Links Blue Mountain Project. Historic avant garde periodical for digital research. Princeton University.
Blue Mountain Project. Historic avant garde periodical for digital research. Princeton University.
The Blue Mountain Project is the common work of scholars, librarians,
curators, and digital humanities researchers whose mission is to create
a freely available digital repository of important, rare, and fragile
texts that both chronicle and embody the emergence of cultural modernity
in the West.
Drawing on Princeton University’s exceptional
collections and curatorial and academic expertise, the Blue Mountain
Project is a digital thematic research collection of art, music and
literary periodicals published between 1848, the year of the European
Revolutions, and 1923 – a functional boundary for works presumed to be
in the public domain.
La Cité: urbanisme, architecture, art public, Volume 1, Number 1, July 1919
Issue PDF (13.72 MB)
- La Chronique musicale: Revue bimensuelle de l'art ancien et modern
- La Cité: urbanisme, architecture, art public
- La Revue Musicale
- Le coeur à barbe: journal transparent
- Le mercure musical (La revue musicale S.I.M.)