Everything that wasn’t invented by God is invented by an engineer:Prince Philip. Just a few words about it. ...Todo lo que no fue inventado por Dios es inventado por un ingeniero."

Leido en prensa:

Prince Philip praises engineers as 'second only to God'


Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme he said: “The whole of our infrastructure, from sewers to power supplies and communication, everything that wasn’t invented by God is invented by an engineer.”

 Hablando en el programa Today de la BBC Radio 4, dijo: "La totalidad de nuestra infraestructura, desde las alcantarillas a fuentes de alimentación y comunicación, todo lo que no fue inventado por Dios es inventado por un ingeniero."


Como miembro de familia de ingenieros debería estar de acuerdo con esta frase pero ellos, los ingenieros, inventan cosas pero no crean el arte.

Lo más dificil del mundo, muchas veces aunque no siempre, es explicar  arte a un ingeniero.


 En (google translate)

Read in the press:

Prince Philip praises as engineers 'second only to God'

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme have said: "The whole of our infrastructure, from sewers to power supplies and communication, Everything That was not invented by God is invented by an engineer."
  Speaking on the Today program on BBC Radio 4, he said: "Our whole infrastructure, from sewers to power supplies and communication, everything that was not invented by God is invented by an engineer."

As a member of family of engineers should agree with it but the engineers invent things but do not create art. ( sometimes they do art or help-sculpture-to create art)
The hardest part of the world, often but not always, is to explain the art to an engineer