Andre Kertsez. BBC.1983. Video Master photographers. Vídeo Jeu de Paume

Aunque sea en inglés  y el documental tenga un aire antiguo es muy entretenido e incluso formativo diria yo oir hablar a grandes fotógrafos de sus propias obras.:Andre Kertsez, y a los grandes centros de arte, como el Jeu de Paume presentarnos comentada su obra.


From 1933 to 1936 Kertész published three books of his own photographs. Immigrating to the United States in 1936, he settled in New York, where he earned his living photographing architecture and interiors for magazines such as House and Garden. It was not until he retired from commercial work at age sixty-eight that Kertész was free to focus again on the more personal subjects that had delighted him as an amateur.

Jeu de Paume Petit Journal. Kertész 

National Gallery .Photos

Met Museum Photos