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................The next lot was one of the early big tests, lot 4, Edward Steichen's In
Memoriam, 1901 (Female Nude), estimated at $400,000-600,000. It's an
important image that has come up before at auction and privately.
Several bidders in the room made a play for it, including New York
dealer Hans Kraus, Jr., who owned a copy previously, and
collector/dealer Michael Mattis. In the end it was New York gallerist
Howard Greenberg against Christie's consultant Matthieu Humery on the
phone with bidder 1763, whom I suspect was his boss at Christie's
Francois Pinault. Pinault is worth a reported $14 billion dollars.
Guess who won the bidding war on this one? Yes, bidder 1763 at
$665,000. It would not be the only time that bidder would make a dent
here. This lot would wind up as the second highest of this auction.
Given that the Musée d'Orsay had paid slightly over $400,000 in October
1999 for Steichen's 'In Memoriam' at the Jammes sale in London, which
set a record for a Steichen image at the time, this lot did not seem...................