarán, Murillo, Canaletto, Goya, Sorolla, Modigliani, Picasso, Bacon and others.
The first thing one should comment rather mention, is the fact that they are meeting the Cibeles Center have already collected several exhibitions of private collections and were above the Helga de Alvear and the Masaveu. It is not easy to attract private collector in Spain, as, say, has been forgotten by the state in all administrations.
The exhibition is the best by far exhibition can be seen in Madrid today.
Paintings by artists who just know there are times, see in Madrid. Rothko, Bonnard, Degas, Braque to name a few.
He dares to coleecionar anonymous, huge pictures, which almost no one would notice them but when viewed collectively have a naif like consistency. David Roberts's watercolors are excellent.
In still life painting brushes excellence. Magnificent of Luis Meléndez. The pictures of Canaletto and Guardi coveted around the world for his wonder-coldly technical perfection.
As for the drawing, the medium in which many collectors began their collection, I have to say that in many cases, do not understand your selection is made on rare drawings of lines, groupers, minimal sketches. Now the old drawing is the great forgotten collectibles collector so your work is worthy of the highest praise.
In modern painting gorgeous little Bacon noted, not so big. The Palazuelo, huge, I did not like, it works much better this great painter.
Precious Bonnard and Degas pastel excellent (huge drawer under a great colorist).
The selection of Picasso and Miró, large in both cases perhaps should have been better concentrating on fewer and better works.
(obviously everything written here is mere opinion of an art aficionado would dream of having any of these works in your own collection).
Finally remember that Abelló has made several artworks dations in payment of taxes.
To the Prado, paid a tax debt-IRPF- religious work flamenco artist Lucas Cranach "Virgin and Child, St. John and Angels" 121 x 83 cms. and built in 1536,
For the Reina Sofia: Tàpies ("Construction with diagonal line", 1966, oil, sand and resin on canvas), and a great 1934 Picasso drawing "The Swimmer"