Fotografía y guerra. Photo and war. Documents, links, Spanish digital archives, USA and U.K digital archives.

La fotografía de guerra, referida a la guerra como tema principal, sea en el mismo frente o en la retaguardia es uno de los temas principales del fotoperiodismo de hoy

 This exhibition features the extensive survey of the photojournalist Gervasio Sánchez, awarded with the 2009 National Photography Prize in Spain. His intensive career started in 1984, in Cent ral America, firmly up to nowadays
 pero también de los fotógrafos de ayer.
En este momento se puede ver, por ejemplo:

Exhibition 26 November 201415 March 2015
From the seconds after a bomb is detonated to a former scene of battle years after a war has ended, this moving exhibition focuses on the passing of time, tracing a diverse and poignant journey through over 150 years of conflict around the world, since the invention of photography.
  • Por citar otra exposición reciente:

Exhibitions: WAR/PHOTOGRAPHY: Images of Armed Conflict and Its Aftermath

Pues bien quisiera comentar la fotografía de guerra como fotografía no solo documental sino también de calidad, es decir, fotografía de buenos fotógrafos que tienen que actuar o realizar sus fotos sobre un tema tan doloroso como es la guerra.
No siempre son fotógrafos conocidos pues en muchas ocasiones al dorso figura el nombre de una agencia que, en principio, no permite identificar al fotógrafo ( a veces sí pero no es fácil). 
Algunos de estos fotógrafos están considerados entre los grandes siendo el más emblemático fotografo de guerra Robert Capa que estuvo tanto en la II Guerra Mundial como en la Guerra Civil española y conflictos bélicos posteriores ( murió por la explosión de una granada) 
Otras veces, como comento más abajo el caso de la "agencia" British Official Photograph, son los propios militares los que tienen una "Sección de fotografía" encuadrada en el ejercito.
También hay que recordar que muchos fotógrafos realizaron en algún momento de  su vida fotoperiodismo de guerra.
Lo que quisiera comentar es que no es raro encontrarse en el mercado fotos de guerra, casi siempre de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, de diferentes agencias.
Siempre me llamó la atención el poco interés que había hacia ellas cuando eran fotos buenas cuando no curiosas o documentales, de hecho el precio de las mismas era muy bajo. Bien es verdad que son fotos de tirada "desconocida" pero eso no es óbice para valorarlas en su justo término.
Es más, frecuentemente, se encontraban fotos que documentaban la "retaguardia" y ahí se veía todavia más la buena mano fotográfica de estos fotógrafos, repito que muchas veces desconocidos, ocultos en el nombre de la agencia.

The camera shutter remained open for a few seconds, and the light streaks recorded on the photographic file during that time indicated that the bomber was caught for a moment into the search light beam A , B at the aircraft took successful evasive action, leaving the searlight pointing away from the bomber, C and D are sticks of incendary bombs burning while the broader tracks at E mark fire developping.

Imagen de ayer que es casi igual, lamentablemente, a imágenes de hoy


La vida sigue en las ciudades alejadas del conflicto directo.

Fotografia de agencia. Segunda Guerra Mundial. Entrenamientos.Agency photos WWII British Official Photograph A Southern Exercise: The Sniper 


 Otras fotos
Londres de noche con luces apagadas para dificultar los raids aéreos. 

People of Lunenburg listening the end of the war
  • Más fotos se pueden ver en:


Relación de documentos , links y archivos digitales tanto de España como extranjeros  sobre fotografía militar actualizado

...Esta colección comprende en la actualidad alrededor de 20.000 piezas fotográficas incluida la fotomecánica. La variedad de su contenido es reflejo de las diversas procedencias de estos fondos, los cuales provienen en su mayoría de las bibliotecas de Artillería e Ingenieros, del Cuerpo de Estado Mayor, así como de colecciones privadas procedentes de donaciones. El grueso de la colección está compuesto por álbumes entre los que destacan los dedicados al Cuerpo de Ingenieros Militares, firmados por Martínez Hebert; los realizados por la firma J. David de París y dedicados a las Academias Militares; el realizado por el Estado Mayor del Ejército en las fábricas de Trubia, Santa Bárbara, La Felguera y Santa Ana, o el dedicado a los Regulares de Larache. Tanto de Cuba como de Filipinas se conservan numerosas fotografías de la época colonial, así como de la guerra de 1898 realizadas por profesionales como Pumariega, Naranjo o Gómez de la Carrera en Cuba y Stemberg, Benítez o Valenzuela en Filipinas............

........La fotografía constituye uno de los fondos museográficos de mayor relevancia entre los conservados en el Museo del Ejército, tanto por su calidad como por su variedad técnica y temática.
La colección de fotografia está integrada por un número aproximado de 6000 piezas, entre las cuales hay positivos, negativos, placas de vidrio, esteroscopia y fotomecánica. 

....Este Archivo fue creado en 1993 para albergar los fondos procedentes de los archivos históricos del Ejército de Tierra y relativos a la Guerra Civil, a los que se incorporaron los de la Milicia Nacional y la documentación Ifni-Sahara entre otros. 

Es un fondo fotográfico creado por la Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, cuyos orígenes se remontan a los inicios de la Guerra Civil española, en 1936, si bien contiene imágenes de acontecimientos anteriores a la contienda, como la sublevación de Jaca de 1930. En la actualidad lo componen 3051 imágenes, las que restan de un conjunto inicial mucho mayor tras un largo devenir histórico. Están realizadas en blanco y negro y montadas en soportes de cartón, como era habitual para la época. Las unidades documentales que lo componen están organizadas por categorías temáticas, siguiendo los inventarios originales, por lo que podemos conocer y reconocer en ellas su significado originario. 

Es un archivo bien organizado permite la búsqueda por materias y pide la colaboración de la gente para identificar a las personas que aparecen en las fotos

Cifra Gráfica

Agencia española de información gráfica creada por Vicente Gallego durante la Guerra Civil como sección de la agencia EFE. El nombre es acrónimo de Crónicas, Informaciones, Fotografías y Reportajes de Actualidad.


Incluye este volumen los catálogos de las exposiciones: Documentos de la Guerra Civil en los fondos del Museo del Pueblo de Asturias ; Suárez y Floro: dos miradas fotográficas sobre la Guerra Civil en Asturias ; Testimonios de la retaguardia ; Los desastres de la Guerra ; Ferrocarril y guerra en Asturias

pdf de la publicación 


A través de la pluralidad de los artefactos fotográficos que componen la colección, se puede establecer la evolución técnica de la historia de la fotografía, desde finales del siglo XIX hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XX. En su variedad temática, se recogen importantes acontecimientos de la Historia Militar: Guerras Carlistas, Colonias de Cuba y Filipinas, Guerra de África, Guerra Civil y Primera Guerra Mundial, así como,  numerosos retratos de miembros de las Casas Reales española y europeas, militares ilustres, y personalidades nacionales e internacionales, que han destacado en cualquiera de los campos de la historia, la ciencia o el arte de finales del siglo XIX principios del siglo XX.
Aleix Purcet Gregori
Juan Alonso Fernández 
que, en sus propias palabras se centra en
En base a este método, el objetivo de la comunicación es aportar conocimiento histórico sobre el aparato de propaganda y creación de consenso del naciente régimen franquista a través de un ángulo muy poco tratado, la fotografía. Se considera que el fascismo era un proyecto político moderno que nace con la voluntad de vanguardia renovadora y, como tal, explota las herramientas y los canales propios de la modernidad. La fotografía no fue una excepción y el presente estudio traza una panorámica utilizando como hilo conductor la figura del fotógrafo Josep Compte, un autor olvidado que emerge enla II República y se consolida en el franquismo. Compte representa un nexo de continuidad entre la moderna y vanguardista fotografía publicitaria
Exposición, catálogo de la misma, celebrada en el Imperial War Museum de Londres. Numerosas fotografías de guerra

Pictures of World War II. Library of Congress

The Second World War was documented onnhuge scale by thousands of photographers and artists who created millions of pictures. American military photographers representing all of the armed services covered the battlefronts around the world. Every activity of the war was depicted--training, combat, support services, and much more. On the home front, the many federal war agencies produced and collected pictures, posters, and cartoons on such subjects as war production, rationing, and civilian relocation.
The pictures described in this list are from the holdings of the Still Picture Branch (NNSP) of the National Archives and Records Administration. Most are from the records of the Army Signal Corps in Record Group (RG) 111, the Department of the Navy in RG 80, the Coast Guard in RG 26, the Marine Corps in RG 127, and the Office of War Information in RG 208. Others were selected from the records of 12 additional agencies
  • Title: Gardner's photographic sketch book of the war.
  • Other Title: Photographic sketchbook of the war
  • Creator(s): Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882.,
  • Related Names:
       Waud, Alfred R. (Alfred Rudolph), 1828-1891 , artist
  • Date Created/Published: Washington : Philp & Solomons, [1866]
  • Medium: 2 v. : ill. ; 32 x 43 cm.
  • Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-ppmsca-12834 (digital files from original album pages, vol. 1) LC-DIG-ppmsca-13705 (digital files from original album pages, vol. 2)
  • Call Number: E468.7 .G2 (Case Y) [P&P] Copy 1
  • Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
 Fotógrafos de "British Official photograph"
British Official photograph” photographs are divided into different series.
Each photograph has a title and a legend at the back that describes the image and a number always prefixed with a letter.
The letter/s are:

E series photographs (British Army in North Africa and the Middle East) were taken by: No. 1 Army Film and Photographic Unit
BU and B series photographs (Allied forces in North West Europe) were taken by: No. 5 Army Film and Photographic Unit
SE series (Allied forces in South East Asia) photographs were taken by: No. 9 Army Film and Photographic Unit

  • H series (British Army in Britain) photographs were taken by War Office Official Photographers.
  • A series (Admiralty Official Collection) photographs were taken by Royal Navy Official Photographers
  • C series (Air Ministry Official Collection) photographs were taken by Royal Air Force Official Photographers
  • GM series (British forces in Gibraltar and Malta) photographs were taken by War Office Official Photographers.
  • Some photographer’s names of these photographs shown here are:

    Capt. Horton, Capt. Keating, Lt. Cash, Sgt. Flack, Lt. C. J. Ware, Sgt. Laing, Lt. Spender, Lt. Taylor, Sgt. Oakes, Capt. d'Eyncourt, Lt. D. C. Oulds, Sgt. Midgley, Lt. O'Brien, Capt. Gade, Lt. L. Pelman, Sub Lt. D. W. Cooksey, Lt. Vanderson & Sgts. Chetwyn, R.H. Morris & G. Morris, Lts. McLaren & Mayne & Sgt. Slade, Sgt. Morris, Lt. J. E. RussellSgt. J. Deakin, Sgt. Taylor, No 9 Army Film & Photographic Unit, Sgt. Chetwyn, Lt R G G Coote.
  • Links

Fotografía de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.La retaguardia. USA. Ansel Adams. the Manzanar War Relocation Center.


En ( google translate)

War photography, referred to the war as the main theme is on the same front or in the rear is one of the main themes of photojournalism today

  Dossier roaming. Gervasio Sánchez Anthology

  This exhibition features the EXTENSIVE survey of the photojournalist Gervasio Sánchez, Awarded With The 2009 National Photography Prize in Spain. His intensive career started in 1984, in Cent ral America, Firmly up to nowadays

  but also photographers yesterday.

At this point you can see, for example:

Conflict, Time, Photography Tate Modern:
Exhibition 26 November 2014-15 March 2015

From the seconds after a bomb is detonated to a former scene of battle years after a war has ended, esta moving exhibition Focuses on the passing of time, tracing a diverse and poignant journey-through over 150 years of conflict around the world, since the invention of photography.
To cite another recent exhibition:
Brooklyn museum
Exhibitions: WAR / PHOTOGRAPHY: Images of Armed Conflict and Its Aftermath
Well I want to comment war photography and documentary photography not only quality but also, ie photograph of good photographers who have to act or make their pictures as painful as the war issue.
There are always known photographers since in many cases the back contains the name of an agency that, in principle, does not identify the photographer (sometimes yes but not easy).
Some of these photographers are considered among the greats still the flagship war photographer Robert Capa who was both World War II and the Spanish Civil War and subsequent wars (killed by an exploding Granada)
The Mexican Suitcase Robert Capa Photographs of the Civil War
Sometimes, as I discuss below British Official Photograph, are the military themselves who have a "photo section" framed in the army.
Also remember that many photographers made at some point in their life war photojournalism.
What I would say is that it is not uncommon market war photos, mostly of the Second World War, from different agencies.
Always struck me that there was little interest to them when they were good pictures when not curious or documentary, in fact the price of imports was very low. It is true that they are photos of "unknown" Chuck but that's no obstacle to value them in the right perspective.
Indeed, often, photos documenting the "rear" and that the good hand of these photographers photographic looked still more were, I repeat that often unknown, hidden in the name of the agency.

     Photograph of Air Ministry. Abstract photography. Second World War.
Remained The camera shutter open for a few seconds, and the light streaks on the photographic file Recorded During That Time Indicated That the bomber was caught for a moment into the search light beam A, B at the aircraft took evasive action Successful, leaving the searlight pointing away from the bomber, C and D are burning sticks of bombs incendary while the Broader tracks at E mark developping fire.

     Vintage Photography War in Libya. WWII. British Official Photograph Agency

Image of yesterday which is almost equal, unfortunately, today images
Photo Agency. England Second World War civilians working in the field
Life goes on in remote cities of direct conflict.
Photographs agency. WWII. Entrenamientos.Agency photos WWII British Official Photograph A Southern Exercise: The Sniper
  London at night with lights off to hinder air raids.
People of Lunenburg listening the end of the war

     More photos can be viewed at:

List of documents and links on military photograph updated

     General Military Archive in Madrid

... This collection currently comprises around 20,000 photographic pieces including photomechanical. The variety of its content reflects the diverse backgrounds of these funds, which come mostly from libraries Artillery and Engineers, Corps of Staff, as well as donations from private collections. The bulk of the collection consists of albums among which those dedicated to the Army Corps of Engineers, signed by Martinez Hebert; those made by the firm J. David Paris and dedicated to the Military Academies; one conducted by the Staff of the Army in the factories of Trubia, Santa Barbara, and Santa Ana La Felguera, or dedicated to the Regular Larache. Both Cuba and the Philippines numerous photographs from the colonial era are preserved, as well as the War of 1898 by professional as Pumariega, Naranjo or Gómez de la Carrera in Cuba and Stemberg, Benitez or Valenzuela Philippines ...... ......

     Museo del Ejercito

........ The photograph is one of the most important museum collections between conserved in the Army Museum, both for its quality and its technical and thematic variety.
The photography collection is composed of a negative approximate number of 6000 pieces, among which are positive, glass plates, stereoscopical and photomechanical.

      General Military Archives of Ávila.

.... This file was created in 1993 to house the proceeds from the historical archives of the Army and relating to the Civil War, who joined the National Militia and Ifni-Sahara documentation among others.

     Photographic Archive of the Delegation of Propaganda of Madrid during the Civil War

It is a photographic background created by the Executive Board of Defense of Madrid, whose origins date back to the beginning of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, but contains images of events prior to the war, as the uprising of 1930. In Jaca 3051 today compose images, remaining from a much larger initial set after a long historical development. They are made in black and white and mounted on cardboard holders, as was customary at the time. Documentary constituent units are organized into thematic categories, following the original inventory, so you can know and recognize in them their original meaning.

It is a well organized file allows searching by subject and called for support for people to identify people in photos

     Photography agency. Spanish Civil War. Cifra Agency. Vintage Photography Spanish Civil War. Cifra Agency


Graphic figure
Spanish Agency of graphical information created by Vicente Gallego during the Civil War as section EFE. The name is an acronym for Chronicles, Information, Photographs and Stories Current.

     Asturias at war. The Civil War in the collections of museums in Gijón

This volume includes exhibition catalogs: Records of the Civil War in the collections of the Museum of Asturias; Suarez and Floro: two photographic visions of the Civil War in Asturias; Testimonials from the rear; Disasters of War; Railroad and War in Asturias
pdf publication

     Exhibitions to see Agustí Centelles.Instituto Cervantes. Spanish civil war: digital archives


Through the plurality of photographic artifacts in the collection, you can set the technical evolution of the history of photography, from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century. Carlist Wars, colonies of Cuba and the Philippines, African War, Civil War and World War I, as well as numerous portraits of members of the Spanish and European Royal Houses, military: In its thematic variety, important events are collected Military History illustrious, and national and international personalities who have excelled in any of the fields of history, science or art of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century century.


Aleix Gregori Purcet
Juan Alonso Fernández
which focuses on, in his own words
Based on this method, the goal of communication is to provide historical knowledge about the propaganda apparatus and consensus building of the rising Franco regime through an angle very little attention, photography. It is considered that fascism was a modern political project born with the aim of renewing art and as such, operates the tools and own channels of modernity. The photograph was no exception and this study draws a panoramic using as thread Figure photographer Josep Compte, a forgotten author who emerges inthe Second Republic and consolidates Franco's. Compte represents a link of continuity between modern and edgy advertising photography

     Catalyst IWM. Contemporary art and war

Exhibition catalog of the same, held at the Imperial War Museum in London. Numerous photographs of war

Pictures of World War II. Library of Congress

The Second World War was documented by onnhuge scale Thousands of photographers and artists WHO created millions of pictures. American military photographers Representing all of the armed services covered the battlefronts around the world. Every activity of the war was being depicted - training, combat, support services, and much more. On the home front, the war many federal agencies produced and collected pictures, posters, and cartoons on Such subjects as war production, rationing, and civilian relocation.
The pictures Described in esta list are from the holdings of the Still Picture Branch (NNSP) of the National Archives and Records Administration. Most are from the records of the Army Signal Corps in Record Group (RG) 111, the Department of the Navy in RG 80, the Coast Guard in RG 26, the Marine Corps in RG 127, and the Office of War Information in RG 208 . Others Were selected from the records of 12 additional agencies

     Gardner's photographic sketch book of the war. digital files of the original album pages

     Title: Gardner's photographic sketch book of the war.
     Other Title: Photographic sketchbook of the war
     Creator (s): Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882,.
     Related Names:
        Waud, Alfred R. (Alfred Rudolph), 1828-1891, artist
     Date Created / Published: Washington: Philp & Solomons, [1866]
     Medium: 2 v. : Ill. ; 32 x 43 cm.
     Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-ppmsca-12834 (. Digital files from the original album pages, vol 1) LC-DIG-ppmsca-13705 (digital files from the original album pages, vol. 2)
     Call Number: E468.7 .G2 (Case Y) [P & P] Copy 1
     Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC 20540 USA

  Photographers "British Official photograph"

British Official photograph "photographs are divided into different series.
Each photograph has a title and a legend at the back That describe the image and a number always prefixed with a letter.
The letter / s are:

Photographs E series (British Army in North Africa and the Middle East) Were taken by: # 1 Army Film and Photographic Unit
BU photographs and B series (Allied forces in North West Europe) Were taken by: # 5 Army Film and Photographic Unit
SE series (Allied forces in South East Asia) Were photographs taken by: No. 9 Army Film and Photographic Unit

     H series (British Army in Britain) Were photographs taken by War Office Official Photographers.
     A series (Admiralty Official Collection) Were photographs taken by Royal Navy Official Photographers
     C series (Air Ministry Official Collection) Were photographs taken by Royal Air Force Official Photographers
     GM series (British forces in Gibraltar and Malta) Were photographs taken by War Office Official Photographers.
     Some photographer's names of These photographs are shown here:

     Capt. Horton, Capt. Keating, Lt. Cash, Sgt. Flack, Lt. CJ Ware, Sgt. Laing, Lt. Spender, Lt. Taylor, Sgt. Oakes, Capt. d'Eyncourt, Lt. DC Oulds, Sgt. Midgley, Lt. O'Brien, Capt. Gade, Lt. L. Pelman, Sub Lt. DW Cooksey, Lt. Vanderson & Sgts. Chetwyn, R.H. G. Morris & Morris, Lts. McLaren & Mayne & Sgt. Slade, Sgt. Morris, Lt. JE RussellSgt. J. Deakin, Sgt. Taylor, No 9 Army Film & Photographic Unit, Sgt. Chetwyn, Lt RGG Coote.
         Imperial War Museum Search photographsMuseo the British Imperial War photographs Search
         You can explore a catalog of over 600,000 items in our collections here - pretty much everything in our databases in fact. There are items from aircraft down to shoes, photographs and art, weapons and toys, films, interviews and music, posters and letters, books from the library and records in the museum's own archives. Almost 90,000 of them Have digitized images, sound or video that you 'can see and hear right here.

Photography Mundial.La War II rear. USA. Ansel Adams. the Manzanar War Relocation Center.